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Wednesday's Questions In The House
T HE snags of operating the spot checks on smoking vehicles which have been held this year were explained to the Commons on Wednesday by Mr'. Marples, the Minister of Transport.......
Tours Variation Bid
IN order to meet the demands from passengers who wish to travel on fixed income concession tours,:. W. Robinson and .Sons (Great Harwood) Ltd. applied to vary its excursion and......
Application Va Minister's 1 Lied Because Of Ntervention
INTERVENTION by the Minister of Labour to try te prevent .L the moving of a factory from Scotland to West Bromwich caused a London haulier, Alexandra Transport-. to modify by......
• Witnesses Needed
TEE Western Licensing Authority adjourned part of an application on Monday by. Mr. C. W. Payne, of Mealsham, who asked for an addition to his A licence of one bulk tipper and a......