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14th April 2005
14th April 2005
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Page 1, 14th April 2005

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Counting the cost of MG Rover crisis

VIAth MG Rover on the brink of collapse the operators who supplied it are left to count the cost — and it could be high....

TC rejects licence bid from Oliver's replacement

A COMPANYTH ATwas formed to take over the business of William Martin Oliver & Partners following the jailing of two of its...

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Union anger at plans for Tory truck posters

TORY PLANS TO encourage hauliers to display election posters on the back of their trucks have been attacked by transport...

Barclays snaps up Iveco Finance

BARCLAYS BANK is to pay f66.5in for a 51% controlling stake in Iveco Finance, the truck maker's vehicle financing and leasing...

Rocketing fuel

Desel has broken the £4/gal barrier. Prices have risen 13% over the past year to 88.66p/ lit (E4.03/gallon)— and oil prices...

Digital delays?

The European Parliament is about to vote on delaying the deadline for fitting smartcard digital tachographs.

Safety survey

The Highways Agency will begin a safety inspection on the A14 Orwell Bridge near Ipswich on 4 June. There will be lane closures...

Banged up

German truck driver Jorg Dieter Walther has been jailed for a year for attempting to smuggle 1.2 tonnes of tobacco into the UK.

Cold phase

Yearsley Cold Storage and Distribution has opened Phase 2 of its Seaham depot in County Durham just eight months after the new...

Ferry story

Seatruck Ferries is to introduce a third vessel onto to its Heysham-Warrenpoint service, boosting capacity by 25,000 trucks a...

Hazchem winner

The Hazehem Network has won The Best Business Newcomer" class in the Rugby Business Awards 2004.

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Wincanton leads the way with a pan-European works council

Logistics firm Wincanton has signed a ground-breaking agreement with transport unions for Europe-wide representation. Jennifer...

Texans snap up ATL and its Pinzgauers

ONE OF BRITAIN'S truck manufacturing success stories, Automotive Technik (ATL), has been acquired by the American Stewart &...

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Monty's worth a bob or two HIGH-PROFILE OPERATOR Harold Montgomery

is the only Northern Ireland haulier to feature in the latest Sunday Times 'Rich List' — he was ranked 14th richest man in the...

Check out our SED Truckzone

WITH THE CV SHOW now a fading memory, the next date for your diary is Truckzone at the SED Show in Milton Keynes on 17-19 May....

What about a rebate?

Barry Proctor was impressed by the SNP's promise of an essential-user rebate... pity those canny Scots won't be campaigning in...

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Abuse campaign at P&O condemned by Tribunal

A truck driver who had his brake lines slashed by colleagues has won tens of thousands of pounds in compensation. Jennifer Ball...

Smartcard tachos roll out

STONERIDGE Electronics will begin delivery of its 5E5000 digital smartcard tachographs to MAN, Scania and Daimler Chrysler next...

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That was the year...

CM was launched in 1905; for our centenary year we're bringing you stories from years gone by. This week we're back in 1921 and...

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VOSA changes areas

VOSA wants a single traffic area soon, but talks must wait for the general election. Chris Tindall reports. PLANS TO CONSULT...

A WEST BERKSHIRE skip-hire firm and its director have been fined over L51,000 for operating an illegal waste management site.

Allbins Skip Hire and director Garry Thompson pleaded guilty to 16 charges relating to running the site between January 2003...

Stadium roof comes along swimmingly

KENT HAULIER R Swain & Sons is helping to raise the roof on Wembley National Stadium by managing the movement of steel sections...

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Fielding drivers avoid prison

Drivers for a Cheshire haulage firm with a culture of tacho fiddling have appeared before a crown court judge for sentencing....

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CV Show special...

_welfailyspedal as CM's news gatherers dug deep to unearth the hottest gossip from the NEC— like who was wearing the briefest...

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Forth Bridge jam warning

TRUCK DRIVERS USING the Forth Bridge should expect severe weekend delays from now until the middle of June, the bridge...

Fined after death crash lies

A COUNTY ANTRIM haulier has been fined £10,000 for attempting to pervert the course of justice after he lied about a faulty...

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Driver target for youth gunman

A DRIVER narrowly escaped serious injury after a youth fired an air rifle at his windscreen. The incident happened at about...

Arson takes out four DHL vehicles

HAMPSHIRE POLICE are appealing for witnesses to an arson attack at a DHL depot in Southampton which destroyed four vehicles....

Postman sees van snatched

A ROYAL MAIL delivery van was stolen as the driver was delivering a parcel in the West Midlands. The Royal Mail-liveried Ford...

Clean getaway with soap haul

THIEVES ESCAPED with a trailer containing £85,000 worth of soap powder from Truckhaven MSA,just off the M6 at Carnforth, on 30...

Cops look for copper gang

POLICE ARE appealing for witnesses after a truck was stolen from West Yorkshire and dumped, minus its load of copper piping....

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Unsure unhappy undecided

On 5 May the UK will get its chance to choose its govern ment. But most of you feel the parties haven't even addressed your...

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An affair of the head

The new boss of Renault Trucks UK is on a mission — and he's keen to take the entire business with him. Emma Penny reports....

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VOSA Operator Rating Scheme is no joke

I READ WITH INTEREST the anonymous letter sent in by an operator regarding VOSA's proposed Operator's Rating Scheme (CM 31...

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Isn't it great to be asked for our views, for once?

I have received the same letter from Christine Norris at VOSA referred to by your anonymous correspondent. I imagine most if...

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A man fighting all manner of folly?

Professor Alan McKinnon is fighting back against criticism of his alternative to Lorry Road User Charging. But is it a...

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No return for vehicle which had been impounded twice

Firm operating without an 0-licence fails to persuade TC to return vehicle which had been impounded for the second time...

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More Gwynedd drivers fined over hours

TWO MORE drivers employed by Isle of Anglesey-based Gwynedd Transport have been fined for drivers' hours and tachograph...

Hours breaches warning for firm's family members

RHONDDA-BASED William Gill & Partners escaped with a formal warning over breaches of the drivers' hours rules when several...

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Fine for out-of-hours driver who wound his clock forward by 11 hours

THE FALSIFICATION of a tachograph record and exceeding the daily driving limit cost Dungannon truck driver Stephen Curry £470...

Abusive operator forfeits licence in his absence

A NEWARK operator was warned at a public inquiry in February about failing to use his authorised operating centre. Now he has...

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t's time to decide

As the election looms what are the main parties promising business in return for its vote? John Davies reports. Business...

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Labour offers: • The phasing out of employers' responsibilities for

the working family tax credit • Continuing low rates of direct tax and ease of start-up • The establishment of a Manufacturing...

The Conservatives offer: • Reform of the unfair tax treatment

of personal service companies and husband-and-wife companies • Giving a restructured DTI a mission to deregulate • Total...

The Liberal Democrats offer: • A cut of "unnecessary" red

tape for small firms in their first 18 months • A Parliamentary Small Business Select Committee to keep small business concerns...

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Feuding partners

Partnership law is rooted in Victoriana, so how do you resolve a 21st century fall-out between business partners? Nick Winters...


However good the partnership agreement and management style, disputes can still arise. Ultimately, a partnership dispute can...

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Free help on your safety compliance

Manage risk better with the latest Fleet Safety Forum directory of suppliers and service providers. Brian Weatherley reports....

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Five canny contenders, one tough test route and one worthy winner... Read on to find out which 75-tonner rules the rental...

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PeriOnnance: While lveco's Eurocargo is number one seller we reckon

the Daf LF takes pole position in terms of sophistication, driveability and desirability. Of the five contenders it was the...

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Performance: Expectations for a Eurocargo are bound to be high;

after a, if this truck were a radio station it would be Radio 2... "the nation's favourite. A major factor in this runaway...

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Performance: By common consent the MAN 7.5-tanner is long overdue

for an overhaul. The boxy looks, the uncompromising interior comfort and the hefty truck-like controls, have allowed the little...

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Performance: Like the MAN the Atego tested here is the

outgoing model and some of the criticisms levelled here have been addressed in the next version. A closer inspection around the...

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Performance: The Midlum was the oldest vehicle on test and

while this might have manifested itself in other areas of the truck (see Driver comfort), performance wasn't compromised and we...

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The novice's view

Before being press-ganged into joining our testers, the biggest vehicle photographer Simon Everett had driven was a Ford...

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Improvement was the name of the game as truckmakers unveiled their new offerings in Birmingham... F lagships and new...

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1 IfICIVAT 1 OffiS

From tyres to trailers, blind spots to body design, there were plenty of new ideas to be seen at this year's CV Show. / t's...

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At its annual conference in Cork over Easter the Irish Road Haulage Association heard the government vow to stamp out illegal...

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This was launched at the conference. Here are the main points, • Spot fines of €200 (E138) for unlicensed operators from 1...

Members only

The members-only session began with outgoing president Eamonn Morrissey announcing that a one-stop shop for 0-licence...

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View from the top

CommercialMolor had a one-to-one interview with Ivor Callely, who became Junior Transport Minister last October with special...

Tribunals and telephones

For his conference-floor session transport lawyer Jonathon Lawton (inset) opened proceedings with advice on fair dismissal:...

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Government training funds are available, but operators must be committed if they are to secure the cash. Tim Maughan reports....

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No one in their right mind would drive a CV on the road without adequate training and drivers heading off-road also need to be...

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Testing time for trainees

With 3 night's revision behind us it was time for the assessment with the trainers swapping trainees for their tests. The week...

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A natural green progression

Peter Lamer has been beavering away at an truly green trailer with Heil. And, by Jove, he thinks he has it... N ext week sees...

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Healthy demand at the top

George Alexander reports on a healthy market for well presented good condition late year stock. H eavy used commercial dealers...

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It's the rea thing

Back in 2002 Commercial Motor took a Euro-3 4x2 Scania R164 tractor around our three-day Scottish route; now the 2002 crop is...

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Rolling stock: Tippers

At 32 tonnes GM, eight-leggers are the chassis of choice for almost every muckaway outfit and the nation's sand and gravel...