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EAST ANGLIA ON RIGHT TRACK • East Anglia has been ack to the Datatrak vehicle track system, which locates vehicl via a computerised series of maps. Contact Datatrak at......
Road News
BRAINTREE BYPASS • The A 12u Braintree and Rayne bypass is now open. It forms part of the planned eastwest route from the M40 to Felixstowe and Harwich, and improves access to......
• London And The South East
M1 London: outside sass cliised oft peak between 1.:1 5 (Seratchwcud•Hami w l. M4 London: Outside lane closed in both directions between J3 and J4 (A312Meathrow) between Illam......
• Midlands And East Anglia
M5 West Midland: Ctintraflow between .11 'West Bromwich) and M6 ton northbound side). Still no southbound access and no south. hound exit at .11. M5 Hereford: and Worcester:......
• The North .
M6 Loneashire: Inside lane and Itardshoulder closed lot bridge repairs between 127 and M56 Cheshire: Contiallow between Junction 6 (A;28) West bound entry slip dosed.......
• Wales And The West M5 Gloucestershire: Contrafkiw...
M8 Gwent: Cuntraflow with lane closures between 129 and J29A (Cattle-ton). A40 Gloucestershire: Draina g e work at Longbow. temporary traffic lights in operation. A31 Dorset:......
• Scotland Mm St Rathe I Yde: Eastbound Exit Donedaij
13. A90,A90 Fife: Forth Road Bridge rectalstnicturn as re q uired A901A90 Fife: Forth Road Bridge recoilAt action as re q uired A96 Grampian: Various restrictions between......
Minner Cities
LONDON: Strand I Indermiss: Cloned. Cornhill. City: Closed between Grace Church Street and the Bank. Diversions for westbound traffic. Holborn Area: Burst water mains affectin g......