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Bulk Coal Vehicle In France It Is Believed That A...
Bulkflo Coal Model put into operation in France recently is the first vehicle of its type to be supplied on the Continent. Similar vehicles have, of course, been supplied to......
Technical Library Mmediate Access To Advanced Tech'...
information from all over the world is provided by the National Lending Library which has been opened at Boston Spa. Yorks, by Lord Hailsham, Minister for Science. With a......
Fund Donations D Onations Amounting To £968 To The...
Dawes Memorial Fund, organized by the Institute of the Motor Industry, have been allocated to the I.M.I. Educational Trust Fund and will augment the Stanley S. Dawes Bursaries.......
" The Motor" Road Tests T He 1962 Book Of The
Motor road tests has now been published. This 14th edition in the series contains full road test reports on no fewer than 43 cars ranging in size from a 697 c.c. B.M.W. to the......
Municipal Opportunities
Ilkeston Corporation General Works Committee invites tenders for the replacement of the Council's Lewin road sweeper vehicle. Birkenhead Corporation Municipal Transport......
Trailer Converted
A N interesting conversion has been 1 - 1, made to one of the attic trailers of Robert Wynn and Sons (Manchester). Ltd., heavy haulage contractors, to enable the vehicle to......
News I N Brief
French Lorry Output Up: Over the first 10 months of the current year some 186.800 commercial vehicles were produced in France. as compared with a total of 178,600 units for the......