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Over the past decade officialdom has been concerned with how to punish Continental operators who break the law while in the UK....
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points value BLOCK GRANTS WILL BE INCREASED TO 50 pc; LEVIES REDUCED; POINTS VALUE DOWN BY £1.26 from our industrial...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • The unexpectedly high take-up of grants for new buses by operators following the...
• British Leyland has pushed its tax-paid profit for the year ended September 30 1972 to £21.1m (1971: £18.4m) and, says...
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• Proposals to increase the statutory minimum wages for road haulage workers and to grant extra holidays have been circulated...
• If the Government were to take powers to divert heavy freight traffic from road to rail it would probably involve a costly...
• More new Bedford trucks are coming along to widen the range soon, Mr Alex Rhea, managing director of Vauxhall Motors Ltd,...
• Unigate, on behalf of its subsidiary Wincanton Garages Ltd, has purchased all the share capital of the Turnbull Group of...
• A Transportel, a seven-acre protected parking centre for haulage operators with a full range of ancillary services, is now...
• The Government was last week urged to encourage road haulage firms to follow the example of the P and 0 Group which "has...
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• The Government intervened last week in the strike of Midlands BRS drivers when it made it clear that it would veto any...
• A Government announcement concerning the highly controversial London motorway box plan is expected before the GLC elections...
• Hilton Transport Services are expected to be requoted on the Stock Exchange within the next few weeks and have opened a new...
• At a meeting of the exhibition committee of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, which promotes the Scottish Motor Show,...
• The East London Group of companies (comprising East London Transport Ltd and Bentons Sand and Ballast Ltd) together with Cory...
• Howard Tenens Services Group has acquired the old-established Liverpool and Manchester shipping and forwarding business of...
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• The practice of leaving uncoupled and unprotected trailers on waste ground, or by the roadside, is an open invitation to...
been arranged by Davies and Robson at the Charing Cross Hotel, London, on March 6. Mr P. W. Reed will discuss the working of...
• With Britain's accession to the EEC, a German publisher, Deutscher VerkehrsVerlag GmbH, 2000 Hamburg 1, Postfach 1128, is...
• The London and Home Counties division of the Freight Transport Association is holding a seminar, "The implications of EEC...
Starting a business in the Common Market • A two-day conference, 'Setting up a Business in the Enlarged Community' has been...
• A one day conference entitled "Design of commercial vehicle cabs in relationship to driver environment", jointly sponsored by...
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• Dates on which the 37 Lorry Driver of the Year Centres contesting this year's competition will be holding their eliminating...
• Construction of Tor Line's third ro-ro berth at Immingham is now complete and fully operational. Including the recently...
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• If we were to succeed in Europe, Parliament would often have to give Ministers a fairly open cheque, Mr Hugh Featherstone...
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• Special silencers — similar to those used on single-deckers — are being fitted to London Transport's Daimler Fleetline...
• A "no smoking" on buses ban has been recommended unanimously by the West Central area advisory committee of the West Midlands...
• Production of Strachans' 16-seater PaceMaker body on Ford Transit chassis is now running at seven a week, the company...
• Western SMT bus crews at Paisley and Johnstone depots are protesting over alleged cold, dirty and defective buses. The crews...
• Combined bus-rail tickets were introduced by Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive this week. The return ticket, price...
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• A major study of transport requirements within the city of Coventry in the 1980s has opted for more investment on roads and...
• One-man-operation is to be introduced in Northampton Corporation's bus fleet. This was announced at its transport committee...
• Edinburgh Corporation has placed an £11,000 order for 50 Pye mobile radio-telephones for use on one-man buses. Edinburgh will...
• The concept of free public transport for London, no longer a Labour Party priority but a long-term aim (CM February 9), this...
• After negotiations lasting two years the Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive and the British Railways Board have...
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• It was not right for an operator to obtain the advantage of buying a new vehicle and running it pending an appeal rather than...
• Three vehicles from an authorization of 18 were removed from the licence of Mr E.. Jones of Builth Wells when he appeared...
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• The chairman of the Penrith magistrates, Mr J. Pattinson, said last week that they "very reluctantly" imposed a fine of £3,...
• A Wantage haulier had his nine-vehicle licence curtailed by five vehicles last week and one further vehicle suspended for a...
• Following a plea of guilty to a charge of using a bus on A6 at Quorn, Leics, in a dangerous condition, Trent Bus Co Ltd was...
• The application of Alruba Manufacturing Co of Burton-upon-Trent has been refused by the East Midland LA following a...
• Pointers Transport Ltd is making redundant as from today 45 of its hgv drivers at its depot at City Farms, Anstey Lane,...
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Lord Montagu of Beaulieu is president elect of the Institute of Traffic Administration and succeeds Frank White to the office...
• Glasgow-based CRS Transport Ltd, of Busby, Clarkston, is starting a day and night Anglo-Scottish trunking operation using...
• Ford truck service division has published a new D Series workshop manual covering all models in the range produced since...
• The Scotts Group has opened a new depot at Longcroft, Stirlingshire, for the sales and service of heavy commercial vehicles...
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• The twisted chassis of a Ford DT2417 six-wheeled chassis was straightened in less than a working day by a team of two men...
• A three-day seminar demonstrating cost-cutting techniques in accident repairs will be held at the Coatbridge headquarters of...
• The first Ford trucks and vans to be assembled in Israel will reach the local market at the end of March, or early in April,...
Every reader can create his own reference library by slipping his weekly Commercial Motor into an easy-to-handle EASIBINDER to...
• The licence required by a driver of an eight-wheeled vehicle is Class 2, or 2A if the vehicle has automatic transmission, and...
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• An unorthodox adaptation of a hydraulic tail-lift to make a compressing salvage-collection vehicle has been developed by the...
• Heavy engineering specialist William Kenyons Ltd, of Dukinfield, Ches, recently manufactured for a firm in Hungary a large...
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view by the Hawk • Sans clue The letter from H. J. Webb published in CM on December 29 has drawn a sadderand-wiser response...
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Those damned dots NOTHING SEPARATES communities more than the things at which they laugh. A French or German joke seldom seems...
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Well, we can sympathize with the comments and feelings (CM February 2) of Mr T. E. Osbourne, of Truckcare Ltd, about operators...
It is indeed interesting to see the introduction of a new prototype ambulance with the London Ambulance Service (CM February 2...
CM's February 2 report was surely a little rash in describing an article in the Journal of Transport Economics and Policy as...
If any load is inadequately secured it is a potential killer either to the driver or the public; the driver can be stopped by...
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Raymond Le Gay An exclusive interview with the new EEC directorgeneral for transport, by Cliolffs editor • The EEC...
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THE Commission of the European Common Market is the guardian of the Paris Treaty (establishing the European Coal and Steel...
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THE Seddon Midi is unusual in being built to big-bus standards but having only 25/27 seats, although there is provision for 10...
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Efficient transport operation is the key factor in a charity's drive to help more blind children to see "MY FIRST LESSON in...
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An American operator is using modern techniques for door to door distribution by George E. Toles 'NEWSPAPER publishers who...
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SPECIFYING THE RIGHT TRANSMISSION FOR YOUR TRUCK by E. A Richards, chief engineer, transmission division, Eaton Corporation,...
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workshop by Handyman Details that save down-time (9) Release levers and lever plate can be reground: and don't forget to...
Published in association with CM are guides to costing, emergency service and legal weight limits. Commercial Motor Tables of...
Like most business publications, Commercial Motor is seldom available for casual purchase, except at a few bookstalls in main...
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merits of variable valve timing of the type described by Fiat's Mr G. Torazza at the 1972 FISITA conference, he mentioned a...
over 40ft in length entering central London comes into operation, what artic combinations will be able to operate within the...
from Dover to countries in and beyond the EEC. We have been told that it is illegal to operate in the EEC a vehicle which is...
a number of rallies each year. In order to carry tins vehicle I am thinking of buying a secondhand Ford or Bedford lorry...
about the likely progress in coming to a decision on the building of the Channel Tunnel, but is anyone taking official interest...
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matters by John Darker, AMEN Computerized 'clearinghouses' the Army shows the way TO OPERATORS of large numbers of...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CIEI, MIMI, AMIRTE The Road Traffic (Foreign Vehicles) Act19 72 FOREIGN LORRIES coming into this...
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by George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University Of London. Where a transport correspondence course can...
For the next seven days MONDAY February lath. loTA {Leicester) meeting. "Transport journalism". Saracen's Head Hotel. Hotel...
MOBIL The Mobil Oil Co Ltd, which during 1972 regrouped its retail investment activity in a newly formed retail investment...
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he S. H. Collett rnanufacturing o. makes a crimp kit (CSK-6) 'filch comprises the Collett rimper and includes seven ifferent...
brochure issued free by elehoist on Telelube automatic hassis lubricaton for corniercial vehicles explains in a.tail the...
lonroe has introduced a range f programmable printing calJlators suitable for analysing Ach things as dock cards. The...
For the smaller workshop, Lincoln has introduced its Corn-Gas range of six gas-fired heater units with adjustable louvred...
British Timken has published an engineering journal gving full information about Timken roller bearings and instructions on how...
A clamp which can be either lorry or fork-lift-truck mounted and handles the loading / unloading of pipes up to 7in. diameter...
Two spray-applied cleaning chemicals for removing contami nants from engine or gearbox components have been introduced by...
The service department of British Leyland truck and bus division, in conjunction with SAB Brake Regulator Co Ltd, have issued a...
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A single-piece replacement mudwing —The Sprayguard is being marketed by Jonas Woodhead Ltd; it is injection moulded in BP...
The Steer-A-Matic vehicle ambulance from lntertrade enables a vehicle to be towed with either its front or rear wheels resting...
Fluid filter elements produced by Vokes have been designed for use in hydraulic, fuel and compressed air systems where silt...
A reflective traffic cone made by Berger Traffic Markings is moulded in red fluorescent polythene and has a 3.25Ib plastic...
The Goodigard electronic alarm unit from Modec, monitors vehicle electrical main or supplementary circuits in order to provide...
From Macmillan Press come Lubrication in Practice. The firE chapter covers the theory an principles of lubrication and sub...
Kutpol rubbing-down compoun from Tak spreads easily and ca be left on a painted surfac without affecting its workin properties...
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The Emco anti-static valve automatically controls liquid flow when filling tanks, reducing electro-static charge generation...
Made by Robertshaw Controls of Richmond, Virginia, USA, and designed to detect coolant, lubricant and fuel levels in heavy-duty...
Designed for measuring sound levels from 26 dBA to 120 dBA, the SLM 16A meter has been developed by Channel Electronics...
by Trevor Longcroft Service shops aim to keep vehicles in tip-top condition, but what of the equipment they use to do this?...
Designed to handle brick and concrete blocks or packs weighing up to 30cwt, a grab has been developed by Associated Industrial...
Known as the Solaflash, a timing light — the 838 developed by Crypton-Triangle is designed to facilitate engine ignition...
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The Quadcard purchase ledger system from Matrix saves time preparing VAT input records. VAT output can be handled by Credecon,...
An automatic telescopic work platform has been announced by John Rusling. It is known as the Air-Lift and is powered by...
The Gem, a floodlight from Crompton Parkinson, uses either a 300 or 500W tungsten halogen lamp and is equipped with an anodized...
West and Sellick have opened a commercial vehicle tyre fitting centre at Grimston Road, St Albans. The company, besides fitting...
The latest version of the document shredder produced by Z. Brierley is supplied as a complete unit for fitting into a...
A plastics wide-angle fresnel lens of the piano-concave type marketed by Eberhardt has a diameter of 11 in. and is designed for...