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Extended Radii For Fat Stock Haulage
D ECISION was reserved by the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority last week when 10 B-licensees sought to extend their radii of operation to enable them to carry for the......
Leyland Introduce Pension Scheme
A PENSION and life.assurance scheme for all 'employees of Leyland Motors. Ltd., will, it is hoped, be introduced on January 1. It will eventually cover 10,000 workers—hourly......
2,000-mile Road Delivery
E IGHT special Leyland 53-seaters 1 --+ have travelled over 2.000 miles from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, for delivery to Thatcher Hobson and Co., Ltd., Broken Hill, Northern......
Improve Existing Roads, Says County Architect
R ATHER than build ambitious new roads, it would be better to improve existing highways, Mr. F. B. Pooley, Bucks county architect, told the annual conference 'of the National......
South African Road-rail Policy
" T HE railways and the roads are partners in the nation's transport set-up. There is still some leeway to be made up in establishing a larger measure of co-ordination between......
Loss Of Traffic Alarms Railways
B ECAUSE an applicant was transferring a vehicle from a C to a B licence he was not introducing another lorry. This was pointed out by the Northern Licensing Authority last week......
Summer Traffic For Coal Merchants
W HEN Mr. J. C. Lee (Messrs. J. Cunningham and Son), Parkside Avenue, Cockermouth, sought to carry lime, road grit and building materials within 25 miles to occupy his vehicle......
Scots Bodywork Preferred
S COTTISH bodybuilders should be given every opportunity to tender for contracts, Edinburgh Transport Committee decided last week, after a deputation representing the National......
Farnham By-pass Link
T HE need to proceed with a modified scheme for the construction of the central link of the Farnham by-pass was stressed to the Minister of Transport last week by a deputation......