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Air Brake Dia Ostics Checking Th System
Air brake system defects ire the major cause of HGV annual test and roadside test failures. Vehicle Inspectorate fu:ures showed that in 1987/88 almost one third of these annual......
Compressor Output Connect The Pressure Gauges To The...
reservoirs, start the engine and check the time it takes for the pressure in each reservoir to reach the level recommended by the manufacturer (usually between 7 and 9 bar).......
System Protection Valve Create A Leak In Each Reservoir In
turn. Pressure should not be lost from either of the other rem rvoirs below the closing pressure settir.g of the protection valve.......
Service Brake Valve See That The Foot Pedal Can Be
fully depressed and check that the brake valve pressures comply with the manufacturer's specification.......
Park/secondary Brake Ensure That The Supply Pressure To...
valve is correct, then check the pressure at each port in park, secondary and driving positions.......
Hand Control Valve
Similarly, test input and output pressures on the trailer control valve progressively with park, secondary and service brake valve actuation. Check maximum pressure to the......
Load - Sensing Valve
Test and load-sensing valve actuation by coupling pressure gauges to the input and output ports. Check output pressure to deflection as per the manufacturer's procedures.......
Brake Actuators Connect Gauges To The Test Points On Each
individual actuator and check the progressive and maximum brake pressure rise on application of park, secondary and foot valves. By use of a split rolling road it is possible to......
Trailer Check Tyres, Air Reservoirs, Protection Valves,...
A typical system diagram is provided with each TEST CASE that shows the location of the various test points on the vehicle provided by the manufacturer for carrying out the......