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toadworks LI: Various between Salzburg and rienna. (Nov).
)ue to heavy roadworks on the Ll: Western approaches to rienna, it is suggested traffic use he A21 south of the city if at all ossible until further notice. lulletin 'rucks will be barred from the apid entry and exit lanes at the :ieferafelden motorway customs in Lustria during the 1989 summer oliday peak period.
Closures as follows: Rapid Export Traffic I: from londay 24 July at 06:00hrs ontinuously until Sunday 27 Lugust 1989 at 22:00hrs.
Rapid Export Traff II — Ramps and 1: front Thursday 3 August t 06:Wits continuously until ,unday 20 August at 22:00hrs.
Rapid Import Traffic 1: from 'riday 30 June until Friday 7 July nd from Friday 25 August until ,unday 3 September, during /eekends from Friday at 13:00hrs ntil Sunday at 22:00hrs.
From Friday 14 July at 13:00hrs anfinuously until Sunday 27 lugust at 22:00hrs.
Be ready for extra traffic during chord holidays (1 July-10 epterrilxil and public holiday (15 ,ugust).
loadworks 14 Namur. Sart-Bernard and larche-en-Fainenne (INN). 14: Between Bastogne and Arlon. I.IFN) • 313: Near Pail Junction (26) (UFN). ;17: At Gentbrugge Viaduct in irection of Kortrijk (ITN). 25: At Mabornpre near La Roche n Anienne and Manhay (UFN). 401 Near Aalst (Dec 1989) and Vekenraedt westbound CUFN). ;19: Between Wauthier-Braine and fivetles for 10km in Mons irection. Work to be carried out in wo stages (to 1-16 August and 17 ;ugust4 September).
42: At Rhisnes, north of Namur: pairs to viaduct. (UFN) 411: Champion, north of Namur. 11/R It): Antwerp ring road at tercham (March 1990).
tulletin chool holidays (1 July-31 August) rid a public holiday (15 August) ill increase congestion. ;25 Liege-Arlon: The section etween Vaux-sur-Sure and ,onglier opened on 29 June now ins the E25 and E411 at the onglier Neufchateau interchange.
loadworks L15: At Rouen — both directions. 189: Clermont Ferrand kirdeaux. Various, along entire tretch which is being upgraded to oat carriageway (1994).
'axis Boulevard Peripherique — various lane closures.
1186: North of Orly airport — fiversifying at Thiais (4 Sept). AO: Motorway construction. 1202: East of Digne at Annoe 655: North of Marseille. (15 Sept).
1)982: Between Lillebonne and Rouen (UFN).
A26: At Nord Ausques in both directions. Diversion via N43. N91: In vicinity Of La Grave between Grenoble and Briancon. Tunnel closed between 22:(X)hrs and 06:00hrs except weekends. A22: Gent — Lille at Rondin and Wasquehal.
N43: Benin Beaumont, diversions in town due to construction work. Bulletin Continuing over each weekend are restrictions on some roads for heavy vehicles and those carrying hazardous loads.
Heavy traffic moving south from the major cities from Friday afternoon. The A6, A7, A10, A13, N6, N7, N10, A9 and A86 will be particularly busy and delays likely.
The All between Le Mans and La Fleche is open. This makes it possible to drive (mostly toll motorway) from Calais via the Paris Peripherique to Nantes (southern Brittany/Vendee).
A31 south of Tool avoiding Dijon now open. This toll-free motorway makes it possible to avoid Dijon. There is restricted access into Dijon from the new section.
A7 section south of Salbris to Bourges, a distance of 57km has opened. Toll is 19FF. The section south of Bourges to Vaflon en Sully is scheduled to open in December, so closing the gap.
The 1990 Bison Fute map (French holiday route information) is now available at AA centres. It shows when and where bottlenecks are predicted at peak holiday periods. It is also available at port offices and French customs points.
Toll prices have increased on the Ile de Re causeway. Lorries up to 13 tonnes cost 110FF, over 13 tonnes and up to 26 tonnes 243FF, and over 26 tonnes 336FF.
Public holiday on 15 August and school holidays (30 June-3 September).
A new upgraded "Super" petrol will be available on many forecourts, nicknamed "SuperSuper", in leaded and unleaded versions with an octane rating of 97-98.
Roadworks AI: Several sections to north-east and south-west of Hamburg. (UFN).
A3: East of Offenbach (Aug).
A4: South of KOIn (Oct).
A5: Near Offenbach (1 Nov).
A6: Several sections to the east of Mannheim. (UFN)
M3: Munchen (Sept).
A39: Near Salzgitter. (Oct). A49: At Kassel south motorway crossroads with A44.
Bulletin Very heavy traffic expected this weekend. Congestion expected on AS, AS, A3. Al and in Mfinchen and the Min/Dusseldorf area. Al its worst on Friday afternoon and evening, likely to be busy at the weekend and on Monday.
Border crossing into Austria and Switzerland very busy. Congestion caused by school holidays until 11 September. Regions as follows: Nordrhein-Westfalen: 22 June-S August.
Rheinland-Pfalz:. 29 June-9 August. Saarland: 29 June-14 August. Schleswig-Holstein: 13 July26 August.
Hamburg and Hessen: 17 July-28 August. Bremen and Niedersachsen: 20 July-30 August..
Berlin: 20 July-20 August.
Bayern: 27 July-11 September. The German Grand Prix will also affect traffic on 30July in the Hockenheim area (near Speyer on east bank of Rhine).
Roadworks A22: Brenner — Bolzano. (UFN) A24: Between Villa Vomano and Teramo, east of L'Aquila. Tunnel closed between 20:00hrs and 07:00hrs. Diversion (UFN). Bulletin Chiasso border crossing near Como continues to delay commercial traffic — tourists still passing through with little delay.
Traffic will be affected by school holidays (18 June-18 September) and a public holiday (15 August).
On-the-spot fines can now cost up to £150 for parking and movingtraffic offences must be paid in local currency. Rome and Milan have introduced the wheel clamp. NETHERLANDS Roadworks A2: South west of Eindhoven at Waalre Junction (29 Sept).
South west of Eindhoven at Weert. A6: North of Lelystad at Ketelbrug (1 Dec).
A15: East of Rotterdam at Junction with A16 (1 Nov).
A28: Epe (near Amersfoort). A28: West of Zwolle at Nunspeet. A67: East and west of Eindhoven near Asten (31 July).
A342: Near German border crossing at Denekamp. Traffic advised to use the Oldenzaal crossing.
Al2: Between junction Oudemrik, and the Galecopper bridge near Iltrecht (Eastbound).
Bulletin A261 north of Tilburg. New section between Loon op Zond and the A59 opened on 28 June. Congestion likely during I July-3 September.
Roadworks Nil: West of Barcelona.
N340: Malaga to Marbella: resurfacing, care required.
N330: Jaca to French frontier. Delays between 12.00 hrs and 19.00 hrs Mondays to Thursdays. Bulletin Very heavy traffic around the coastal resorts and on the borders with France.
Traffic will be affected by school holidays (1 July-15 Sept) and a public holiday (15 August). SWITZERLAND Roadworks N13: To the north and south of the St Bernardino Tunnel (UFN). N2: South of Basel between Belchen Tunnel and Haerkingen in direction of Luzern (Aug 89). Bulletin Traffic will be affected by school holidays between 22 June and I September.
Roadworks E70: Zagreb bypass, lane closures in operation.
Bulletin A ban on goods vehicles over five tonnes at Serbia, Croatia and Vojvodina from 15.00hrs to 20.00hrs and in Slovenia from 14.00hrs to 19.00hrs.