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The old truism that politics is - the art of the possible' is one that the transport industry must recognize increasingly now...
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• Only in the most obvious cases of irresponsibility are grounds for objection under operators' licensing easily sustained....
• The scheme for licensing transport managers, under the 1968 Transport Act, could be in the balance, to judge from the tone of...
• Concern at the variation of standards during last week's MoT check on goods vehicles emitting black smoke has been expressed...
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The Government is to repeal the antity licensing provisions of the ransport Act 1968, Mr John Peyton, linister of Transport,...
D The Society of Motor Manufacturers tad Traders confirmed on Wednesday that t had not changed its original decision that .t...
interim 0 grant • If the Metropolitan Licensing Authority refuses to grant the application for 82 vehicles and 35 trailers...
• Drivers engaged in the carriage of animals are to be allowed the same hours concessions_ as have already been provided for...
• Liquid gas tankers and hydrogen trailers used by the British Oxygen Co Ltd are not eligible for grants under the Industrial...
• Because of increased costs the bulk liquids group of the RHA considers that rates will require to be increased later this...
• The profits of United Transport rose from £4.83m in 1968 to £5.15m in 1969, despite an increase of £950.000 in depreciation....
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• "By developing in transport I believe that we are taking part in the increase of one of our major growth industries," said Mr...
• A comprehensive body design service is being offered by a new organization, Commercial Vehicle Design Services, of 1 Uplands...
4D. Members of the Road Haulage Association bulk liquids group are being asked to estimate the amount of fuel used annually for...
• Facilities at Mostyn Docks, Holywell, North Wales have been improved by the completion of a new, large warehouse constructed...
• Election of a new Government has encouraged the Transport Association to plan new approaches on several issues. At its...
• Unless the MoT introduces an "immediate blanket publicity campaign including television shorts" regarding the requirements of...
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Meat haulage rates on Merseyside, iarticularly from Liverpool Docks, are to ■ e increased substantially as a result of a Lew...
• "Professionalism in Transport" is to be the subject of the paper to be given by FTA director Mr Hugh Featherstone to the...
• The Smithfield Meat Carriers Association has been forced to alter its conditions of carriage to indemnify hauliers against...
• Meat carriers' adoption of an additional condition of carriage to exempt them from liability for any shortages is, of course,...
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• Emboldened by a i15rn profit last year British Railways Board, in its annual report published on Friday, takes issue with...
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• The self-loading Hub o Trackliner, already well established in Britain for the transport of bricks, has been adapted for the...
• The sole distribution and manufacturing rights of the Klaus hydrauically operated ISO container handling equipment have been...
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• Objection by the RHA to an operator's licence application by Private Enterprise Petrol Ltd, of Bransgrove, Hants, was...
• The transport company whose four Turkish fitters went home for Christmas and subsequently let the plating and testing...
• An appeal to the Transport Tribunal by Mr Dennis Clemetson, of Cockermouth, after his 0-licence application for two vehicles...
• Wm Nuttall Transport (Scotland) Ltd, based at Harthill, Lancashireohas acquired -the former James Galloway and Son business...
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• A "young firm" from Hayes, Middlesex, intending to carry air freight to various airports in Great Britain, was granted an...
• Hajgh Transport, of Blochairn, Glasgow, a W. B. Anderson Group subsidiary, was granted an 0 licence at Glasgow on Monday for...
• Mr J. Else, chairman of the We: Midland Traffic Commissioners, granted a appeal by Mr W. Evans, a driver for PM'] against a...
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Michael Heseltine • Mr John Peyton, the Minister of Transport, is now looking at the bus set-up in this country. His number...
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• "I would gladly take some City of Oxford services off them and make them pay" an independent operator told the chairman of...
• The 1200 busmen employed at Newcastle upon Tyne by the Tyneside PTE have threatened to strike on Sunday, July 26, unless the...
• Three papers are to be presented at the Municipal Passenger Transport Association annual conference at Eastbourne next month....
• At the MPTA conference next month, members will be asked to discuss a suggestion from the Transport and General Workers'...
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• This week the new NBC company London Country Bus Services Ltd has applied to increase the proportion of adult fares payable...
managers ri P iper Mr K. G. Piper, 47, has been appointed manager of the Chichester haulage depot of P. D. Wharfage and...
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• Changes made to Rolls-Royce Eagle MkI 205 and 220 diesel engines have enabled the same gross power outputs of 205 bhp and 220...
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I A Shell-Mex and BP radio-link system iving radio control Of fuel discharge and ose reel operation, a variety of tankers...
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Dennis Greig • In the centenary year of David Greig Ltd, Mr Dennis Greig has taken on the challenging job of distribution...
I reject completely the implication that TMLs are an unnecessary burden to the transport industry, although I concede there is...
Could I be allowed to advance my personal opinion on two matters concerning the commercial road transport industry which I...
While appreciating that the Hawk's commei on my use of the word "incubus (CM Ju 101 was made with tongue in cheek, I assu you...
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y Handyman 9enchwise: lathe sense (22) WIDE RANGE of repair or reclamation isks can be accomplished by the old and Ate simple...
A good big' un will beat a good little 'un, they say. CM'S experiences with a V8 diesel in an express service coach tend to...
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by the Hawk • Not so civil A reader from Wigan, A. G. Crowther, has written to complain to us with some vehemence about a...
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The GKN Transmissions SubGroup, of the giant GKN Engineering complex, announces a f3-im. expansion plan for their Birmingham...
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by John Mortimer DCAe, MIMechE, AFRAeS 'HERE IS every sign that the road-going as turbines of the future will use omponents...
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by John Vann, FCII Safety and Security • Many motor insurance companies have either gone into liquidation or have beer...
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THE 1970 edition of the Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs is now available from IPC Business Press (S. and D.) Ltd, 40...
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Aggro on the railways by Janus U NFAIRLY perhaps, magazines will give ample and frequent space to certain persons and subjects...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Distribution problems and potentials for the 1970s MANAGEMENT consultants are making a major...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI Powers of Ministry of Transport officers FOR ANY LAW to be effective there must be some means of...
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panies will be producing lead-free petrol in the interests of public health. Would the use of a lead-free petrol necessitate a...
road test of the Foden eight-wheeler tested by your journal recently? A The reference to a clutch stop in the Foden test...
with regard to the new drivers' hours? If a driver is on duty 10 hours a day from Monday to Friday, and also on Saturday, from...
use of column 5 on the new drivers' record sheets, it seems clear enough to me. I just do not fill it in. According to my...
job based 26 miles from our main depot. The vehicles are working a shift system of 10-hour shifts on this job and drivers...
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ONE of the most striking developments in higher education in the past five years has been the success of the Council for...