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Yr Tests Bus Scheme
• Yorkshire Rider has built a 150m test track and equipped a double-deck bus to demonstrate its plans for a guided busway in Leeds (CM 29 June5 July). An MCW Metrobus has been......
Lb Drivers Accept Management Package
• Drivers and conductors at London Buses have accepted the company's pay offer. The package is worth about 8.8%, according to LB, but is valued by the Transport and General......
Hopes Fade Fol Mcw Workers
• Metro-Carmel! Weymann staff have left for their threeweek annual holiday facing the threat of redundancy when their notice expires in early August. Meanwhile, 53 Metrobus......
Wyrc In Takeover Deal
• West Yorkshire Road Car is set to lose its Leeds and Bradford operations to Yorkshire Rider in a takeover deal involving 120 buses and 400 employees. AJS Holdings subsidiary......