Miles Druce Group supports A application
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BEFORE the North Western deputy LA, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, at Manchester last week, G. Sweeney Transport Ltd.. Rochdale, sought a new A licence for six flat vehicles 381 tons with a normal user of steel and steel products for the Miles Druce Ltd. group of companies, Great Britain and subject to the surrender of a Contract A licence. The application was opposed by British Rail and BRS.
For the applicant, Mr. J. Backhouse referred to the published application for five vehicles, saying a further vehicle had been subsequently added, the LA being notified by letter and the objectors having agreed to proceed with the application as amended. All six vehicles were on Contract A licence with Trafford Park Steel Co. Sweeney had a further four vehicles, two on A and two on B licence.
Mr. Backhouse said the Miles Druce group of companies was made up of seven different concerns with nine depots throughout the country of which Trafford Park Steel Co. was one. As a result of the increase in the work for that company use had had to be made of the vehicles on the public A licence, which had resulted in inconvenience to and complaints from other customers. His client's difficulty could be corrected by applying for additional vehicles on Contract A were it not for the financial consideration involved, and the fact that Miles Druce group wished the vehicles on Contract A to work for other group members. The contract work initially was mainly local but as additional vehicles were introduced regular journeys farther afield were now involved and on one occasion goods for a group member, other than Trafford Park, had been inadvertently picked up on a return journey.
The company's managing director, Mr. G. Sweeney, said the business was started in 1957 and no business other than haulage was involved. Particularly in the past year journeys had been regularly undertaken for the Trafford Park Co., to North Wales, London, West Bromwich, Brandon, Leeds, Bristol, Newcastle, Derby and Leicester.
Under cross-examination by Mr. T. E. Hallhead for BRS it transpired some destinations were not so regularly served but as far as possible the journey schedule prepared by the Trafford Park Co. was maintained. Mr. Sweeney had not approached BRS for assistance, only private hauliers— members of the RHA. In answer to Mr. W. Troman, for British Rail, Mr. Sweeney said the earnings were influenced by wage increases.
A director of Trafford Park Steel Co. Ltd., Mr. E. A. Vayes, supported the applica non to enable Sweeney to become as compet tive as the other hauliers employed and wh were on public A licence. Following such grant he hoped to see a reflection in the rate charge. He was particularly concerned wit the rate to London. The Miles Druce grou was being reorganized on and from Januar I and would thereafter trade under one nami He would expect Sweeney to get a grou backload on every occasion. This wool counteract the loss in earnings from Traffor Park Steel from the result of the Sweene vehicles now on contract having a slowc turnround. He could not say there was shortage of vehicles, but a shortage c hauliers who could do their work proper13 After other evidence in support the applicE tion was adjourned.