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T HE Bristow appeal, written judgment on which was published last week, places a different complexion on earlier rulings by the...
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B. Valentine L ONDON TRANSPORT'S chairman administers the vast transport of the Metropolis from an appropriately vast room high...
A DUTCH transport operator, Mr. yerwer, of Voorburg, has won a new Mercedes-Benz lorry in a competition promoted by the...
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P ROSECUTION of motorists who accepted money from passen g ers "to cover the cost of the petrol" was demanded on Tuesday by Mr....
N EW re g ulations dealin g mainly with towin g ambulances come into force on January 9. These appliances can at present be...
A TAKE-OVER bid for Thomas ri Harrin g ton, Ltd., was foreshddowed on Tuesday by Mr. E. G. Harrin g ton, chairman. He said ne...
A N application for a new 100,000s q .-ft. factory on the new Team Valley Tradin g Estate has been made by Smith's Delivery...
Haulier Sentenced to Imprisonment for False Statement : Two Operators on Similar Charge I N a written decision hastily issued...
A R. MUIR said that by his decision, the Davis group, of which C. Bristow, A l l Ltd., were members, had purged their offence....
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pASSING sentence of three months' imprisonment on Thomas William Chatterway, Chesterfield Road, Eckingtori, Sheffield, Mr. R....
AFTER pleading guilty to charges of making false statements in connection - 1-1 with a B-licence application, wrongfully using...
A N appeal to cattle hauliers to consider the need for artificial lighting in cattle trucks was made on Wednesday by Mr. T....
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MR. H. ROSLING has been appointed works Manager of G.K. Tyre Services, Ltd., a Kenning company. MR. FRANK DAVIES has become...
spent on major road improvements and new construction, compared with £23,416,000 in 1957-58. The value of new works upon trunk...
of workers in other industries, and greater productivity because of the introduction of one-man buses and larger vehicles, were...
Little Brother: The Weatherill shovel illustrated in the December 18, 1959, issue was the L60, not the L64, with Rootes diesel...
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1140131LE spares services for Albion, LVL Leyland and Scammell operators are being augmented. In addition to the vehicle...
IMPLIFIED conditions of carriage, involving an increase in liability for damage or loss of from £400 to £800 a ton, are put...
A DEVICE to enable simulated road testing of vehicles to he done inside a workshop has been developed by Crypton Equipment,...
A PROPOSAL that Id. fares be reintroduced by West Hartlepool Transport Department, whose bus revenue is declining and who are...
p LANS for a "Scottish week-end" are being made by the Scottish Area of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association to precede...
M ANX coach operators are trying to block the operation of coach tours in the Isle of Man by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., this...
'THE amount of London bus mileage L which had to be cancelled during the three weeks before Christmas was 50 per cent, greater...
T HE Road Haulage Association are to issue T.I.R. carnets to hauliers under the Customs Convention on the International...
R OAD haulage is pressing for this work, and British Railways must get on their toes and prove that they can do the job," said...
PI A B-LICENCE milk-collection vehicle was idle in the afternoons and could he employed then on other work. This was stated...
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not lose any traffic as a result of a grant, British Railways withdrew their objection to a proposed renewal of an A licence...
A STUDY group to devise plans to deal rA with traffic problems 25 years hence is to be set up by Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister...
DOTI{ road and rail in London were essential and their development should go forward together, the London Travel Committee...
A T least 12 inches play in the steering wheel, a loos* steering box and column, and a cab which could be lifted off the...
H OPE that a joint transport board could be established to run the merged municipal undertakings of Grimsby and Cleethorpes has...
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nESPITE vigorous protests by A.A. I- , Motor Services, Ltd., the Scottish Traffic Commissioners last week approved . proposals...
TH E East Midland Traffic Corn missioners have now issued their written decision on applications by four coach operators for...
S ALES in the first four months of the present financial year had increased by more than 33 per cent., Mr. R. H. Seddon,...
A N order to the value of £900,000 for 150 Worldmaster buses and spares has been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., by the Ghana...
R ESTRICTED loading and unloading IX times are proposed in a traffic plan approved by the Bradford Watch Committee. The...
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" A N easy way to obtain an A lieence," was how Mr. John Angus, representing four objectors before Mr. Alex Robertson,...
John F. Geodes, Ltd. Cap. £1.000. Dirs.: John F. Goodey and Mrs. E. M. Goodcy, Dunia Lodge. New Town Road, Colchester. Sec.:...
A WIGAN haulier admitted, at Preston. last week, that he had been carrying traffic not specified on his normal user for two...
A N application .by Mr. E. Glover for an A licence far a 3f-tonner with a normal user of "mainly livestock, Lancashire and...
Jchassis, together with four complete goods vehicles, are to be exhibited by Guy Motors, Ltd., at the 1960 Brussels Salon,...
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roads of Britain. The fun of the fair is on the move. Loaded convoys arc bringing blaring life to surprised meadows. For a day,...
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T HE Ulster Transport Authority have lost an important fares appeal in the Ulster Hi g h Court. Rathcoole Tenants' Association...
A PROPOSAL for the experimental application of a speed limit on all European roads outside built-up areas produced disa g...
L'XPANSION of the wholesale fruit and ve g etable market was the reason for 'an application for a B licence for a 24tonner by...
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Motorways Create New Technical Problems.: Factual Information on C-licence Work Now Available : Three Urgent Matters Call for...
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The Railways in Decline and Road Transport in the Ascendency : A Fight Against the Stranglehold of the Licensing System :...
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Says Rapier s ince 30 years have elapsed since the Traffic Commissioners first began to administer road passenger transport,...
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By A. R. F. Carling, Chairman, Public Transport Association T T HE HE coach and bus industry faces a New Year in which the...
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A THREE-FIGURE contract for ice. 1-1 . cream vans is among new orders placed with vehicle manufacturers. Mylos (Caterers),...
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T HE design of heavy goods vehicles has been freshly appraised with the advent of operation at higher speeds. Six-speed...
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T HE demand for liquid petroleum gas, both for domestic and industrial purposes, has risen greatly in Ireland during the past...
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By G. Duncan Jewel T HE development of Britain's major canals, during the past five years, by the Waterways Division of the...
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L AST October Portable Welders, Ltd., Castle Mills, Buckingham, introduced a new are-welding set known as the Fararc 200 which...
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UNTIL two years ago, road-tank con1/4. 1 struction was the almost exclusive , province of specialist engineering concerns....
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N EW inventions and processes do not always give rise to a controversy so violent that practically everybody seems to be taking...
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P ATENT No. 823,580 covers . independent rear suspension by universally jointed half-shafts and leaf springs. The axles swing...