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Furniture Transport Position Eased
TEMPORARY arrangements have I been made to overcome the transport difficulties being experienced by Liverpool furniture manufacturers. As reported in The Commercial Motor on......
Fish Catches Market By Road
O NLY road transport could carry fish from Mey to Glasgow in time for market, the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority was told last week, when Mr. J. L. Simpson, a Mey haulier,......
Boats Diverted: Adequate Road Services Needed
CREWS of fishing boats from Lossie1 ---• mouth are sometimes forced to put into Burghead, Hopeman or Buckie, but they nevertheless want their fish to be taken to their home......
Bac Lose Scottish Traffic
P EOPLE in the north of Scotland might suffer because of a "drift of traffic" from British Railways to road transport, Mr. S. K. Thompson, for British Railways, told the......
"accountants Should Give Evidence !, Decause Certified...
earnings, produced by applicants as supporting evidence, were sometimes extremely guarded, the accountants responsible for them should be prepared to appear as witnesses. This......
Better Batteries Forecast By Oldham Chairman
T HE average battery today was a better product than before the war, but that did not mean that further technical discoveries might not be obtained, Mr. John Oldham, chairman of......
22 Years' Illegal Running
F OR 22 years, Bradford Corporation had operated buses over a small portion of a route in Shipley without the consent of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, it was stated in......