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Ti! E use of computers having been accepted—even only occasionally—for some transport administrative tasks such as scheduling...
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JOLVO trucks are to be sold in this V country from next January. A new corn my, based in Glasgow, has been set up to :t as...
HELL-MEX AND 13P LTD. are to apply the Dunlop Maxaret braking control to 12 of air Scammell tractors for operation through...
EARLY one million pounds worth of goods were stolen in London last year from mmercial vehicles in nearly 50 cases of hi:king...
Joint TRTA/MAA credit cards By S. Buckley, AssocInstT THE delay incurred through a breakdown is itself a serious matter for an...
THE Carlisle area committee of the TRTA northern division has written to Cumberland County Council expressing concern over the...
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T4JEGOTIATIONS are taking place this week between BRS and the Transport and General Workers' Union following the BRS...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT r E official strike of 649 transporter c i lrivers, ferry men and yard workers of the Longbridge...
BRMSH Vita Co. Ltd., of Middleton, chester, has acquired the balance of shams of the two transport companies of Vi Noble and...
THE Scottish Milk Marketing Board increased the standard haulage charges gallon of' milk to meet general increase: transport...
TRANSFER of a substantial volume of trE• from A40 to A4 since the opening of Severn Bridge is blamed by hauliers for groN...
A WARNING on the difficulties eneount on Shap Fell during the winter has gone from the Road Haulage Association to members....
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KR. I. E. RAYMOND, chairman, FL British Railways Board, and Sir ginald Wilson, deputy chairman and maging director, Transport...
'HE attention of the Ministry of Transport and the RHA has been drawn by Belgian Customs the full implications of Annex 4(t) of...
CCIDENTS when tilt cabs have tilted while lorries were in motion have led the IA highways and vehicles committee to lect...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Conservative Party is to open its 84th annual conference at Blackpool on October 12 with...
N EWS was given at the Transport Association luncheon in London on Tuesday by the chairman, Mr. F. L. lolly of Ackworth...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL M otorway CORRESPONDENT A S revealed by Mr. John Davies, C D ELEGATES at the world meeting of the...
M ARKET research for the TRTA maintenance inspection scheme has started within a 25-mile radius of both Leeds and Manchester....
Normandy Ferries NORMANDY FERRIES is moving its Southampton headquarters to a new building, Queen's Park House, 2 Queen's...
BRITAIN'S biggest-yet national camp against all accidents—" Stop Accidi Year"—will be launched on October 4 by Royal Society...
ACOCKERMOUTH (Cumberland) man this week awarded .f91 10s. redunch payment at an Industrial Tribunal in Carl Mr. George Wharton,...
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IR. J. ROSTRON, manager and engineer of Grimsby Cleethorpes Transport, has oiled to the Joint Transport Committee I the...
T a sitting of the Northern Area Traffic ' Commissioners, West Hartlepool Town 1ncil last week sought an all round increase a...
LDERMAN John Rafferty, chairman of Leeds City Transport Committee, has losed that Leeds Corporation Transport iartment is to...
A RAPIDLY growing Basingstoke (Hants) plant hire firm would be unable to carry on business if it could not license its own...
London the deputy Metropolitan Licensing Authority last week dismissed an application in the absence of the applicant, Mr. J....
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B EFORE the North Western deputy LA, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, at Manchester last week, G. Sweeney Transport Ltd.. Rochdale, sought a...
A ROAD haulage firm was put on "trial" for three months by the Licensing Authority in Carlisle last week to see if it could...
A N application from a Pakistani resident in London, which caused some confusion, and ended with the hearing being adjourned,...
e t NE-MAN operation of double-deck buses will be introduced experimentally on London Transport's route 424...
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THE West Midlands Licensing Authority, Mr. John Else, made a grant in a takeover application heard in Birmingham on Tuesday...
MEMBERS of the staff of Gartree Prison, Leicestershire, gave evidence at a traffic court at Nottingham last week in support of...
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I T was no use regulating traffic flow and limiting car use unless there was something positive to put in its place, the...
LEICESTER'S municipal bus undertaking showed a trading surplus of £155,298 for the year ended March 31 1966 according to the...
U NION officials and the management of East Yorkshire Motor Services met last week in an effort to settle the dispute over...
AN interesting experiment now being staged by London Transport is the operation of 100 buses equipped with Firestone tubeless...
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The quote above is from Mr. T. Hewitt of Taunton Meat Haulage Limited. He goes on to say that the maintenance cost for his...
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J)ELIVERY was made recently to Halifax Passenger Transport of the first of seven Daimler Fleetline double-deckers—the first...
O NE of the most interesting passenger vehicle orders to be placed on the opening day of the Commercial Motor Show was for four...
A CHANCE to see the latest luxury coach ./ - 1. bodies from Duple and Plaxton and take them out on demonstration is once again...
British engineers think Paris transport authorities could learn a lot from UK "T BELIEVE that the Regie Autonomes des...
D UPLE MOTOR BODIES LTD. has received an order from Afghanistan for five 51 - seat service buses—the first from that province...
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gEDDON Diesel Vehicles Ltd. of Oldham, Lancashire, manufacturers of Seddon commercial vehicles, and Klockner-HumbohDeutz. A.G.,...
NEXT year the Ford Motor Co. Ltd. will be 1 1 introducing goods chassis for operation at the latest maximum gross weights....
A DDMONAL factory space amounting to 30,000 sq. ft. has been acquired by the British Trailer Co. Ltd. opposite its existing...
A NEW triple-diaphragm lock actuator brake chamber and spring-brake actuator are being exhibited for the first time at Earls...
66T AM still not satisfied. We know the 1. public is expecting action on such vital matters as improved braking standards for...
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By lain Sherriff, MITA C RMCAL comment on some aspects of the British motor industry is becoming a hardy annual at the...
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M ANY of the older school of hauliers prided themselves that they could move anything offered, quite often advertising the fact...
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must think anew By S. BUCKLEY, Assoc lust T T RANSPORT is an integral and vital part of urban planning. It is a key factor in...
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A N addition to the Hunter range of wheel alignment equipment marketed by Hill Equipment Ltd. is the Lite-a-Line 906-BTC, a...
A BOOK which exemplifies the most recent practices in the welding of aluminium is Alcan's Welding Aluminium— Manual TIG and...
A MOBILE radio offering up to 12 channels has been introduced by Stomo Ltd. Known as the Stomophone 600, the new set is fully...
Ar l additional range of quartz iodine fog and spot lamps has been introduced by Bosch Ltd., to meet market demand. The lamps...
transporter is offered by Powell and Co. which also acts as a lifter and mobile drain stand. One man can load and lift drums...
T HE type T 105M Telemax electronic thermometer, made by Telemechanics Ltd., is a multi-position reading instrument intended...
APABLE of balancing wheels withi two minutes is the Bada M-60 who balancer from Grantham Rubber Machiner Co. Ltd. The accuracy...
A CARTRIDGE-LOADING side-lev grease gun with an operating pressu of 8,000 lb. per sq. in. has been added the Swematic grease...
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NELEGATES and speakers at the third Fleet Management Conference, organized by COMMERCIAL MOTOR and held at London Hilton last...
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THERE are four main sectors of interest on the chassis makers' stands at this year's Commercial Motor Show—new models, lew...
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It's all done with Atkinsons—Bulk Fuel Transporters. You fill up at the Depot, drive off direct to your customer. Your...
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a mockery of the whole braking regulations because if a chassis has an efficiency of only 50 per cent when empty it is going to...
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['TALKING around Earls Court after V V spending the weeks before the opening Ting to evaluate the standards of the equiplent...
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T ° quote the cost per ton mile of operating a vehicle only tells part of the transport story. The yardstick of transport...
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F OLLOWING the tentative foothold it gained at the last Commercial Motor Show, the single-decker bus designed for oneman...
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remendous gain' ?EEL I cannot leave this opportunity of thanking you for a most ellent Fleet Management Conference. I,...
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TRANSPORT SERVICE EQUIPMENT ON SHOW D URING the 24 months since the last Commercial Motor Show there has been a great deal of...
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LRC 50 air brake tester and the JAR rporter mobile tyre inflater. Boscombe Precision Engineering Co has wide range of space...
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UCCESS stories are plentiful in the road transport industry. Unfortunately there are also some failures. The Board of 'rade's...
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D ELEGATES attending another successful conference organized by the Institute of Transport at Oxford last weekend learnt of at...
G OING a bit farther than from Pudding Corner to Pie Lane, or vice versa, a 1934 Dennis fire engine from P. A. Adorian's...
N O expert in electrickery, I tend to lag behind in appreciation of the technical developments in vehicle lighting, and I...
T TRIED two cars in which four 51 in. quartz iodine headlamps 1. with sharp (European) cut-off were compared with (a) standard...
scatter, the rectangular 80/60w. headlamps which Luc showed also looked more suitable for Continental than for systems....
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UFFICIENCY and productivity have been repeatedly stressed Li as necessary objectives in transport as in other industries if n...
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Victory repeats 17i% VICTORY TRANSPORT announced that pre-tax profits for the year that terminated on June 30 amounted to...
r HE economic finds of natural gas in the North Sea will have L a number of challenging repercussions. First, the country ill...