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21 Tory Demands for Better Roads

27th September 1957
Page 38
Page 38, 27th September 1957 — 21 Tory Demands for Better Roads
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TWENTY-ONE resolutions calling 1 for better roads are included in the agenda of the Conservative Party annual conference at Brighton from October 9-12. Only one of them has been selected for debate,

This is sponsored by Mr. John M Howard, M.P., on behalf of Southampton Test Conservative and Ratepayer Association. It urges the Government "to speed up the construction of new highways, particularly those linked to our ports, in view of the importance of the transport system in keeping our exports at competitive pricks, and the degree to which transport costs affect the prices of goods consumed at home,"

Among the 412 resolutions in the agenda is one calling for reduction in fuel tax. It comes from Wandsworth Central Conservative. Association and is intended "for the express purpose of effecting a reduction in passenger fares and freight charges." It has not been chosen for debate.

Four resolutions deal with road safety. Another urges the Government to give more freedom to small bus operators and reduce restrictions on small buses to enable new services to be started in rural areas.