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By the Rt. Hon. R. S. Hudson, M.P., Secretary of the Department of Overseas Trade T HE official trade returns show that during...
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That Germany does want its due. Of a Scot inquiring as to the best means for tipping. That the difference between profit and...
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MORE MEETINGS BETWEEN ROAD AND RAIL. M EMBERS of the Liaison Committee on Road Transport Rates met the railways' general...
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'MR. MALCOLM BRERETON,,, M.A., secretary of the British Road Federation, has accepted tha position af -joint honorary secretary...
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of Foden Service A FTER a quarter of a century's work in connection with Foden vehicles, Mr. Frank Needham—head of Frank...
Trick Revived F OR years past, motor traders and :operators have been, from time to time, calight by what we may term a "...
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T HE tendency for the number of operators of passenger service vehicles to drop, and the number of vehicles owned to increase...
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/ HAVE received a good deal of . encouragement in connection with this series of articles, largely in the form of letters from...
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BODYWORI FOR EXPORT HEN bodywork is built for • export, due consideration should be . given to the climate of the country...
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Vehicle Makers Are Devoting increasing Attention to the Expansion of Sales Overseas the Opportunities for Which Are Summed up...
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O UTLOOK. . . , The word brings to the receptive mind a partfantastic picture of trader, manufacturer, haulier, butcher, baker...
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EARL NUFFIELD, Governing Director, Morr's Commercial Cars, Ltd. A SCRIBE named Lowell many years ago wrote, " Don't never...
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1 --,N Tuesday, Mr. Frederick Smith read a paper, entitled " Organizing a National Transport System," before the Leeds section...
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An Interesting and Valuable Survey of Sales Opportunities From Information Supplied by the Department of Overseas Trade Pooled...
Make India Buy D URING the year ended March 31, 1938, Indian exports to all countries, including Burma, whilst slightly less in...
vehicles were not shown separately from the figures covering passenger vehicles until the year ended June 30, 1937, when...
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Policy THE total value of imports from all HE of motor trucks, vans and buses, including chassis, parts and accessories,...
very largely on movements in the world price of rubber and tin, which are the principal export items of the country. The fall...
latest trade returns cover the calendar year 1936 and show imports of " lorries, trucks, vans, buses and chassis therefore,...
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S OUTHPORT A.R.P. officials have taken the initiative in providing one of the first mobile first-aid stations in the country...
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What the Latest Statistics Show in the Fields of Passenger Vehicle Service and Goods Carrying F OR some psychological reason,...
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Here Certain Makers Give Details of How They Cater for Trade Abroad Bedfords Primarily Designed for Heavy Duty W HEN the Afghan...
I F there be one factor which stands out clearly amidst all the doubt and uncertainty that clouds world trade to-day, it is...
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T HE chances of success in the overseas markets largely depend upon local representation and personal contact by trained...
T HE Leyland company has alwayi looked on the overseas market as important, but it has never looked more so -to it than it does...
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A N unusual type of low-loading, detachable semi-trailer has recently been supplied to Messrs. Henry Osman of Southampton, by...
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A .R.stune of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published M ANY schemes have been propounded for preventing...
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T O most minds the phrase " special conditions," when used in a transport connection, suggests rough country. Any conditions,...
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3 romising Avenues of Research Progress in 1938 is Marked by Introduction of New Gas Chassis. Possibilities of Vegetable...
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New Tyre-selling Conditions Tyre Manufacturers Have Introduced a New Policy of Tyre Sales, Under Which Fleet Operators Will...
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C.M.U.A. PRESSES FOR MERGER. Last week the C.M.U.A. Manchester Area committee passed a resolution to the effect that it was...
S WANSEA:Corporation hires 2 7 ton, vehiclq! at £1 or even 18s. per day.; The corporation itself cannot operate its own...
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T HE imperative need for more care, by the Ministry of Transport, in connection with time schedules for bus services, was...
D ESPITE the fact that the number of vehicle-miles run by buses in Eire, 'last November, at 2,255,000, shows a decrease of...
QERVICES of Stockport Corporation o..J are to be co - ordinated with certain services of the North-Western Road Car Co., Ltd....
-rwo new services, contemplated by Leicester Corporation, for which the consent of the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners has...
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I T is anticipated that within the next five or six years, the tram services in Newcastle-on-Tyne will be completely superseded...
A PPROVAL was given by Nottingham City Council, last week, to the raising of additional capital for the purchase of...