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21th July 1972
21th July 1972
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Page 1, 21th July 1972

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Get the paperwork right

There are growing signs that operators are paying insufficient attention to their paperwork. It appears that operators tend to...

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FTA hits at AA on 10 pc overload allegation

Article painted `zunvarranted and irresponsible picture' of road transport industry • "Unwarranted", "irresponsible" and a...

Turmoil at Tilbury as 200 lorries blockade docks

• Two-hundred lorries blockaded the Tilbury container berth on Wednesday -part of the biggest demonstration yet by lorrymen...

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Gus shift lay for ['titration

The current battle over the principle shift pay for Britain's 80.000 municipal ismen is to be referred to arbitration. us move...

Wine group forms own transport company

• A new company, Luis Gordon Transport Ltd, has been formed by wine importers the Luis Gordon Group to carry the group's own...

go low tax for demount users

2m a special correspondent Demountable bodies do not qualify for lower rate of excise duty unless the :.rator can conclusively...

Rear markers 'a danger'

• The DoE may "look into" criticisms of the red and yellow rear markers on lorries which have been made, in a letter to The...

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Dockers black URTU drivers

Nearly 150 firms on pickets' embargo lists • "To all drivers in the United Road Transport Union. Dockers will not work lorries...

Sounds and fury when dockers meet drivers

• The meeting which was held betweer the unofficial dock stewards' committe( and stewards representing drivers - last Friday,...

Stewards' victorie weaken union control, QC

• Legal argument continued in the Hou of Lords this week in the appeal in whit five Law Lords are being asked to give tl final...

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3afety of transport vorkers at base

tobens committee calls for iajor change in law A major change in the law on the safety id health of transport workers was...

Essex GTA reformed

• The Essex Group Training Association has formed itself into a limited liability company, Training Development' (Transport)...

Dangers of M-way spotchecks

• A demand that the practice of carrying out routine goods vehicle enforcement checks on motorway hard shoulders should be...

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Twin-steer Ford has benefits for brewery

• The Tetley section of Allied Breweries Ltd, at Leeds, has put into service a Ford lorry with two steering axles. The vehicle,...

Ryder extends into leasing

• Ryder Truck Rental is to enter the leasing market, in addition to its hire-drive activities. The president of Ryder, Mr Van...

Fly-dumping exposers praised

• Lorry drivers who had come forward to admit their own involvement in "Deplorable acts of fly-dumping" of cyanide were...

Filmfor CM conference

• "Long haul", the new colour film depicting road transport in Europe, will be shown as an extra item — illustrating a paper on...

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Bulkers predominate at Peterborough

by Paul Brockington • Farmers had their first opportunity to look at the new eight-wheeled 30-ton bulk vehicles this week at...

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How operators can improve their bus services

• A list of the ways a bus operator can improve his services are included in a report published this week by the Organisation...

Tyneside PTE gets in on ads act

• Tyneside Passenger Transport Executive has joined the growing number of undertakings to latch on to the idea of painting...

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Scottish minibus routes in the red

• Scotland's first country bus service sponsored by a local authority has gone £100 into the red after its first three months'...

'Don't ignore individuals' warns bus chief

• There is potential for a "significant reduction" in operating costs by optimizing the correct mix of men and buses in order...

London Coastal becomes National Travel

• London Coastal Coaches Ltd, the NBC subsidiary which controls London's major coach terminal — Victoria Coach Station — has...

Call for Edinburgh PTA

• A call to set up an Edinburgh Passenger Transport Authority is to be made to the Secretary of State. The city's transport...

Warm-up for early work

• The staff of Highland Omnibuses at Inverness have devised a new method of heating buses to help warm up early morning...

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GV9s Purle's pollution problem

• When Purle Bros (Holdings) Ltd appeared before Mr H. E. Robson, Eastern LA, last week in Cambridge, Mr Patrick Ground,...

Three-quarter cut for absent haulier

• An Eye, Suffolk, operator who failed to appear at a Section 69 inquiry had his licence curtailed from 13 vehicles and four...

Haulier more concerned Over 0 licence than fine

• The failure of the offside rear wheel assembly of a six-wheeled lorry, converted from a four-wheeler, was due to a fitter's...

Family row led to GV9s

• Disagreement between two brothers who were partners in a transport company was responsible for the business suffering and as...

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Prohibitions detrimental o industry

Every goods vehicle operator had to alize that the road haulage industry had a id image in the eyes of the public, said Mr R....

Three months to 'clear situation'

While inspecting a goods vehicle which tad been parked outside a Manchester public louse, a DoE vehicle examiner was assaulted...

Reduced grant for honesty

• Although Jacksons of Hull (Haulage) Ltd had, in theory, a satisfactory vehicle maintenance system, in practice it was not...

Chaotic records, licence curtailed

• Eight GV9s issued on two vehicles and three trailers in a period of three months coupled with a vehicle examiner's report...

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Four-hour hearing adjourned

• An application by Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd of Leeds to start an express coach service between Castleford and Llandudno was...

Vehicle satisfactory but no records

• A West Midland own-account operator who failed to keep 0-licence application undertakings had his licence curtailed under...

Alan Richards steps up at NCL

Alan Richards, present traffic manager of National Carriers Ltd is to become assistant managing director — the latest senior...

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Too good for the scrapyard

Veteran body gets new chassis Too good to sell for scrap. . . that was the verdict of W. G. Eales (Transport) Ltd,....

Rubber springs for switchback Irish roads

• Because the switchback roads of County Donegal play havoc with normal leaf spring bogies an Irish Shell and BP distributor,...

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Fiat heavies to enter British market

by Gibb Grace • It was announced in Turin last week that Fiat is currently setting up a commercial vehicles sales and service...

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3ird's eye

hew by the Hawk Weight of tidence e AA's recent attack on overloaded lorries tde prominent use of figures published by (then)...

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BY ABOUT 7 PER CENT LAST WEEK copies of the 1972 edition of the Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs became available...

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Road test intpressions of the Fiat 684 model

by Gibb Grace DAuE, CEng, MIMechE FOUR TRUCKS in the Fiat range will be available in the UK from early next year and the 32...

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Some recent examples of purpose-built bodywork, new methods and materials BETWEEN the exotic one-off special body and the...

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We welcome letters for publication on transport topics. Address them to Commercial Motor, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London...

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road and workshop

Dy Handyman Understanding metrics (6) NE basic premise of the metric system and :he one that makes it so universally...


Paul Sykes • Former motor mechanic and excavator driver 28-year-old Paul Sykes who started a business in Wakefield and...

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rransport Ltd 111 r0T-SHOT APPROACH by John Darker, AMBIM THE EXPLOITATION of North Sea gas and oil finds continues to make...

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Q I am a technical salesman for a firm selling a

range of hydraulic truck readers. An important part of my duty is to iemonstrate the truck loader to my .?ustomers. Our...

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topic Party games

ONCE AGAIN the politicians are at their word games and on such occasions transport is a favourite subject. The main difficulty...

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Insure against continental tummy or worse by John C. Vann • While more and more British vehicles are running to the Continent...

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management matters

Labour relations in the North West (1) by John Darker, AMBIM A STRICTLY REGIONAL view of labour relations makes little sense...

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know the la

by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Disqualification and endorsement of driving licences A HEAVY FINE and sometimes imprisonment...

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profit from learning

Attention to detail in examinations by George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London. ONCE AGAIN,...

cropper's column

Eight months to learn VAT • Hauliers should have no major difficultic in dealing with value-added tax which COMf into...

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, hide washer

ortable high-pressure cleanand-degreasing machine has developed by Morrison les that incorporates a water :er and operates at a...

Strobof lash

A transistor stroboflash — Type 1209D — announced by Dawe Instruments is claimed to provide a high-sensitivity input which...

mp lead tow 3e

)mbined jump lead and tow of West German origin is g marketed in the UK by sport Information Services is known as the Combi...

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Welding generators

Stanelco-Thermatron Ltd has introduced a range of plastics sheet welding generators that is the outcome of a development...

Flameproof truck

Known as the FE5A, a flameproof battery-electric fork-lift truck of 50001b (2270 kg) capacity has been introduced by...

Torsional vibrator

Derritron Electronics have developed a torsional electromagnetic vibrator that operates on the principle of a reciprocating...

Cross-ply tyre

A round-shoulder, flat-tread • of cross-ply tyre — KM-3 introduced by the KE Springfield Tyre Company. available in 10 sizes up...

Circuit tester

A 12 /24V circuit tester has t added to the Steadfast re produced by the Tool Divisio Balfour Darwins which eaten the...

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keeping them running

by Trevor Longcroft some years CAV has offered it exchange scheme (UES) ring a number of replacecomponents for diesel les,...

Packaged air-blower

Designed for application to semi-trailer bulk vehicles, the Holmes blower is known as the type RBST size 68 and is of the...

Crawler jet

A crawler jet for tube, funnel and pipe cleaning has been introduced by Michen Industries. The crawler jet is fitted to the...

Windscreen washers

Two windscreen washer kits are now being marketed by Intertruck. These units have been introduced to meet the requirements of...

Foamspray washer

A system for washing commercial vehicles has been announced by the Transport Industries Division of Diversey that, it is...

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Stackable container

A semi-mobile stackable container, announced by Thorpe Bros {R h yi) , is said to be particularly suitable for use in confined...

Linear actuators

A range of self-contained motorized actuators known as the Mini-Pac and designed for a wide variety of power applications...

N oise meter

To coincide with the Code of Practice for reducing the exposure of employed persons to noise, recently announced by the...

Cladding system

Granges Essem (UK) announced a material facilitate the erection buildings and reduce c Known as the Vessem inst. cladding...

Locking ring

A locking ring made from metal and used in conjur with an aluminium sleev provide a quick-release coupling for bulk unloadim...