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• Eleven Youths In Sutton Coldfield Last Week Had Their
unauthorised dip in the local school swimming pool interrupted by the appearance of the West Midlands traffic police helicopter hovering overhead. The aircraft was called in......
Dogcatcher For Barking
• The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham has opted for an Iveco Ford Turbo Daily with two specially-built demountable bodies to tackle the problem of stray animals in the......
• Last Christmas We Spotted A Trend In The Haulage
industry: the return to the humble wheelbarrow. On that occasion we undertook a detailed roadtest, noting the excellent productivity of the vehicles. It seems the results of......
• On Sunday 6 Au Gust There Will Be A
very special parade of buses through the centre of London to celebrate 50 years of the RT bus, one of the most successful bus designs ever built. More than 7,000 RTs operated in......