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15th January 1983
15th January 1983
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Page 1, 15th January 1983

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Costs rise, rates must too

ANYONE EXPECTING a massive confrontation between the Road Haulage and Freight Transport associations over rate increases will...

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• Pressure building for national strike

IRASS ROOTS pressure is being put on Transport and General !corkers Union national officers to initiate industrial action...

Oil offers rejected

TANKER DRIVERS' shop stewards with Shell, BP and Texaco have rejected seven per cent wage offers and are pressing for resumed...

Container base for Salford

BY THE CASTING VOTE of the chairman, Salford Planning Committee has approved plans by UCS Containers to develop a container...

Sales up 6pc

NEW COMMERCIAL vehicle registrations last year were six per cent higher than in 1981, according to the latest figures from the...

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RHA hits out at GLC campaign

THE GREATER London Council's plans for a £90,000 publicity campaign to support its quest for a ban on lorries over 32.5 tonnes...

RHA for tachos

HIRE OR REWARD and own-account operators are taking advantage of a tachograph analysis service introduced by the Road Haulage...

Howell stays in reshuffle

DAVID HOWELL was still at the wheel at the Department of Transport this week following Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's...

Cold store

WINCANTON CHILLED Distribu. tion has opened a trans• shipment centre in Transporl Avenue, Brentford, West Lon. don. The new...

Shortsighted Eurocrats?

THE EEC COMMISSION has been warned that the eyesight test: which heavy goods drivers must take when EEC driving licences an...

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Dery prices: vhere we are

:RV PRICES in the United igdom rose by 115 per cent in D four years to December last ar, according to the latest statics from...

Russett riled by FTA call

THE FREIGHT Transport Association's call for frozen haulage rates is "dishonest", Road Haulage Association national chairman...

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Jet a move on says BRF man

ilS IS the age of the road and a sooner Government and rail ficials realise this the better, bert Ingram, industrial liaison...

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Paisley prays for permits

THE "INEQUITABLE situation of haulage operators in North ern Ireland has been brought t , the Government's attention fol lowing...

More contract for BRS

BRITISH Road Services' qui for the own-account distributi market is continuing to rewarded, and three compan have recently...

Republic's first motorway

THE FIRST stage of the Irish Republic's first motorway is expected to open in April or May, and the country is confident that...

A concrete overload

SHROPSHIRE trading standards officers who weighed a lorry carrying concrete found it was overloaded by more than 70 per cent —...

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Overload let off

GROSS overloading charges against heavy haulier Grieves Autos (Coventry) and one of the company's drivers arose from drivers...

New hazard Regulations

THE HEALTH and Safety Commission is reminding operators of the three main effects of the latest dangerous goods regulations...

No cash flow, so licence lost

OWNER-OPERATOR Ian Salmons, who had his application for renewal of his 0-licence refused by the Eastern Licensing Authority,...

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The chip grinds into gear

SCANIA could have its micro-processor-controlled gearshifting system in full production within two years. Goren Estman...

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Rivett heads NCCS

IATIONAL CARRIERS Contract entices, a separate division rithin the National Freight onsortium, has chosen direc)rs. Paul Riven...

Bailey on board

OHN BAILEY, sales and menunturing director of ERF, has • een elected to the company's lain board. In his new post he will be...

Eric Kay to retire

ERIC KAY, director of engineering for South Yorkshire PTE is to take early retirement in February. He became a director at the...

Membership services

BECAUSE OF the decision to make Membership Services into an independent division within the British Road Services Group,...

111/1's top man

PIERRE SEMERENA has become president-directeur general of Renault Vehicles Industriels. He has spent his whole career with the...

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A RAIL REPLACEMENT package was introduced in Scotland this week

when the Glasgow-Kilmacalm line was closed to passenger traffic, and three operators introduced substitute services. The...

End is nigh?

"PUBUC TRANSPORT: is decline inevitable?" This is the question that might be answered at the annual public transport symposium...

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NBC beats BR

IESPITE OBJECTIONS from ritish Rail, National Bus Cornany subsidiaries London Counry, Alder Valley and Southown have been...

Baker fined in tacho case

TACHOGRAPH RECORD convictions against Bakers Coaches, of Biddulph, and a number of the firm's drivers were insufficient to...

LT's safe drivers

MORE THAN 9,700 London bus drivers have won awards for their safe driving. Drivers Ken Dudley-Ward and William "Chalky" White...

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Doing the torqueing

BROCKHOUSE Transmissions of West Bromwich has installed in its research and development unit advanced equipment for the remote...

'If I had a hammer'

A 96-PAGE A4-size catalogue available from Britool, coverin its full range of mechanics han tools produced at Wolverhami ton....

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Robust urban specialisi

The Hanover-built diesel-engined VW Transporter van matches its most serious rivals in some departments, but falls short in...

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No more beat-ups under the Thames

THE DAYS of the Dartford tunnel grand prix are numbered. The present speed limit of 40mph is not enforceable and the police...

21-year-old hits the jackpot

A 21-YEAR-OLD who runs his own transport business from home in Atherstone, Warwicks, beat more than 1,000 contestants in a...

Mercedes puts the fire out

"FLEET SUPPORT" is liberally interpreted by Mercedes-Benz. Members of the fleet support and dealer service teams are charged...

All dressed up and nowhere to park

IN REPRESENTATIONS to AllParty Motor Industry Group of MPs, George Turnbull, president of the SMMT, complained bitterly of "A...

Ask a silly question .

WHY would West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive not build a bus shelter? The following 33 crisp words from a sentence of...

Holes in M1 demand a bigger engine

THINGS have come to a pretty pass when a coach company is almost compelled to exchange a 175bhp engine for one of 252bhp in an...

Why "no comment' on Daf spares?

WAS GEORGE PEARSON, managing director of A and G Pearson Transport, uttering an evasive and suspicious "no comment" when asked...

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Master in name, masterly in action

The 3.5-tonne Renault T35 has been tried and found not wanting in an exacting longterm road test by Peter Clifford, technical...

The foot brake could not be faulted and was as

efficient under load as when travelling light. Though stiff at first, the gearbox soon softened up. Nevertheless, my companion...

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Exceptionally attractive

ALTHOUGH MUCH of the demand for pick-up trucks is centred around the construction and agricultural industry, Fuji Heavy...

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Pick-up group test

Basic appeal HYUNDAI, an offspring of one of the largest industrial groups in South Korea, was formed 15 years ago to assemble...

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Rugged workaday

WHEN MAZDA introduced its B1600 one ton pick-up to the British market in 1973 the model was found lacking in power, so in 1977...

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An end to timorous beasties

YOUR LEADER "Mice or men?" (CM, December 4) strikes a forcible note. As to the "somebody or some organisation that will give...

Pickering relieved

I read with interest the letter from Trevor Pickerin g (CM, January 8). As we at Sitec are the main pre-release resettlement...

I HAVE JUST read with interest the letter of Mr

Pickering (CM, January 8) describing how he lost his money when the driving school he was booked with went into liquidation....

My old man's an ad-man

WE NOTE with interest the article about advertisin g on dustcarts (CM, December 25) and we would like to advise you that the...

Rough deals on motorways

CAN WE TAKE the 'Government's claim to be g ivin g 'priority to environmental factors in lorry operation seriously ; when, in...

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Diversification — measuring success

ANNOUNCEMENTS by a number of concerns reflect the growing diversification of companies into transport — and from transport — in...

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New cvs up again, and 1983 is looking better

Figures just out reveal that last year's turnaround in commercial vehicle sales was maintained; and a 9 per cent increase in...

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Vehicle by Preceptor

lutches, 5 le clutches described in the evious articles have thrust ,a rings which press against the lease fingers and move...