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Reduced Servicing For B.m.c. Vehicles
THE recommended servicing intervals on all current, and some non-current, production commercial vehicle chassis manufacaired by the British Motor Corporation have been increased......
Greyhound Policy Change?
I T is reported that the Greyhound Corporation, the largest bus or coach operator in the United States, with 5,600 vehicles operating over 109.000 routemites, may be departing......
More Opels
IN Germany. some 13.800 Opel vans and I 10.600 goods vehicles were produced last year. as compared with figures of 13,200 and 5.900, respectively, for 1960.......
Orders And Deliveries 1316 Bus Orders: Leyland And Albion...
chassis worth £425,000 have been ordered by British operators. These push the value of bus orders placed with the Leyland Group this year to over £3 m. from the U.K.. alone.......