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Goods Transport Irish Ferry Growth Continued Development...
A new £100,000 company, under the title of Irish Sea Ferries Ltd., is to transport trailers and containers, using Warrenpoint as its Irish base, and operating to England and......
Cranes On Motorway
TO call attention to the fact that it was an offence to dr;ve mobile cranes on the Doneaster motorway was the reason given for the prosecution of three drivers and a company at......
Northampton L.d.o.y. A Northampton Round Of The Ra Lorry...
of the Year competition is again to be held in 1963: a suggested date is Sunday, June 23. The organizing secretary is Mr. A. E. Maynard, Arthur Mulliner Ltd.. Bridge Street,......
Rural Transport Deputation Pa A Strong Deputation Of...
by Mr. Rupert Speir, M.P. for Hexham, had a 45-minute meeting on rural transport problems with the Prime Minister and Transport Minister on Tuesday. Two main aspects of the......
E. Anglia—europe Freight Service
A NEW door-to-door road and ferry service between the Eastern Counties and continental Europe has been inaugurated, with the object of meeting the needs of manufacturers and......
Headlights Appeal T He National Road Transport Federa •...
a request from the Chief Constable of Somerset asking the Federation if it would publicize a Press notice regarding vehicle lighting. The Chief Constable draws 'attention to the......
News I N Brief
Sea Ferry : A sea ferry service between Dublin and Preston, Lanes, capable of shipping about 500 tons of goods in each sailing, will start operating early next year. Premises '......
Pipelines —a Common Carrier?
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE Minister of Power is expected to issue an order soon bringing into effect the Pipelines Act, 1962, which was passed into law by Parliament......