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17th May 1963
17th May 1963
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Page 1, 17th May 1963

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No Parking

rrHERE was a distinctly Churchillian tone about the paper given 1. yesterday to the Public Transport Association conference...


GOODS Revolutionary recommendations might well be put forward by the R.H.A.'s licensing study group, said Mr. D. 0. Good at...

Page 7

'Revolutionary Recommendations' b R.H.A. Licensing Group?

ESPONDING to the toast of the F. R.H.A. proposed by Dr. Beeching at the Association's annual dinner at Grosvenor House, London,...

E.E.C. Licensing Quota Changes

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT QINCE it was clear that the six States of the E.E.C. were unlikely to accept an automatic...

Page 9

GOODS TRANSPORT Ulster Carters Accept U.S.-style Pay Charter A THREE-YEAR pay

contract which will give more than 1,000 Belfast transport workers wage increases of around 64 per cent now and 3 - 1 per cent...

T.R.T.A Seeks Double White Line' Ruling

T HE Ministry of Transport is being asked by the Traders Road Transport Association not to make indiscriminate or unnecessary...

Goods Traffic Increase ,Continues—E.C.M.T

T " European Conference of Ministers of Transport (E.C.M.T.), in its recently published ninth annual report covering 1962,...

Five-country Tours by Stockport Van

nVER 7,000 miles will be covered in the course of two Continental trips by a vehicle operated by C. and M. Yates Transport...

Page 11

Fewer Accidents: Better Road Signs T HE building of MI motorway

seemed to have reduced accidents by about 1,000 a year and fatalities by about 30, said Dr. R. J. Sneed of the Road Research...

T,R.T.A. Growth T HE Traders Road .Transport Association reports an encouraging growth in membership.

Of the several factors responsible. a primary one is the development of Association activities and services. But some of the...

Turn-round Talk A DISCUSSION on methods of I1 improving the

turn-round of vehicles will be held by the Willesden and Hendon N.P.Y. committee at Willesden Technical College, Denzil Road,...

Tyre Tool: Correction IN a paragraph headed "Tyre Changing 1

Easier" on page 50 of this issue, the first two lines should read: " An airoperated tyre toolhas been introduced by...

U.1.T.P. Appointment THOMAS LORD, general iv.1 manager of Leeds Corporation

Transport Department since 1960, has been appointed to the exocutive of the International Union of Public Transport (U IT. P. )

1 and.

Parlia . Iti - Ea.try In the Commons This Week 'THE Transport Holding Company I started life this year with a probable debt...

Page 13

At the P.T.A. Conference This Week

P EOPLE who thought implementation I of the Beeching report would mean a bonanza for the bus industry were mistaken, said the...

Page 15

No Grant Unless the Makers Approve Third-axle Conversions: Mr. Hanlon

C RITICISM of under-powered lorries grinding their way up hills and causing a nuisance to the public was made by Mr. J. A. T....

Three Liverpool Ve hides Suspended

F OLLOW1NG a series of offences against Section 178 of the 1960 Road Traffic Act, the North Western Licensing Authority....

Big Jump in Coal Traffic

IN order to extend the scope of its fleet, Flynn Brothers (Contractors) Ltd. applied to vary the conditions attached to its B...

Transporter Decision Reserved

R ESERV1NG his decision on an application by Progressive Deliveries Ltd. for B licences for 10 lorries and trailers and 10...

Page 39

The Buying and Selling of Carriers Licences

LICENSING CASEBOOK BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY ' They are not negotiable assets '—Mr. Muir T HE Metropolitan Licensing Authority,...

Rethinking on Clark

lk /TORE and more applications are "I being made to Licensing Authorities to convert B vehicles into Alicensed vehicles under...

Page 40


Big Bids in Four Areas QUBSTANTIAL applications are L. , notified this week from the Western, Eastern, Northern and Scottish...

Page 42

Transport Tribunal in Scotland

Grant Was Justified A Nappeal by British Railways against the grant by the Scottish Licensing Authority of an A licence in...

Page 43

Passenger Transport

Company Busmen Get 88. 9d. FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT P AY increases for 100,000 company busmen were agreed when the...

'Buses Driven from Pillar to Post'

"is becoming fashionable to urge the bus industry to improve its 'image' by providing more comfortable 'more efficient ', and '...

London Trouble?

From Our Industrial Correspondent I ONDON TRANSPORT, which only recently concluded lengthy negotiations for a pay rise for its...

Page 44

Men in the News

Last week the Bradford transport committee recommended the appointment of Mr. Man Gurley as rolling-stock engineer to the...

Political and Parliaillentary

Concessionary Fares AR. LAIN MACLEOD, Leader of the 1 V 1 Commons, last week promised to look into the possibility of...

Page 45

Te chnical

and Industrial Use Free-acceleration Test for Smoke' I F a "free-acceleration" test employing a smoke meter were instituted...

Extended Univan Range

T HE ScarnmeIl Univan boxvan semitrailer can now be supplied with Fourtrak twin-oscillating-axle running gear for each of the...

Page 46

Novel Loading System in Morgan Drop-frame Semi

A DROP - FRAME semi-trailer on rl which the load deck can be uncoupled from the forward raised portion for loading purposes has...


MORE COMET BUSES FOR INDIA: Following closely on the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation's recent order for 200 Ashok...

Page 51


Tractor-trailer Braking System A TRACTOR-TRAILER braking system that can apply either all brakes or only those of the trailer...


Handling Fuller Transmissions: As a result of the acquisition of the E.N.V. companies bythe Eaton Manufacturing Co. of...

Other recent patents include the following: 914,532 Rotary-distributor injection pump

having a pressure-operated automatic advance unit in its drive. C.A.V. Ltd., Warple Way, London, W.3. 914,604 Braking heavy...

Page 52

Another Tico Crane

A NEW Tico hydraulic lorry-mounted rk crane—the model K.100E—is now available from the U.K. concessionnaires, Colchester...

Anti-rattle Latches

A N anti-rattle latch developed by R. A. Neaverson Ltd., Abbey Lane, Leicester, for vehicle drop sides is fully...

Bearing Data Book

THERE are now four publications in I series of Bearing Data Books produced by the Skefko Ball Bearin g Co. Ltd., Luton, Beds....

Mini Door Stays

Q1MPLE but effective door-check stays kJ to hold open the driver's and passenger's doors on van and car models in the B.M.C....

Spray able Lubricants

'Two new aerosol-dispensed solid-film I lubricants—Moly Spray Kote and Molykote-Spray-Rapid—available from Molykote Great...

Tyre Changing Easier

A THREE-WHEELED battery-electric PI introduced by In g ersoll-Rand Co. Ltd., 164 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4, has the...

For a Quick Change

R EMOVABLE name boards for the sides of B.M.C. i-ton Mini vans can be obtained from Harespares, Surrey Street, Littlehanapton,...

Page 54


By JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. O NE of the disadvantages of single-drive bogies is that of occasional driving-wheel spin,...

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WRITES The Labour party . . . has no real policy on road transport F ROM recent statements by leaders of the Labour party,...

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"More Intelligent Approach to Tests"

" IT'S no good having a highly skilled nit as a driver but fortunately there is greater comprehension of the rules than last...

Page 64

P.T.A. CONFERENCE - 1963 A STRIDENT CALL for priority to enable buses to

survive, and a dissertation on architecture; these were the contrasting themes of the two papers at the 1963 Public Transport...

SURVIVAL and Depot Design

Mr. Humpidge began his paper. Its purpose, he said, was to draw the urgent attention of national and local government, and the...

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Special Buses for Cyclists

A S reported in The Commercial Motor of August 31, 1962, five special double-deck buses on Thames Trader p.s.v. chassis are to...

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Overseas Removers' Conference

S UBSTANT1AL reduction in insurance rates by the use of direct ferry removals, as opposed to lift vans, was disclosed by Mr. B....

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Bird's Eye View

E VER heard of a seven-year-old belting along in a 5-ton tipper at speed? If you find this difficult to believe I suggest you...

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Staff-car Problems A , SUBSTANTIAL proportion of six million private cars on the road in this country are primarily in use...