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THE PROPOSAL by a group of British Conservative Euro MPs to scrap bi-lateral permits should be strongly supported by the...
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HERE has been little change in transport operators' recruitment lens, according to the latest survey from Manpower, the...
rise by 35 per cent, and for licence fees to be raised. In order to meet current inflation costs, it wants the test fee to rise...
VAUXHALL is to move all of its cars by road from next month, as part of a reorganisation of its distribution arrangements....
FEARS that the results of the Wood Inquiry into lorry bans in London will not be acted upon until well into next year have...
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EIGHTY per cent of goo( vehicle operators have re ponded to Department Transport/Society of Mot! Manufacturers and Traders r...
REVISED regulations have be introduced for gas-propelli vehicles and gas appliances motor vehicles and take eh from November...
and 35 miles of other trunk roads in England this year, a this will take through traffic out of about 15 communities. Stating...
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THE CM LORRY Driver of the Year regional finals ended last weekend. More results are: Belfast/Antrim. Class A: D. Scott (Post...
TRANSPORT Under Secretary Lynda Chalker and a rail-into-roads theorist are to speak at this year's Road Haulage Association...
THE GOVERNMENT could give the go-ahead in September for a Simplex radio telephone system for commerical vehicle operators. _...
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DISTRIBUTION companies may be wooed to Be!Ishii! in Central Scotland, as part of a £57m project to create 3,500 new jobs in...
SCOTTISH Secretary George Younger is "not very keen" on setting a deadline for the introduction of the road equivalent tariff...
MINISTERS of Transport from 19 European countries meeting in Dublin last month failed to reach any agreement on increasing the...
DETAILED guide to estimating )xport groupage and air-freight :osts has been written by Mauice Rounding, head of the marcet...
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A CONSULTATION document issued by Hertfordshire County Council was not designed to record the views of trade and industry about...
ATLAS EXPRESS has becorr the sole parcels carrier for Tin berland, the do-it-yourse stockists. The move is an attempt 1...
The unit is a 40ft van fitte with a roller shutter rear door. was built by Crane Fruehat and was one of several ne trailers...
DRAFT Orders for the South Woodford-Hackney link road in Nortl East London have been published by the Department of Transport....
ROYAL MAIL parcels business rose by five per cent in May, compared with last year's figure. The range of service offered by...
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SOME people's dislike of lorries is no different from others' dislike °gumbo jets, spiders, or curry, according to the...
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SINCE Andrew Taggart Was appointed managing director of Wilsdon, of Locke Lane, Solihull, less than 12 months ago, the company...
THE POSSIBILITY of holding a Autoquip exhibition every othe spring to coincide with Mote Show years, is being invest gated by...
AGMAT of San Nazaire, Franc is looking for British vehicle an component manufacturers t enter into co-operative deals t produce...
L GARDNER and Sons of Manchester has increased the capacity of its Barton Hall engine works by having a new crankcase...
THE NATIONAL Coal Board plans to use Tamplin Tip-Kits in an experimental development programme. Tamplin Engineering, which...
PEAK TRAILERS' undergear sales rose by 63.4 per cent in the first quarter of 1982. Since 1974 the company's annual turnover...
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2 IPED breathing has been introluced by Bendix for its heavy joods vehicle air-braking ;ystem, replacing the breather usp....
PROMOTIONAL printer Paul Bannerman of Plough Lane, Wimbledon, London offers a seven-year guarantee on its prespaced livery...
THE DEPARTMENT of Transport's vehicle and component approvals division at Bristol is concerned about the lack of response from...
ECON/ATKINSON, the Ripon-based highway maintenance equipment engineering firm, has produced a elcum skip-mounted gritter to...
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LONDON TRANSPORT'S bus business is reported to have undergone a "tough self-examination". According to its staff newspaper, LT...
NATIONAL EXPRESS has joints( forces with Wallace Arnold tie the latest in its expanding net work of first class Rapide coact...
THE ROAD Transport Industry Training Board has published a modular study pack on psv road traffic regulations, designed to meet...
GREATER Manchester County councillor Ken Hickman has described Government opposition to GMC plans for cheap fares for the...
coach operator tt operate a Volvo B1OM coacl fitted with Lucas Girling Skid check CX anti-lock brakini system. The installation...
ERF has won an order for 12 bus chassis from Kenya Bus Services, of Mombasa. The chassis will be assembled in Kenya, and are to...
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FLIGHTS Coach Travel, of Birmingham, has introduced a new booking service for its airport express coach services. The scheme...
He takes over from DAVID DAVIS, now president of he T&L Group's Canadian Zymaize subsidiary in London, OnIario. Mr Welder was...
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LONDON TRANSPORT'S E26m order for 360 double-deck buses for next year will be welcomed with relief at Leyland Bus and...
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Tim Blakemore sings the praises of the IVECO 190.29 tractive unit. Its versatility in all kinds of operating conditions was...
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TONIGHT'S sponsored dances, for which National Carriers has been delivering publicity material to halls all over the country,...
RAILWAYS may lack flexibility but railway union leaders at least have an elastic approach to one another. This is implicit in a...
FEW PEOPLE followed the progress of the Task Force in the South Atlantic with greater concern than Fred Gandy, of North Western...
SIR ROBERT LAWRENCE, chairman of the National Freight Consortium, has a habit of lifting stones to find out what is underneath....
'GEORGE TURNBULL, the new president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, complains that the buyer's market "is...
ALAN NIGHTINGALE, a London Transport inspector, is writing a history of David MacBrayne's bus services from 1906 until 1972....
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Our 1982/83 Tables of Operating Costs published next week provide operators with a guide to their costs and assist them to...
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Let's dial our bus IN A REMOTE rural district of West Germany children carrying their instruments to music lessons, housewives...
MAGIRUS-DEUTZ'S annual report for 1981 reveals the extent to which the German member of IVECO has been affected by the market...
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Recognised as the premier road transport conference, FMC is again attracting transport men from throughout the industn at home...
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The South African-built vehicle has a second body skin to help retain its good look. It will provide a challenge to Japanese...
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stroke ratio and heat transfer rate, and one thing is certain: by 1985 every DAF engine will be turbocharged EARLIER this year...
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I'VE JUST read in Bird's-eye View an article about Cretian coach drivers being retired at 45, and that drivers aged 55-64 are...
MEMBERSHIP of the EEC has had many effects on the British road transport industry, but alas little has been done to make life...
WITH REFERENCE to the discussion at Tipcon on axle weighers, it occurs to me that a cheap and effective solution might be to...
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If International Harvester succeeds in pulling out of its ENASA deal, the commercial vehicle industry in Spain could be thrown...
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THE DREAM of a nationalised transport industry, integrated and organised along military lines, was a long-cherished one, but it...
THE Freight Transport Association Yearbook '82 is a detailed and informative road transport bible that contains a wealth of...
THE SECOND EDITION of Heavy Vehicle Technology (Hutchinson £12) is not the weighty manual that the title implies. It is...
O'Shanters RAIL, rather than CM's customary type of road transport, hardly surprisingly takes precedence in the latest edition...
BUSES provide the basis for public transport throughout the world and come in an almost infinite variety of shapes and sizes. A...
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OF ALL THE officials of one sort or another whose activities impinge on those who try to make a living out of road transport,...
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THE SIMPLEST device for converting the stored energy of the compressed air in the reservoir into the mechanical effort...