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Published Rates And Road-rail Competition
HE Government does not yet know 1 for certain what rules about freight rates we would have to meet if Britain entered the Common Market, admitted Mr. Henry Brooke, the Home......
Working Conditions
A LL road transport workers were entitled to the protection afforded to workers in factories, and about to be afforded to those in offices and shops, said Mr. R. E. Prentice......
Meters For Tankers O Pp'osition M.p.s Are To Suggest That...
tankers should have flow 'meters attached to them so that there can be a guarantee that customers are obtaining the amount of petrol they are paying for. A forecast of this was......
Accident Analysis Sought A New Analysis Of Road Accidents...
past 10 years will be demanded from Mr. Marples in the House of Commons on December 12. Mr. Hector Hughes, Labour M.P. for North Aberdeen, wants the Minister to present the......
Bridge Or Tunnel ?
A DEMAND that the Government gives r -1 the nation more information about proposed cross-Channel links has bean made by the motoring organizations and other bodies representing......