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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT N accountant, a jud g e, a B.B.C. £1 g overnor, a member of the London Electricity Board and...
T HE Road Haula g e Association's awareness, as reflected in a conference resolution, of the advanta g es of or g anized...
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and B.P, Ltd. last week signed a longterm contract for the bulk transport of oil by rail. The contract, under which Shell-Mex...
A PILOT scheme recently introduced in the Chichester area is helping West Sussex farmers to speed the delivery of sugar beet...
T HE automatic loading of road vehicles is a feature of the Esso Petroleum Company's new oil terminal opened at Tynemouth last...
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R EFERENCE to the current position regarding vehicle construction and use will he made considerably easier by the issue this...
at the Scottish Motor Show next month is a Leopard 36-ft. coach chassis with a new form of leaf-air sus pension at both axles,...
depot at Canterbury was opened on Wednesday by Mr. H. J. Thom; the South Eastern Licensing Authority. Costing £75,000, the new...
I T was a valid criticism of overseas removers in Britain that they were selling themselves cheap to the public, with charges...
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VUI111.ST the T.R.T.A, fully accepts the VV desirability of reducing vehicle noise, it has strong reservation as to the...
Item ler E.E.C. Vehicles? Although no tkeision was taken by the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Tuesday, it seems likely...
The Birmingham and Midland Motor .Omnibus Co. Ltd., succeeding Mr. J. Pearson, who has taken up a post with Birmingham City....
Mr. Jowett, who was one of the pioneers of the motor industry and founder of Jowett Cars, died last week at the age of 86. His...
A TRANSFER of nine vehicles from B to A licence was granted on Tuesday by the South Wales Licensing Authority to C. Slade and...
nONVERSION of three C-licensed vehicles to B operation was granted on Monday in Edinburgh by Mr. W. F. Quin, the Scottish...
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T HE Court of Appeal on Wednesday dismissed with costs an appeal by three hauliers in the North East challenging a Transport...
S ITTING in London on Wednesday, the Transport Tribunal dismissed an amical by Harold Simms of West Bromwich against the •...
IN a second case on Wednesday the 1 Tribunal dismissed an appeal by A. Stevens and Co. (Haulage) Ltd., Siddle C. Cook Ltd., and...
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IT would be inappropriate, at this I stage, to comment on the merits or demerits of the case that is currently before the Court...
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to South Eastern Area T HE largest application to be notified this week appears in the South Eastern "As and Ds" in the form...
APPLICATIONS (October 12, 1963) Henry M. Lines. Tale. new A lie.. 1 veh. (4t). General agricultural goods and livestock. G.B....
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T HE Transport Tribunal, in London last week, reserved its judgment in an appeal by Carman Transport Ltd., of Stoke-on-Trent,...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW series of hefty pay claims faces Britain's bus industry and spearheading the campaign...
T HE Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) (Amendment) Regulations 1963 were issued this week to take effect on...
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D ETAILS of the proposals to run additional bus services in the event of the closure of the rail passenger service on the...
A N exhibition of new and used coaches has been staged thil week at the Farnham showrooms of E. J. Baker and Co. (Dorking)...
E.OR failing to operate a bus service according to the timetable, Mr. Herbert Elwell of Trinity Road, Bridlington, has been...
WHILE the council of the Institute of IT Road Transport Engineers did not for a moment deny the need to increase vehicle...
L'IXED prices for unit exchanges have been established by Leyland Motors, including a guarantee for remanufactured units...
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IMPROVED suspension has been intro' duced for the Crane Fruehauf range of tandem axle semi-trailers. Known as the F suspension,...
Studebaker Corp. of America on a contract for 3,391 special delivery vans for the U.S. postal service. Completion of the...
and Super Comet models is now of C.A.V. manufacture and flashing direction indicators are now fitted as standard equipment, the...
developed jointly by the Japanese concerns Isuzu Motors, IshikawajimaHarima Heavy Industries and the Morinaga Confectionary...
of consolidated Construction and Use Regulations, the Motor Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) General Order 1963 has...
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A REDUCTION in friction of 20 per 1.-1 cent and increased resistance to vibration are claimed for a new type of restricted...
N EW fre:ght handling aids were shown by Lansing Bagnall Ltd. last week at a two-day demonstration at the company's Basingstoke...
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EE NGINEERING drawin g , sheet metal work and panel beatin g are amon g the trades included in the 1964 international...
Have you an idea that is worth passin g on to other readers ? it must relate to maintenance practice. If a panel, on which...
T WO thou g hts on maintenance of a .5-I-litre B.M.C. diesel engine win three g uineas for Mr. D. V. Brown, of Monro Transport,...
Handyman Engine Damage after Coasting WHEN COASTING a heavy goods vehicle with its en g ine runnin g at tickover speed, there...
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and Publications Analysers and Chargers from Laycock T HE extensive range of workshop equipment made by Laycock Engineering...
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DECAUSE of the specialized services it offers, which relieve the user from responsi bility for all forms of vehicle...
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A NOTE in a recent edition of the Northern Area As " and Ds stopped me in my tracks. It concerned an application by a...
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ROAD TEST: Dodge 14-ton-gross , Four-wheeler (Perkins engine) R OBUST, straightforward construction has for long been one of...
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I T is no exaggeration tq say that the same arrangement of engine cooling is provided by most manufacturers for vehicles...
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A Little Grit TO the County Councils who wish to ban artics during bad weather (see page 7, The Commercial Motor, September...
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W in-iota a Commercial Motor Show this year at Earls Court, the only opportunity in England of seeing the latest developments...
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I T is no use prescribing solutions for individual transport problems, said Mr. Keith Granville, in his presidential address at...
I EYLAND Royal Tiger Worldmaster buses are gradually to replace trains in Schwyz, capital of the Swiss canton of the same name....
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planning' L ATEST to embroider the theme that planning must be for transport as a whole and not for one form of transport only...
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I N this series last week comment was made on the selling of a transport service. However reliable the service provided by...