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EsErtir ONG-HELD suspicions that ribery and corruption existed Dtween some police officers rid recovery operators were mfirmed...
Haunch of Newton Commercial Vehicles, said that only two weeks ago he had been approached by a traffic department officer and...
STRONG accusations that political expediency is being put before the needs of the country over tax increases on dery have been...
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BRITAIN'S motor industry showed a surplus of exports over imports of E1,600 million in 1976, said Society of Motor...
AT BLACKPOOL, last weekend, members of the National Association of Co-operative Transport Officials met for a business seminar...
LESS than a week after the Conservatives took control of the Greater London Council in a landslide victory they began' to put...
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c o SOARING vehicle replaci ment costs and increased ta ation are making it so difficu for operators to buy ne vehicles that...
3NDON'S new transport lief is Shelagh Roberts, who kes over as chairman of the reater London Council's ansport committee from...
LANS to merge Volvo and iab-Scania rest with the nnpanies' employees, who ill discuss the idea before it )es to the Swedish...
NEW RULES on sub-contracting have been drawn up by the Road Haulage Association to help keep rates low and security high,...
THE 16th International Mechanical Handling Exhbiition next week at the NEC, Birmin gham — May 16-21 — will cover all aspects of...
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£22.2 million bid for the ay's Wharf company from man Transport and Trading ts now been firmly rejected ( the company and its...
DRIVERS who have held heavy goods vehicle licences prior to conviction and disqualification for driving with an excess of...
STONEHAVEN firm lost the se of its lorry for a month her Scottish LA A. B. Birnie tld the Aberdeen inquiry: The evidence I have...
THE Institute of Road Transport Engineers annual two-day conference at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull began today, Friday. Dr A....
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charge on movements into at out of the Royal SeaforI Container Terminal, Live pool, in protest at delays of u to 15 hours...
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HANCELLOR Denis Heay's motives for increasing ehicle and fuel taxation were thabby and unworthy of a abinet Minister." The...
'EWER people are being Bled on Britain's roads than 'led in road accidents 40 years go — despite the fact that here is now...
WARRINGTON Borough Council is expected to begin legal proceedings to impose a weight restriction on vehicles using the A6144...
New Highway Code A NEW revised Highway Code will be put before Parliament before the Summer recess, Transport Under-Secretary...
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The service is operated jointly by National Bus and the Mountain Goat Bus Co, of Windermere. It will provide a much needed...
A BID by the small independent, David Ogden Coaches, of Haydock, for a licence to continue the operation of a schools service...
has been announced by the West German coachbuilders, Vetters of Stuttgart. There is room in the high top vehicle for 12 seated...
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EFUSE collection vehicle ianufacturer Eagle Engineerig Co Ltd of Warwick has dapted a Holdspeed cruiser ontrol — a system...
TO PROVIDE positive loadshoring for cargoes which do not quite fill out the full length of a vehicle body, Tautliner...
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raise roof THIS DODGE (formally Commer) 2500 wheelchair-carrying ambulance is the first to be fitted with the new 305mm (12in)...
a t a anter DEMONSTRATION models of Mitsubishi's Canter lorry will be available in the United Kingdom in August. But pro...
A RATCHET tensioner is now fitted by Boalloy Ltd, Congleton, Cheshire, to the winding spools which draw tight the load-bearing...
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Jack Male lays it on the line T WAS a ease of no punches milled at the Road Haulage fissociation annual dinner in London on...
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In Commercial Motor of April 8, there was a letter from Mr Jackson Moore in response to mine of March 25. In his letter, Mr...
bub tad go.••• It is strange that Mr J. C. Cooper and his associates should produce a paper with the negative title "Railways...
Some operators mistakenly believe that the London Road Coach Park, Bognor Regis, is some distance out of town. By coach from...
that the Foden 8 x 4 used for the road test ("Rolls power for Foden tipper" CM April 29) was one of our 30-tonners....
I really must correct the news item on page 19 (CM April 22). It is not true that the relatively small reductions in the bus...
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'HE FORMATION of an Assoiation of Recovery Vehicle. )perators made a fitting climax o last week's highly successful wo-day...
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LAST WEEK, LIKE MOST WEEKS AT CM, started quietly and grew to a crescendo on press day, but there the similarity to other weeks...
Clearing house used to be a naughty phrase in transport terms. They were accused of capturing traffic, locking it behind...
Iwo weeks ago, after reading 'resident Carter's speech about mergy conservation, I >uggested that the Americans ;ould save a...
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light locomotive. I know that one attendant is required in general, but must we provide two attendants when a broken-down...
and I want to move it to another beach. Could I tow it with an artic tractive unit taxed as a private vehicle or will it be in...
over 7.5 tonnes gross and they bear no reflective rear plates because under the former regulations governing the classification...
it be classified as a tower wagon and therefore exempt from Excise Duty? We have such a vehicle which we use for work on...
driving licence (though limited to vehicles up to 10 tonnes gross) I am interested, naturally, in preserving it. I know that...
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LkLA fie L L V IL L EMPIRES come and go almost with the regularity of the ebb and flow of the tide, and like the receding tide...
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IN ALMOST every country visited by CM staff we have Found Bedfords delivering . Coca-Cola. Jacki Passmore tells how the...
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LL i LøL ARL k!iiA JRAL SURREY is far removed every respect from the sticky at of Kuala Lumpur. More ecifically, Dennis...
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LILLEVILL 111 RLLt The Sandbach firm is providing a number of special order vehicles THE South African vehicle market is in a...
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VIL ELL Li /IL 11 LORD PALMERSTON descriL Hong Kong to the House Lords in 1840 as "a ban island with barely a house it". The...
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Girling demonstrates a jack-knife situation. SKIDS can result just as easily from an incorrect adjustment or bad loading from...
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SEVEN basic right-hand drive models comprise the Leyland Marathon range. Five are tractive unit variations and two drawbar...
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Leyland Marathon so to try a truck to the latest specification I drove an example belonging to Federation Breweries on one of...
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12,11311J12 Jai FIVE basic models of Marathon tractive unit are available. The shortest wheelbase 4x2 version of these, fitted...
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4 VILI •JJV THE FIRST of what was to become a fleet of 24 Leyland Marathons was delivered to the R. J. B. Neale (Transport)...
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Lii JJJ1i MARATHONS are becoming a familiar sight on the two main trunking roads from Mumasi, Ghana's big cocoa town, to the...