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A PLAINTIVE call for an altruistic approach to passenger transport by workers and their trade unions came this week from Mr. J....
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D OAD transport in West Germany is in a state of profound disquiet. It stems from the policy of an allegedly pro-railway...
Speed, Bonnie Boat A FAREWELL luncheon to that dynamic Scot Alex Fraser, following his retirement, already announced, from...
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EADERS of the Road Haulage Association are to be urged at the " Association's Conference at Rothesay, from October 14-16, to...
TWENTY-ONE resolutions calling 1 for better roads are included in the agenda of the Conservative Party annual conference at...
COR security reasons a paper entitled "Road Transport in an Emergency" is to be discussed in private at the autumn conference...
T HE appeal by 19 local authorities in the north-east against fare increases granted to United Automobile Services, Ltd., was...
sugar-beet crop is expected to be 1m. tons below last year's total of 5m. tons, 31m. tons of which were estimated to have been...
D ESP1TE the bus strike from July 20-28, the British Transport Commission's provincial and Scottish bus undertakings earned...
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'FULL support for the workin g of the I West Midland Maintenanee Committee was promised by Mr. C. N Christensen, Midland...
T ARRYING 7 tons of metal windows . Is- , a lorry belon g in g to Henry Hope and Sons, Ltd., Halford Lane. Smethwick, made its...
A FTER the summer recess, the Transport Tribunal, will resume hearings next Thursday, when the appellants will he Wri g ht...
S KID tests, usin g a decelerorneter, have been made by West Ridin g County Council, on the moorland road at Spa Clou g h, near...
P RODUCTION of the Thames van is likely to be transferred wholly or partly from Da g enham to the Don : caster works of Bri gg...
T WO A.E.C. Reliance coaches will set out, one on Sunday and the other on Monday, on a 20-day tour to Moscow. The vehicles are...
A HAULIER, who allowed an A i — k licence to lapse a n d then failed to produce satisfactory fi g ures of need. althou g h...
parent company, Potteries Motor-Traction Co., Lld.,-will take place next' year. Plans for. the Mer g er -were disclosed when,...
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MR. 1. L. LEWIS has been appointed South Wales sales representative of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co.. Ltd. ALDERMAN JOSEPH...
F IGURES issued by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders on Tuesday, show a drop of approximately 11.3m, in the value...
A SUBMISSION by British Railways Pl that there was no evidence on which grants could be made was rejected by the Yorkshire...
A N electrical transformer weighing 168 tons, stated to be the heaviest electrical equipment ever to be moved by road, was...
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A SUBMISSION that the wron g concern had been summoned was rejected by Stroud ma g istrates, last Friday, when Wri g ht Bros....
TWO, months after receiving the first I. deputation from the Passen g er Vehicle Operators' Association and the Public...
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A DELEGATE conference of the In. Transport and General Workers' Union is to be called shortly to discuss the London busmen's...
J TONT applications for a Halifax-Torquay express service are to be made by Hebble Motor Services, Ltd., Halifax, and Yelloway...
A N order for 165 Mercedes-Benz buses has been placed by the Ceylon Transport Board. They are to cost Rs.3m. and delivery is...
have been authorized by the President of Pakistan, under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1957, to form a road transport board to...
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Sunderland Ordered to End Cheap Day Tickets : Nottingham, South Shields Minima May Go Up stem this downward trend, or a...
IN an effort to combat the decline in passenger traffic, the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co., Ltd., are putting into...
Municipal Passenger Transport Association have now been announced. In section one, for administrative and supervisory staffs,...
W AGE costs would be cut by £70 a week by the introduction of oneman buses, Mr. J. Rostron, general manager of the...
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ra A MAN who gave up his job as a water inspector to start a haulage business was told by the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing...
C ONDIT1ONS imposed by Cumberland County Council on business premises used by a haulier and garage proprietor were the subject...
T HE range of bodywork to be exhibited at the Duple Show, to be held by Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., Edgware. Road, The Hyde,...
on about 90 miles of the Great Northern Railway Board's system in Ulster for the last time. It is hoped that the G.N.R. and the...
W E hope that demands for increased wages will not be made where they are not covered, and more than covered, by increases in...
Co-operative Association announced that they had decided to help societies to improve standards of packing and to encourage the...
F OR the first time for 17 years New York City bus services have shown a profit. The amount is £2,470, compared with last...
T HE British Transport Commission's harbours charges scheme, to which the Road Haulage Association and others objected, has...
A N offer to acquire the issued ordinary capital of £250,000 of Motor and Electronics Corporation is to be made by Simms Motor...
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A FACTORYhas been built by rockhouse Engineering, Ltd., West Bromwich, for the manufacture of torque-converter transmission...
A N agreement has been reached between Tube Investments, Ltd., and the Reynolds Metals Group. U.S.A., to cot/Thine the...
T HE opening of the new maintenance depot built by Reed Transport, Ltd., at Aylesford, Kent (The Commercial Motor, last week),...
THREE vans with musical horns had I been operated in Lincolnshire for 3+ years without complaint, a director of an ice-cream...
A N A N• application by an East Cumberland haulier for a larger vehicle, which came before the Northern Licensing Authority,...
U FINLIKE the English contest, the 1 4-. 1 finals of the Sottish Commercial Vehicle Driver of the Year Competition, to be held...
T HE express service between Glasgow and Campbeitown, operated by David NacBrayne; Ltd., could solve a transport problem for...
R ATES for the transport of coke in bulk have been agreed between the North-Western (Eastern) Area of the Road Haulage...
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A A F1VE-DAY workin g week for Sheffield bus workers was su gg ested by CHr. Sidney Dyson, chairman of the transport committee,...
stockists have been appointed by Guy Motors, Ltd., Wolverhampton. They are Barker and Williams, Ltd., Bordesley Green, Birmin...
T HE followin g rates for the hire by the General Post Office of vans for the carria g e of Christmas mails have been a g reed...
A DUMPER, valued at £350. is being offered by the Thwaites En g ineerin g Co., Ltd., Leamin g ton Spa, to the person who can...
A N extensive area such as the West Ridin g of Yorkshire needed a throu g h coach service to Bournemouth side by side with rail...
Belfast Transport Department on account of traffic con g estion were reduced by more than half—front 1,978 to 950. From Au g...
A SPECIAL effort to keep buses runnin g more re g ularly, despite increased con g estion, is continuin g to succeed, London...
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M DST insulated and refrigerated bodies are sold at their face In an effort to 'establish a standard, The Commercial Motor has...
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John F. Moon A.M.I.R.T.E. Air-pressure Brakes on Conuner-Scammell 10-11ton Unit Stand Up Well to Severe Tests T HE first...
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A N apparatus for cooling and scrub bing the exhaust gases from oil engines has been developed at the instigation of Mr. F. A....
DR1VATE cars and public transport systems of great cities in Britain and America were now engaged in a life-and-death...
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Door-to-door Freight Service from Britain to the Continent is Provided by Trukair Through the Co-operation of Express Carriers...
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A START is to be made next March on the first full-length motorway ever to be built in this country—a direct link between...
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Seven Vehicle and Four Trailer Makers Show Air Suspension Systems at Frankfurt Lighter Goods Chassis Forward Control...
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O RGANIZATIONS have characters of their own, and the lineaments of such a character arc nowhere better revealed than in the...
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MORE FOR LESS T HE purchasing power of the wages of a top-rate municipal bus driver has increased by about 9 per cent. in the...
1 - 1 A PROGRESSIVE decline in the value of the C had emphasized the importance of the size of the pay packet, said the paper...
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SLIGHTLY better than 16.3 m.p.g. was returned by a Bedford 7-tortner in which a Ford 6D oil engine had been installed, when...
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Wheel Alignment Gauge A NEW optical alignment gauge, modified to make the alignment of small wheels easier, is to be...
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By The Hatvk W HAT goes on at the Atkinson factory was amply demonstrated to trade friends (and some competitors!) last week...
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• OVERHEADS Are Up, Too ! Rating, Postal and Telephone Charges . are Among the Rising Establishment Expenses that Will Hit...
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PA A NEW lightweight 10-cwt. three' wheeled trolley with automatic transmission has been announced by Whades (Sussex), Ltd.,...
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A IR cooling for engine cylinders forms the subject of Patent No. 781,367, the chief feature of which is that the air current...