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I Davies Turner 2raig )erek Craig Has Been Pronoted To
manager of Davies turner's Scottish branch and lepot in Cumbemauld, near 3lasgow. He joined from MSAS where re was sales executive in East icotland.......
I Royal Mail Paternational Ioodyear Like Goodyear Has...
airmail distribution manaer at Heathrow and Gatwick irports for Royal Mail Intemaional. In this role he evaluates ervice levels of 55 contracted irlines and ad hoc negotiations......
Dcs Group Porter Kutomotive Computer Supplier Lie Dcs...
appointed 'iue Porter overseas operaions manager, based at Leamington Spa headquarters. She joined the group five rears ago as overseas support mnsultant and became area......
• Austin Rom Oliver Colin Oliver Has Filled The...
position of aftersales director at Austin Rover's Canley headquarters in Coventry. Prior to this he worked at GKN Autoparts for nine years.......
• T&n Hartley Vice-chancellor Of Cranfield Institute Of...
Frank Hartley, has become a non-executive director of the T&N board.......
• Mrs (distribution)
DOUGHERTY Scottish distribution and warehousing company MRS (Distribution), has appointed Martin Dougherty sales manager. • Before this he was sales manager for Securicor......
• Steyr Trucks (uk) Loringibulkley Paul Loring Has Joined...
Trucks' Leeds base as regional sales manager (north) from Leyland Daf, where he was regional manager north-east. Peter Bulkley has become regional sales manager (south) at Steyr......
• Harris D Istribution
TU N N EY Frank Tunney has been appointed marketing director by Harris Distribution. the Manchester-based specialist distribution company. Based at the company's Eurotemiinal,......
• Eicel Logistics Hobb/cooke Nfc's Newly-launched...
two senior appointments in its Grocery and Leisure companies. Derek Hobbs becomes managing director, Exel-LogisticsGrocery, and Gordon Cooke is managing director,......
• Heronfreight Smith
Heronfreight, the transport management and distribution of division of Heron International, has appointed Martin Smith as deputy managing director. Smith has 21 years'......
Association Of Metropolitan Authorities
MEREDITH Councillor Jack Meredith hte been elected chairman of the Public Transport Committee ot the Association of Metropolitan Authorities, replacing Councillor Michael......
• Iceland Frozen Foods Calder Peter Calder Has Been Promoted
to northern warehouse and distribution operations manager of frozen retailer Iceland Frozen Foods, responsible for the Deeside and Milton Keynes depots.......