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I N the face of the all-round depression in trade and great increase in unemployment, the uncertainty which has existed in the...
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T "progress which is being made in the development of the portable machine for ticket issuing and printing, suitable for use by...
vORGIVENESS should be freely accorded to the layman who has concluded that all the business of motor coach and bus operators...
present one of the most thorny problems in connection with the compression-ignition engine is that of lubrication. In certain...
who consider purchasing light goods chassis, particularly those of foreign origin, which may be used partly for 'passenger...
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A g eneral meetin g of those engaged or concerned in the long-distance haula g e of goods by road, including vehicle owners,...
The Ministry of Transport has recently issued a return g ivin g particulars of the number of mechanically propelled road...
Amon g st important concernswhich have recently placed repeat orders with the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., are the followin g , the...
The secretary to the Ministry of Transport recently announced that it has been represented strongly to the Minister, by...
TN our issue for next week we I shall publish a full report, written in advance, of the commercial-motor exhibits that will be...
• The second preliminary conference of dele g ates from independent bus proprietors' associations is to take place to-day, and...
Amon g st our pa g es of advertisements will be found an int e resting announcement by the Whittington Trust, Ltd., this being...
We were present, last week, at the fourth annual dinner of the Industrial Transport Association, which was attended by a...
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We extend our congratulations to Mr. G. E. Gilbey, of Messrs. Gilbey and Sons, the well-known haulage contractors, of...
Halley Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow, announces new prices for its 4-ton and 5-ton goods-carrying chassis. The P911 4-tonner...
It is announced that the cost of the half-share acquired by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. in the undertaking of...
A well-known concern near London requires the services of a man, age 30-35, who will be able to take charge of the drawing...
Despite the fact that, of recent months, the political situation in Roumania has been subject to many disturbances, the new...
Agrimotor draining demonstrations are being held in different parts of the country under the auspices of the Ministry of...
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The Minister of Transport, acting upon the advice of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, has, with a view...
The 1930 report of Middlesex County Council states that some indication of the rapid increase of mechanical road transport in...
Red and White Services, Ltd., has recently taken over the Newport-Old Lighthouse services operated by Mr. B. J. Davies (Coast...
Some further particulars are now available regarding the tunnels, of which two are to be built—one reserved for vehicles of all...
A new safety device has been placed upon the market by Mr. Frank Smith, Basil Street, Rusholme, Manchester, who is the patentee...
The first report of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., since an interest in the company was acquired by the L.N.E. and...
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Pursuing the policy of establishing its own service depots, Leyland Motors, Ltd., will shortly open a further depot near...
Morris-Commercial Cars, Ltd., Soho, Birmingham, has taken considerable space at the forthcoming German Motor Show, which is to...
The 1931 catalogue which has reeently been issued by Harvey Frost and Co,, Ltd. 148-150, Gt. Portland Street, London, F - Nr.1,...
Estimates of expenditure to be incurred by Swansea Watch Committee in the year commencing April 1st next include the provision...
An order for 12 G5 (5-ton) chassis has recently been received from ShellMex, Ltd., by Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton. . The...
Motorbuses on the Bolton-toWarrington service that leave the new Bolton bus station at 8 p.m. have been equipped with...
The Loudon General Omnibus Co., Ltd., recently displayed notices in its vehicles asking passengers to leave their tickets on...
The dinner and dance which the Motor Hirers' and Coach Services Association has arranged to take place at the Connaught Rooms,...
The death took place recently of Mr. Joseph Davies, the well-known Rendy haulage contractor. Mr. Davies' sons will, it is...
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In connection with our reference last week to the rule nisi obtained against the Minister of Transport to show cause why a writ...
The tramways committee of FRITH Urban District Council is to purchase a petrol tower wagon. The BRYNMAWR Urban District...
By Councillor C. Thomas, Secretary, Motor Omnibus Proprietors' Association. tril HIS comparatively new industry has reached...
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PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Conditions of Fitness Regulations. T EE Minister of Transport stated...
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to the LIGHT-VAN MARKET First and Full Particulars of a Smart 8-cwt. Vehicle that Has Been Produced by the Standard , Motor...
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A Heavy haulage Operator and the Increased Taxation Suggestion. Light Trailers and the Traffic Act. The Royal Commission's...
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Relating to PASSENGER VEHICLES T HE system under which passenger vehicles are licensed for use—as contrasted with taxation...
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D ESPITE the many trials and tribulations to which it is being subjected, passenger transport 1)y road continues to flourish...
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0 NE of the conclusions and recommendations contained in the final report of the Royal Commission on Transport was that " If...
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in Passenger Vehicles D ESPITE the distractions of a Road Traffic Act, revolutionary in its principal objects, and of a Royal...
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COACH and Bus BODYWORK T HE coachbuilder, also the manufacturer who specializes in seats and their equipment, have evolved...
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I N all development of mechanical appliances the betterment of appearance and neatness follows upon the heels of technical...
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A CCURATE knowledge of operating costs is much more important in the case of passenger vehicles than it is in respect of goods...
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I T is the purpose of the writer, who has just arrived in England after a period of extensive actual experience overseas, to...
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How to Keep Down Costs Some of the Factors Influencing the Decision For and Against Establishing a Special Repair Department...
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of the OIL ENGINED Bus O NE seldom has the opportunity for spending a few hours with such a notable personality in the ....
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as the KEY TO SUCCESS A COACH or bus stranded by the roadside is becoming almost as rare a sight as the proverbial dead...
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By T. Morris, T "prospects of passenget traffic by road have their clouds, but they also have their silver linings. The...
Services i 11 North By T. H. Allen, S O many pitfalls and traps for the unwary exist in the Road Traffic Act that among both...
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PASSENGER -VEHICLE PERFORMANCE Interesting Facts and Comparisons Revealed by a Review of Our Series of Comprehensive Road...
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A Review of Some of the Lessons that Experience has Taught, Concluding with a Description of a New Station Designed for London...
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TICKET ISSUING MACHINES Details of Three Promising Instruments which Indicate the Trend of Design IN dealing with the various...
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Phases of Passenger Travel A PUBLIC offer has been made by a Blyth bus proprietor to meet representatives of local...
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R EPORTING upon the Preston Corporation Bill, the parliamentary committee of Lancashire County Council states that the Bill...
12 OLLO WING ra conference between the two authorities, Merthyr Corporation has received a suggestion from Cardiff City Council...
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THE HAULIER AND CARRIER I HAVE had quite a number of inquiries as the . result of the short series of articles, just...
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EQUIPMENT and ACCESSORIES 'DOR the equipment of .passenger12 vehicle coachwork of all kinds, as well as for enhancing the...
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T HE specification of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and W. W. Hamill, No. 340,700, points out that owing to vibration it is not...