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A S a result of some uncertainty about the precise nature of a so-called anti-freeze composition, regarding which the supplier...
Precautions to Take NAANY times we have issued Failing Supply of AntiI warnings against the freeze. danger of frost. Now -the...
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Of some who need goading to speed their loading. That we must save everything to save democracy— which is everything. That...
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IVE recently referred to the fact that IN the divisional read haulage officers to be appointed by the M. of W.T.. in connection...
IN respect of the year ended September 30 last, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.. is to pay a final dividend on ordinary...
D El:ERRING to recent transport 1‘proposals, Mr. Donald Dow, of the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, speaking at a...
charge of having defrauded the Ministry of War Transport by inducing a representative of the Ministry to deliver to him eight...
A CCORDING to the National 1 - 1Farmers' Union, a scheme has been prepared to assist farmers who find dif. ficulty in...
A JOINT' meeting of the C.M.U.A. t""/ and A.R.O. will be held at the Regent Picture House, Queens Road. Brighton, at 2 p.m....
D ECONSTITUTED by the Minister r\of Labour, the Road Haulage Central. Wages Board is getting busy, and the first' meeting of...
of Automobile Engineers recently met, ;the following award's in respect of tile 1940-41 session were made:—Crompton Medal to...
TO meet a widespread demand for an 1 up-to-date digest of current legislation, that versatile gentleman, Mr. F. G. Bristow,...
B EARING the title " Municipal Tank Wagons for Emptying Gullies and Cesspools," and described as "a review of the Dennis motor...
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August 7,1941, Joseph Lucas. Ltd., made a net profit, after .making all gp rovisions, including taxation, of 2284,703. Interim...
LIQR the carriage of common -bricks by road transport, a schedule of rates submitted by the road Panel of the Yorkshire...
A LL Yorkshire operators of commercial vehicles, both haulage contractors and ancillary users, are invited to a mass meeting...
30, 11941, the value of new commercial vehicles exported was 243,623, that-of tractors (not including the agricultural types)...
A N Order issued by the Secretary for riPetroleum makes it illegal for any dealer or retailer to sell paraffin burning Oil...
announce the lfY death, on November 12, at the age of ,74; at Chorleywood, of Mr. Charles Edward Dick, chairman of W. B. Dick...
T HE Committeekhich, under Lord Henley, last year considered procesaes connected with low-temperature carbonization, has been...
A T a recent meeting of the Standing Joint Committee of Road Hauliers' National Organizations, further consideration wis given...
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F CORMS of appliation for participation don in the Government road-haulage scheme and " Defence Lines " are now available at...
A JOINT meeting of the A.R.O. East Lancashire Area and the Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners Asseciation has been arranged •...
T "a proposal, in the House of Commons last week, by Mr. Emery, that steps should be taken - to prohibit the burning of waste...
A T a meeting in Glasgow - under the auspices of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association, the Government haulage scheme...
terms of payment which the Government overnment haulage scheme lays• down for the hire of chartered vehicles on long-distance...
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S OME concern was expressed at a recent meeting of the executive committee of the Liverpool Fish, Game and Poultry Merchants'...
T 'THIS comment is made in the bulletin of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners' Association on the Government* . road haulage...
THE net profit of Smith's ' Stamping 1 Works (Coventry), Ltd., for the period from August 3, 1940, to August 2, 1941, after...
T HE Secretary for Mines, Mr. Grenfell, answering a Parliamentary question from Mr. T. Smith, said, last week, that -the time...
A T the annual luncheon of the Institutetute of Transport, held at the Connaught Rooms, on November 12, the chair was taken by...
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Solving the Problems of the Carrier i N my previous article I set out, in detail, current figures for the operating cost of a...
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AilAY I be allowed to congratulate you, also your corMrespondent "-Azote," on the very useful and informative article which...
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La XTENSION of the application ( - 4 the battery-electric to passenger carrying is definitely news. That, however; is a...
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B ET:VVEEN 1872 and 1914 an area of 84,466 acres went down to grass in Herefordshire, so that there were only some 112,000...
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B the courtesy of Mr. A.. S. 1 --/Bishop, sales director of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain) Ltd., Wolverhampton,...
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mark the retirement of Sir Richard Redmayne, K.C.B., .chairman of the Road Haulage Central Wages Board, he was the guest of...
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NA ANY points of considerable interest Mare contained in a paper, " The Development of Road Transport for the Cotton Trade,"...
E VERY possible measure to prevent aoeidents on the road and to aid the maintenance during winter and black-out of transport...
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Spare-wheel Lifter A SPARE wheel, with its tyre and tube, may weigh anything up to 3 cwt., and this weight, whilst it an be...