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Bridge Of Size • The Rha Has Welcomed The Dtp's
decision to issue Vehicle Special Orders to heavy haulage operators who move concrete beams and steel bridge beams. The special orders authorise the use of vehicles carrying two......
No To Speed Limiters
• The Government has rejected a new call for lorry speed limiters — but will consider special "slow down" signs on Britain's motorways. In the House of Lords last week, Labour......
Air Tight Call
• Tighter security for hauliers delivering air cargo to airports has been recommended by the MPs of the All Party Transport Committee. In a report published last week they......
Bottomley's Wheel Worry
• Improved maintenance is needed to prevent lorry wheels coming off, then Transport Minister Peter Bottomley said last week. He was asked by Tory MP Roger King what action was......
Lancs Staff Cuts • Psv Operator Lancaster City Transport Is
to make 48 staff redundant, says managing director Thomas Knowles. Thirty one fulltime staff, 15 on short-term contracts, and two temporary employees will leave the company in......
Tacho Fees To Fall
• Tachograph calibration fees are to come down from £32.21 to £28.11 (ex-VAT), but the fee for biennial inspections is to rise from £13.82 to 217.93 (exVAT). This follows a......
• Erf Trucks Has Appointed Bob Kyle As Manufacturing...
at it Sandbach plant with respor sibility for directing all aspects of truck production Peoples place • Iveco Ford main dealer Peoples Liverpool was not included in the......