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P E first reaction to the Minister of Transport's roposals (announced last week) to set up authorties to control public...
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e OSE attention to the conditions under which some tipping vehicle j were operated in the London area and if necessary the...
T HE eagerly awaited interim report of the Prices and Incomes Board published yesterday offers little cheer to any transport...
If HE anticipated public offer for sale of Ordinary shares and debenture Stock in Allisons Freightlines Ltd. was made on...
THERE has been a big upsurge in TIR traffic as a result of the ending of the surcharge on imports. Last week the RHA issued a...
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By H. Brian Cottee A N ambitious and adventurous gamble based on the conviction that this service can be of immense value to...
R ECENT events suggest that further progress with plans for the reform of the Road Haulage Association's constitution is most...
AN ABERDEEN firm. Morrisons Transport Ltd., is to launch a regular fresh meat haulage service to the Continent direct from the...
AN American expression, perhaps, but not out of place when talking about a 1 — % General Motors company. Which is just what we...
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D AILY trial of parcels containers railed by Tartan Arrow Service Ltd. at Kentish Town for road delivery ex-Bridgeton in...
H ALLETT, Silbermann Ltd., acted as trans port contractors and holding company of a number of subsidiaries until September 30....
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By John Darker P ecorders ['HE Minister of Transport should use her influence with the trade unions to get their pproval for...
iart-timer tried to get mates off' rWENTY-SIX-YEAR-OLD part-time driver, ▪ John James Bell was persuaded to join a consiracy...
AIR freight exports from Birmingham to the Continent, and inwards air freight movements, are being boosted very considerably...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT "A iiiusT.Nis ,, to the conditions under which goods are moved by road were foreshadowed by...
A SOMERSET quarry firm, Foster Yeomai was fined a total of £60 with £25 costs la: week for aiding and abetting the overloading...
T HE Traders Road Transport Association this week warned goods vehicle operators to check the braking performance of their...
PENRITH (Cumberland) Urban Council to invite the Road Haulage Association to ea] discussions on the problem of trunking whi has...
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D ETAILS of how the testing scheme for heavy commercial vehicles will operate were given this week by Mr. Stephen Swingler,...
is Dumptrailer has been designed by ville Industries (Mansfield) Ltd. to nude a low-cost, clean-discharge tilt of good...
T HE rebate of extra fuel tax paid by bus com panies since last July was "the act of grace of the highwayman who, having...
R ADIO control of mechanical handling outfits is giving the warehouse/dispatch side of a glassworks a quicker turn round of...
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V EHICLE examiners cannot act as wet nurses to the road haulage industry", said the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J....
A . WARMLEY (near Bristol) general deale was put "on probation" by the Wester Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel Gibbon,...
TAMES Glanville and Son Ltd., of Redid. Surrey, was called before the Metropolitz Licensing Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, la...
MR. DENNIS HERON, of Crawley, who was fined at East Grinstead Magistrates' Court in September for 322 offences involving...
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ZUMMING up at the British Railways 7 Freightliner hearing in Aberdeen last 'eek, the Scottish deputy LA,Mr. L. A. Veils, told...
AC TER 18 days' evidence, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners last week reserved their decision on the YorkshireTorbay pool...
ATLAS EXPRESS LTD., Old Sodbury, Glo'shire, successfully applied at Bristol last week for an A licence for two vehicles for...
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T HE Transport Minister's proposals on conurbation transport authorities were described last week by Mr. Peter Yorke, national...
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By Derek Moses I N this confused age of talk of integration, co-ordination and conurbation, London may yet lead the way with...
A N experimental park and ride scheme Introduced by Leicester City Transport for the Christmas shopping period has brought very...
pAY talks on behalf of 100,000 provincia busmen were adjourned on Monday whet the employers' side decided to ask Mr. Guntei if...
S IX mid-Lancashire municipal transport operators lying between the major conurbations centred on Manchester and Liverpool are...
MODIFICATION of the automatic gearboxes fitted to London Transport Routemaster buses has been halted—because central bus...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT "TWO coins will remain the same when decimal currency comes into 1. force in Britain in...
H. N. Tuff, director and general manager of the West Yorkshire Road Car Co. Ltd., is to retire at the end of the year after 50...
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D EVELOPED by Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels Ltd., Sheffield, in co-operation with Drawn and Rolled Sections Ltd., a new...
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A NEW non-tipping hopper pressure tanker • which they claim to be the lightest, lowest .nd most stable on the market has been...
showroom • B UILT for service in North and South America and demonstrated last week in London is B. Elliott's latest...
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F EW within our industry would find difficulty in completing that old saying, "The best-laid plans . . ." This does not hint at...
T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. D. G. Doughton, of Oxton, Birkenhead, Cheshire, who repairs public service vehicles. He says...
A £25 MILLION takeover bid for the Rover Co., Britain's last big independent vehicle A • group, was announced this week by...
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CUPASAFIR is a respirator designed to combine the efficiency of the conventional heavy-duty respirator with the comfort of the...
W TH a 3,000 lb. carrying capacity and an elevating platform, a battery-operated platform truck has been announced by Wessex...
A s its name implies Safeway is a lorry sheet devised in the interests of road safety to carry tarpaulins and ropes safely,...
D ESIGNED to help fleet operators who find it increasingly difficult to obtain wings and cab parts, a range of panels has been...
D OING the job of two men, the Skandia wheel lifter not only saves manpower, it reduces the risk of strained backs. This...
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BRAKING DEVICES G IVEN that the efficiency of the service brakes of a heavy vehicle is acceptable and the system conforms to...
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0 prototype vehicles have been introduced by the Southern Gas Board— an emergency lorry and a mobile service layers' van. Both...
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View BY THE HAWK Round the Bend I T is not very often that scientific developments find quick applications in vehicles. But...
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Little learning IN HIS presidential address reported in COMMERCIAL MOTOR recently, the Institute of Transport's new president,...
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By John Darker, num 46MRY it for a month. Keep a record of 1. your hours, and if you're not better off we'll make up the...
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S UBSIDIES for certain kinds of transport operation have become accepted as inevitable. Parallel with this development has been...
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assisted by Clayton Dewandre every time they apply their power brakes When you're recognised as the leading manufacturer of...
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BY DEREK MOSES M ANY people are concerned with the future prospects of independent bus and coach operators in the light of...
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THE two reports by the National Board for Prices and Incomes on road haulage rates have re-emphasized the importance . of...
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A Unfortunately, this is one of the many fields in road transport in which there is a shortage of reliable statistics. In the...
costs over the post-war period and would be glad of information as to any changes in the initial cost of vehicles as a result...
A As you are in the North of Scotland we suggest you write in the first instance to the Clerk to the Scottish Licensing...
the necessity of running-in an engine at reduced loads and speeds. What is your view? A Although a detergent lubricating oil...
illustrated what was described as an Albion Lowlander doubledecker recently supplied to East Midland Motor Services Ltd. In...
A The initials BACIE stand for British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education. It claims to be the only voluntary...
Use Regulations I am wondering whether it would be more profitable to exchange my "heavy" four-wheeler for a sixwheeler but...
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The Plaxtons picture looks most encouraging stated in these notes recently, Plaxtons (Scarborough) achieved a new record in...
by George Wilmot Training within the industry: British Road Services l—wide-ranging problems O PERATING 17,000 vehicles and...
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BY JOHN PROCTOR H OW often have you seen a GPO vehicle being towed in to workshops or immobilized at the roadside? I cover...
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T HE disposal of fleet vehicles at the termina tion of the policy period of service is a problem for any director or transport...
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B USY vans make splendid mobile advertise ments—so long as the livery promotes the right image. The past couple of years have...
T HE North Circular Road in London is not the ideal place to learn to drive. Particularly on a Sunday afternoon. Photographer...
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BY IAIN SHERRIFF M ITA 14 OW to control the operation and main" tenance of a fleet of light vans from 142 bases is the...