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" Drastic " Railway. Plan Soon.: "keep Boards Off The Roads"
By Our Parliamentary Correspondent Pi A PLAN, described by the Minister of Transport as "drastic and exhaustive," for the re-equipment and modernization of the railways, will be......
Single-fare Camp Services Granted
F ivE coach operators were given permission by the West Midland Licensing Authority, last week, to charge single fares on services running between Donnington Army camp and......
3d. Or 4d. For Using Station?
H AVING proposed to charge 4d. per entry for vehicles using the new Royal Well bus station, Cheltenham Corporation have been advised by the Western Licensing Authority that 3d.......
Roads Above And Below
T HE first two prize-winning papers in the bicentenary competition of the Royal Society of Arts, on the subject of life in A.D. 2000, were about a scheme for rooftop roadways......