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17th July 1982
17th July 1982
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Page 1, 17th July 1982

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Co-operate and prosper

BY FAR the easiest and most natural method of expansion for road haulage operators is to move into warehousing. Many companies...

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Bleak outlook for the heavier lor

The momentum which built ip after the White Paper on lories, people, and the environnent was published in De:ember last year,...

Thompson to head restructured NFC

A RADICAL restructuring of the National Freight Consortium will result in deputy chairman and chief executive Peter Thompson...

Lorry conference

A TWO-DAY conference entitled The Lorry in the CommunityCommonsense or Catastrophe is to be held at the Department of Civil...

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• BRF now calls fgr more road spendin

THE PROLONGED rail strike has prompted the British Road Federation to change its view on spending more money on road...

Volvo booms

NET SALES by Volvo rose in the first quarter of this year from £523.7m last year to £1,358.7m. Commercial vehicle sales rose...

DTP tucks up councils

THE DEPARTMENT of Transport has given local authorities a reminder to use their lorry control powers. A circular has been sent...

Japanese service

TIBBETT and Britten, th, hanging garment transpor company, is launching a dait door-to-door service to Japan with goods being...

Tung slips in with BTDB

A NEWLY-equipped container terminal at the port of Southampton is to be operated and marketed in a joint venture between the...

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Peers anxious over testing station

OVERNMENT moves to ensure it can regain control of heavy Dods and passenger service vehicles' testing stations if the lease is...

FTA promotes exports

HE Freight Transport Association has launched a new course ailed Exports Practice and Procedure, It will be held from October...

Plated weights

5, NEW SYSTEM of altering )Iated weights on goods follicles is being introduced by :he Government. Government spokesman Lord...

Setback for cv sales

COMMERCIAL vehicle sales last month fell by 9.78 per cent over sales in June last year, but Society of Motor Manufacturers and...

Geest takes Hull depot

GEEST North Sea Line has expanded its groupage service with the addition of a depot facility in Hull. Matched to twice weekly...

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BRS's road ahead

IIDLANDS British Road Services ons for fleet management as part Nn-account sector. The booklet, entitled The Road head, is...

Foreign contacts

HE ORGANISATION of 'sachets of Transport Studies 'old its annual conference eerier this month, and listened to iccounts of the...

First Aid leaflet

THE HEALTH and Safety Executive has issued a leaflet containing a list of employers and other organisations whose firstaid...

Combined growth

THE EXPANSION of combined transport in' West Germany, which is backed by a powerful Government drive, continued last year when...

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Freight News

H au li ers i ll if unti11983 says report THERE is no immediate prospect of operating costs, according to the Henley Centre...

Mammoet giant loads

ALL MAJOR abnormal loads to the Esso Chemical Fife Ethylene plant at Mossmorran, in Fife, are being transported by Mammoet...

'Use road fund for snow'

THE SHORTFALL on the road budget should be used to finance snow clearing, especially in South-east England, the Automobile...

1CL testing Datafreight

ICI TRANSPORT, the computi company's distribution sut sidiary, is one of the 15 selecte own account and haulage con panies now...

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Howell lambasts 'dream pedlars'

ME RAILWAYS move towards more efficient work methods has )een delayed by Labour Party politicians' claims that there will...

SCAC moves to Soton

LAST YEAR'S interruptions to the Newhaven-Dieppe ferry service have prompted SCAC to move its Britain-France trailer service to...

Roadworks will hit A52

A MAJOR pipe-laying project will close both carriageways of a section of the A52 NottinghamGrantham trunk road next month...

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Ka rrier fits tractive units on Dodges

IN WHAT is described as a "onestop deal", Karrier Motors' special equipment operations department is now offering a...

Extinction fa Autopartac'!

MOTOR PARTS trade exhib tions in Britain could be de troyed if the plan for a sprin Autoquip exhibition (CM, Jul 10) goes...

On the slide at Wilcox

A NEWLY developed sliding roo for bulk tippers has enabled E M. Wilcox of Peterborough tc increase the versatility of a light...

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French plans for Perkins

'HIS YEAR, around 5,000 Perkins three, four end six-cylinder enpines will be remanufactured at the Moteurs Perkins SA plant at...

Turbocharger's UK link up

SERCK SERVICES and turbocharger manufacturer Schwitzer have combined in the UK to offer service exchange turbocharger units....

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Lords back Govt

ATTEMPTS to block the privet sation of National Express hay been rejected by the House c Lords despite claims that th move has...

Lincoln hits back at NBC

LINCOLN City Transport general manager Mark Beswick has challenged National Bus Company chief executive Robert Brook over the...

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NBC subsidiary's 0-licence curtailed

iATIONAL WELSH has had its operator's licence curtailed by three rears, after the South Wales Traffic Commissioners heard of a...

Waverley expansion

THE WAVERLEY series of coach tours run by Lothian Region Transport has been expanded. The series, started last year, were the...

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Karrier launches remodelled Renaults

KARRIER MOTORS will preview two new Renault vehicles at the Motor Show in October, prior to their general availability In...

Extra Life from Renold

RENOLD Power Transmissio Ltd has developed a new cam shaft idler chain for automotiv engines, designated EL (extr life). This...

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CM'S cost Tables are now ready

)ur 1982/83 Tables of )perating Costs mblished his week provide merators with a guide :o their :osts and assist them to Note...

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Reporting in east central Scotland

I WISH to make a complaint oncerning the accuracty and bias of new items in Commercial Motor. Firstly, I would refer you to...

Waxing warrants more attention

WITH REFERENCE to the letter from Nigel Breeze of Southendon-Sea (CMJune 12), I would * like to draw his attention to the way a...

Where motorbikes roam the roads

WHAT a shame that Frank Tinsdale (CM July 3) seems to have no contact with the real world. He obviously never speaks to anybody...

MOTEC High Ercall calls for support

I WISH to appeal to the 75,000 people who have benefited from a MOTEC course during the last 14 years, to support this centre...

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Making the most of your qualities

THE PERSON who succeeds in one of the several fields of management in road transport where others fail may be presumed to have...

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Quick quotes plus super service . . .

Vanguard Engineering is in the forefront with its industrial and commercial removals service. John Durant visits its Hangar...

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MOVING printers' machinery is one of the areas in which

Vanguard specialises. It moved London's evening paper The Standard to the Daily Express building in Fleet Street. Another area...

Roll out the barrel. .

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A moving spirit is called to the BAR

The new president of the British Association of Removers is an intriguing blend of traditionalist and innovator. David Wilcox...

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The rise and rise ol Cooper's mini-empin

Downtown Charlton is the base of a successful transport and warehousing group that has been created by the drivin efforts of...

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The rights of van

Bill Brock has been testing Fiat Daily vans — the petrol engined 35.8 and the dieselpowered 35.9. He found much to praise but...

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What's in store for warehouse keepers?

David Wilcox takes a close look at the National Association of Warehouse Keepers and discovers that despite widespread...

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Service beyond the call of pallets

Giltspur seeks space in a crowded market by backing a new range of pallet containers, roll pallets and dairy containers. By...

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Running CM LDoY Finah is a man-size Us'

Denis Teer, clerk of the course, tells John Durant how he does it: with the aid of 160 marshals — all in aid of road safety...

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Peop le

RAY MURPHY has been made general manager of the associated Whittle International Movers and Brewer and Turnbull companies, both...

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The economics of the madhouse

k FEW WEEKS before the antics xf the National Union of lailwaymen and then of ASLEF nade the matter seem of ioubtful relevance...

There appears to be a deliberate Government policy to allow

all Britain's transport infrastructure to deteriorate, through the gross under-provision of funds for maintenance. which...