Bus Chairman Urges Five-day Week
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AA F1VE-DAY working week for Sheffield bus workers was suggested by CHr. Sidney Dyson, chairman of the transport committee, at the comMittee's annual tour of inspection. He said that by attracting sufficient labour of the right type a five-day week was possible even with seven-day transport. Negotiations should be entered into with the trade unions to find a solution.
CIIr. Dyson said increased fares were necessary for an efficient transport
system. but sometimes the only people opposing the increases were trade unions, who ought to understand that increased revenue meant proper rises in wages. The committee visited the Greenland Road site, Darnall, where the city's largest bus garage is being built on a site carved out of the hillside, with open parking space for 100 buses. Two hundred buses will use the garage for servicing and repair. The committee also saw an 8-1--acre site for a garage at Olive Grove Road.