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S ERIOUS concern at the implications for commercial vehicles arising from the Government's White Paper on Investment...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT TT may cost up to £.5 for a heavy lorry to be tested at one of the nation-wide chain of...
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They would also be able to incorporate the higher braking standard which her working party had been studying and on which she...
TEGAL action is being taken by the RHA J-1 West Midland area to recover subscriptions from hauliers in the Potteries who have...
THE 2s. 6d. Forth Road Bridge toll will not be increased despite mounting Government pressure.
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irHE Ministry of Transport's anticipated 1 joint BR/RS parcels service proposals were commended by Mr. J. W. Bannard, on...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL ' CORRESPONDENT T HE problem of the liner trains—and of the right of private road hauliers to deliver and...
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IF the Attorney-General and the Director of Public Prosecutions had felt that proceedings on indictment had a reasonable...
THE failure to report the wages structure and " 1 conditions of work of London Transport busmen to the Prices and Incomes Board...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT O NE result of the railway strike settlement, and the brinkmanship involved, is that the...
QCOTTISH Liberal MPs, headed by party leader 1 - 7 Mr. Jo Grimond, have tabled a protest in the House of Commons against...
A BIG railway complaint about freight traffic has just broken surface in Parliament. It is that road operators are winning...
T ORY and Liberal criticism of the Government's decision not to include vehicles in the new scheme for investment grants failed...
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I T was stated on Tuesday at Cardiff that British Road services stood to lose £1 1,000 a year on local distribution alone if an...
S HORTAGE of spares for commercial vehicles was a disgrace to the country, said Mr. D. Goodfellow, managing director of Kaye...
A r Birmingham on Tuesday the West Midland Traffic Commissioners granted Berresford's Motors Ltd. an express service from Leek...
C RITICISMS of the service provided by BRS were made by Mr. H. J. Merrison, a director of H. G. Rent and Co. (Highbury) Ltd.,...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, in a reserved written judgment, has dismissed the appeal of R. Oakey and Sons Ltd., of Alvescot. Oxon,...
AN unopposed Contract A licence application I -1by Mr. A. F. Hutt, of Glenfarg, has been refused by the Scottish deputy...
APPLICATIONS (February 12,19661 Frank Ward, Dunfermline, new A lic., ST. (420. Mainly goods for Alexander Russell and Co....
APPLICATIONS February 12,1966 Alexander Thom and Partners. Glasgow, new A lic„ 2 veh. (7+0. G.g., within 10 miles, and...
APPLICATIONS (February 9,1966) J. Wilson, Penrith, A var., add 1 art. (71-0. Davisons Transport Ltd., Shildon, A var.. add 1...
APPLICATIONS (February 11,1966) Wilsons Fuel and Haulage, Hadfield, new A lic.. 1 veh. (4t). Life-crafts, chemicals,...
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APPLICATIONS (February 10, 1966) Granary Haulage Ltd., Burton-on-Trent, A var., add 1 art. (81-0. Foodstuffs (human and...
APPLICATIONS (February 9, 1966) Taylors Traffic Services, Bulby, nr. Bourne, Lines, new A lie.. 1 veh. {410. Coal, g g. and...
APPLICATIONS (February 8, 1966) Dainton Transport, Newton Abbot, new A lic., 1 veh. (5t Sc): 1 art. (510 (tankers). Mainly...
APPLICATIONS (February 14, 1966) K. R. Easter Ltd., King's Lynn, new A lie., 1 veh. (8311: 1 tn. {310 (draw-bar) (pressurized...
APPLICATIONS (February 10.1966) E. M. Douglas (Transport) Ltd., Forest Gate, E7, A var.. add 1 veh. (4t). G.g., mainly within...
APPLICATIONS (February 10, 1966) C. McKenzie, Southampton, new A lie., 1 veh. (7t). Nonperishable goods, Cardiff. Liverpool....
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T HE Minister of Transport, Mrs. Barbara Castle, has asked the Northern Economic Planning Council to report, within six months,...
to ban overtime. The men belong to the TGWU and an official of the union was due to talk to transport department chiefs last...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A S the London busmen's overtime ban entered its fourth week there were growing signs that...
the emergency measures introduced on January 30 are to be reinstated from February 20, announced the Board this week. This will...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT M ORE than 100,000 company busmen are to have a 40-hour week from next April. An agreement...
AN experiment to provide a bus-rail service ra. between the Kirkby/Fazakerley outer suburbs of Liverpool and the city centre to...
A SPECIAL passenger survey is to be conducted in Carlisle by Ribble Motor Services Ltd. for a week beginning on February 27....
in which the existing traffic department is integrated. S. C. Rowell, previously group traffic manager, has been appointed to...
mechanical handling equipment division of US Industries Inc. Engineering Ltd. and will be based at Burtonwood, Lancs. He...
a Deputy Secretary at the Ministry, replacing M. M. V. Custance, who has moved to the Ministry of Pensions and National...
post of Press officer of the York Trailer Co. Ltd. He will be responsible for all Press and public relations activities...
been appointed joint managing director of York Trailer Europa NV, Barendrecht, Rotterdam, Holland. With York for seven years,...
as sales director. For the past 10 years Mr. Miller has been involved in selling commercial vehicles in the London area and was...
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in succession to Rear Admiral I. G. Aylen. Dr. Pullman is head of the mechanical...
North West, including Yorkshire, for Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric Vehicles Ltd. (Morrisons). He has been operating in the...
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. John Kipps, Mr. Fred Massey and Mr. K. E. Tatlow. Mr. Kipps, who was chief public...
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A reported in the February 4 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR, Glasgow Corporation transport department has been operating a Leyland...
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T HE transport committee of Lancashire County Council has decided to extend for a further 12 months the pilot maintenance...
A FLEET of more than 100 Leyland Atlantean rear-engined double-deckers will be operated by Bolton Corporation Transport by...
TN vehicle repair, there are many tasks where it is necessary to learn by one means or another, that a working space or...
AN aid to systematic and effective maintenance was announced by Gulf Oil (Great Britain) Ltd. on Monday. The scheme comprises a...
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and publications Industrial blower Ordnance Survey map T HIS y ear's edition of the route-planning Ordnance Survey map was...
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BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY T o say that Maidstone likes its new Atlantean buses is almost an understatement. After spending a day in...
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View BY THE HAWK New International Chairman? T HERE is a lot of speculation g oin g on about who will take over as chairman...
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Sack the Militants! nNCE again the long-suffering public in London are being held 1 .-1 to ransom by the busmen, due to the...
IN his latest interim report the chairman of UNITED TRANSPORT —Mr. J. H. Watts—makes the comforting comment that since the end...
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rrHE success of last year's COMMERCIAL MOTOR guide to emergency service, and the growing demand for 24-hour facilities as...
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EN transport economists start talking about road pricing or the maximization of this, that and the other, the average road...
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A THOUGH it has been established practice for over 50 years in this journal to segregate the total cost of operating a...
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By George Wilmot ni Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN TRANSPORT THE ROYAL...