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22nd August 1975
22nd August 1975
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Page 1, 22nd August 1975

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Safari trail is the new boom route

British hauliers plan overland services to Africa BIG BOOM in business for vet services to Nigeria has ggered a rush by...

Warnings and wisdom in Mid East guide. ...and from IRU too

WARNING that the Iranian Fvernment is liable to impose road tax at short 'notice; a at that the Khyber Pass is ficult to use...

Page 5

LT considers bus hire

TO EASE a daily bus shortage reaching 400 vehicles a day London Transport is making inquiries among other leading operators to...

Page 6

vloves to curtail caravans

CM reporter TH the haulage industry and Government this week bemoves which could lead restrictions on the movent of caravans on...

rown traffic n Britain

NEW reference pamphlet scribing the moves being ide to deal with the growth motor traffic and improve blic transport in urban...

kDCiplans NBC route grab

:EMBERS of the Association District Councils Who oper:e their own buses are being Ted to consider taking over )utes which the...

End of an era at Fodens

THE CATALYST between his company and the institutions of the city was how a shareholder described Fodens' chairman, Mr Bill...

Page 7

Passenger men slam Euro-hours

ONLY a week after Minister for Transport, John Gilbert, heard representations about the EEC's proposals for modifying drivers'...

Let's get it right

The new horizons which are opening up internationally road haulage could not have come at a better time for 1 depressed British...

Page 15

Lorry routes plan slammed by Civic Trust

A SYSTEM of lorry routes in London would be a blight that would turn high streets into sterile tracks similar to motorways....

Liverpool lorry ban ?

MERSEYSIDE County Council has drawn up a draft order to ban all heavy lorries over 40 ft long from Liverpool City centre. It...

Cafe signs

DISAPPOINTMENT that the DoE has not accepted a recommendation that lorry route signs should indicate the location of transport...

Speed limits

THE possibility of different speed limits for day and night is being looked into by Dr John Gilbert, the Transport Minister, He...

Ring route wanted for Edinburgh

RHA and other trade support has been given to a campaign in Edinburgh to secure priority for building an Edinburgh ring route...

Page 16

.ommission :uts rate

iise bid QUARTER per cent cut in application for increased aulage rates by MacBrayne adage Ltd (CM last week) as made by the...

kpproval for evy scheme

PPROVAL has been given by Er Michael 'Foot, Secretary of tate for Employment, to promars submitted by the Road ransport...

It figures for Redland

A NEW computer terminal has been installed by Redland Roadstone Ltd at its Buddon Wood depot in Mountsontl, Leics, as part of a...


THE winner of the 1975 CM Lorry Driver of the Year competition, at Brarricote on September 7, will receive the Michelin...

Downsway go up

AFTER an extensive analysis programme Downsway Supermarkets Ltd, the St Albans based chain with 80 stores, has completely...

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TIR service centre A £250,000 service centre for Volvo trucks

operating on TIR was opened at Chingford, London this week. The centre offers a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service and has a...

British makers take bigger slice

ALTHOUGH new registrations of goods vehicles in the first seven months of this year fell by three per cent compared with the...

TUC on

transport A CALL to set up a new trg port controlling body will made by the Transport Salm Staffs Association at Trades Union...

Page 18

Horrifying' bus fleet iapped by Commissioner

COACH operator's fleet was a "horrifying" condition, chairman of the South Iles Traffic Commissioners, Ronald Jackson, said...

:ichool bus shock or Isles

TE WESTERN ISLES education mmittee last week rejected aders by Highland Omnibuses A about a dozen other operars for school...

A/rong number for Nal-a-ride

IAL-a-ride companies in Caliirnia have to cope with rather fferent problems than their nglish counterparts. Under state law...

Chesterfield's 30% fares increase

CHESTERFIELD Borough Council, faced with operating losses •during the current year on their bus services of around £435,000,...

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MPs urge tougher coach

safety . FURTHER demands for higher standards of coach safety have been made by MPs following last week's crash in which six...

Second fare increase in Kent

FACED with big operating losses at the end of 1975, two Kent bus companies want to increase their fares—for the second time...

Red revolution

PUBLIC resistance to a recei increase in fares has led 1 increasing losses by MidIar Red. This year the deficit coul be at...

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Volvo takes .he wraps Dff Middle East special

A BID to answer the .ticism levelled at the suitility of many present truck signs for the demanding iddle East run Volvo has me...


lolvo guide -IE 1975 Volvo Service Guide now available to Volvo ivers on TIR operations, listg Volvo service points in the K...

Mack go UK

AMERICAN-B UILT Mack trucks will be available in the UK from the end of the year. The American' company has completed...

Page 21

Curtain goes up on Tautliner variant

A TAUTLINER variant designed for vehicle applications where the curtain body sides are not required to be load restraining has...

New lightweight uses its loaf

BY CHANGING to a new design of lightweight Tidd Strongbox, Hawley's Bakeries Ltd, of Ruislip, Middlesex, is now able to carry...

Page 22

. Chadwick succeeds H. W. un, who has retired, as

ERF director. Mr Chadwick d as a student apprentice Guy Motors and left that any only eight years ago to ERF as home sales...

Not drowning but waving

With not entirely disarming frankness, Mr Richard Marsh has summed up the finantial situation ;of British Rail. In 'his own...

Page 24

'ord U014 )uple Dominant bus

Martin Watkins Photographs by Harry Roberts FOUR-SPEED version of the "R" series bus and coach tssis has now been produced meet...

Page 28

Continental invasion

Understandably, foreign car manufacturers' success in grabbing nearly half the sales in the UK car market just recently has...

:ommercial redit

ir folks in the commercial hide side of the business the Ps' report is very warming; ey say almost wholly nice ings about...

Extravagant weekend

No such restraints need inhibit those who are moved by old machinery, if you know what I mean. Or, as the handout puts it...

Not gone yet

Seems I "retired" John Hanlon prematurely in my piece about him last week in this column. Sorry about that. When he gave his...

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BUYERS GUIDE: Vehicle washing and chassis cleaning equipment

TWO BASIC types of vehicle washer are offered—brush and brushless—and both use a "drive-through" double arch system. As well as...

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CONTRACTORS PUMPS (Tamworth) LTD, 9 Mayama Road, Fazely, Tamworth, Staffs

TWO SIZES of machine in hot and cold versions are offered. The Lightning 900 is a hot and cold machine powered by a two...

C.W.C. LIMITED, 122 Clock House Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 CHEM-WASH

'systems from CWC Ltd work by spraying cm an application of diluted chemical which, after a one minute delay, is then rinsed...

Page 31


Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9AE MADE by Esquire Kleindienst, the Fletematic is available in the following forms: with one or two...

FLEX1AN HYDRAULICS LIMITED, Mitchell Road, Churchfields, Salisbury 5P2 7PZ FLEXIAN

makes a range of 14 cleaners with pressure outputs from 5,170 to 13,800kN/sq m (750 to 2,000psi) which are designed for use by...

GRUNDFOS PUMPS LTD, Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds THE WASHING

equipment from Grundfos is divided into three categories : light, medium and heavy duty. The light range is best suited for...

KINA ENGINEERING LTD, Industrial Estate, Hadleigl Suffolk THE KINA range

of jetting systems covers machines with operating pressures below 3,448kN/sq m (500psi) up to water blasters at 103,400kN/sq m...

KISMET LIMITED, Fenlake Works, Bedford MK42 STEAM cleaners and highpressure

hot or cold washing units are included in the Kismet range. The Minimaster Steam Cleaner uses 3-3i litres/min (i to igpm) of...

Page 32

YCOCK ENGINEERING LTD, Archer Road, Millhouses, effield 58 OJY r0

BASIC models are Ted by the,Laycock division the GKNeroup — the Layk Mobile Washer and the ,cock Merlin Mk II Washer. :le...

MOBILE TRANSPORT SERVICES LTD, Dominion Way, Worthing, Sussex FOR either

hot or cold washes, Mobile Transport Services Ltd have their Jetstreame mobile high-pressure cleaner. To operate the equipment...

PSIMAT LTD, Fairfields Estate, Reading Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 1DR

THE PSIMAT range includes electric, diesel and petrol powered versions of their 800 series cold water machine and the new H3...

Page 33

SMITH BROS AND WEBB LTD, Britannia Works, Arden Forest Industrial

Estate, Alcester, Warwickshire SMITH BROS manufacture their own Britannia range of vehicle cleaners and also market Finnmatic...

THE SPEED-O-KLENE EQUIPMENT CO LTD, Elstow Storage Depot, Kempston Hardwick,

Beds MARKETED under the name of Euroclean, the company makes a complete range of mobile vehicle and Ohassis cleaners or...

WARWICK PUMP AND ENGINEERING CO LTD, Oxford Road, Berinsfield, Oxford

0X9 812 THE FULL range of Warwick Power Washers offers varying performances from 9 litres/min (2gpm) at 3,500kN/sq m (500psi)....


SEVERAL TYPES of washers are 'available from Wickham, including the new Jet Clense automatic system for commercial vehicles of...

Page 34

If I drive a 'vehicle on an international journey, even

if this is only taking a trailer to the docks, I have to observe the EEC driving hours regulations, but I am told that I must...

Q I have a recovery vehicle of the suspended lift type

which 1 operate on trade plates. However, this is not always convenient and, 1 wonder, is it possible to tax it at the £25...

A The rules about psv drivers' hours are contained in

Section 95, 96, 102 and 103 of the Transport Act 1968, the Drivers' Hours (Passenger and Goods Vehicles) (ModifIcation.$) Order...

Q My school drama group has a 14-seater minibus which is

five years old and has just passed its annual MoT test. However, I am told that soon I will have to submit this vehicle to the...

In CM July 25 you stated that Trade Licences may

issued only to motor ders as defined in the hide (Excise) Act 1971. !lowing an unsuccessful 3iication as a haulage convtor I...

WILCOMATIC LTD, 15 London Road, Bromley, Kent THIS company, which

claims to be the world's largest suppliers of automated commercial vehicle washing equipment, offers a wide range of...

Page 35

Cut-price fly-drive for Dutch hauliers

AFTER years of negotiations between NOB, the Dutch road haulage organisation, KLM, the national airline, and the civil air...

All-wheel drive for psv

Truck chassis makes slim bus THE recent delivery of a specially designed 34-passenger bus on a four-wheel-drive chassis for...

Page 36

tail to the escue

pine bores to save time and money aria's biggest bore: A contractors vehicle on one of the special roads which have been built...

Watch the time and distance

by Johnny Johnson FOR MANY YEARS, this journal has been impressing on operators the importance .of costing their activities...

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How to avoid getting rate quotes in a twist

Monitoring Thus, there should be a constant monitoring of the weekly mileage to confirm that the target on which the firSt...

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Meter maids

by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE TRAFFIC WARDENS are intended to release policemen for their more important role of...

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The Hull Freight Study its implications for road haulage

by John Darker, AMBIM LTHOUGH most professional allege operators are fully precupied with cash-flow problems own-account...

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Inflation cage

A heavy-duty tyre inflation cage for commercial vehicle wheels 'has been announced by Stenor. The cage comes in two parts — a...

Clean view

Anti-windscreen smear products from Trio° are now available in bulk containers for commercial vehicle operators. Anti-smear...

The full range of special service tool's for Detroit Diesel

engines is now available from KentMoore UK. All the 'equipment is factory approved and has been developed in conjunotion with...

Flexible undercoatini

An anti-corrosive cladding material originally developed for the construction industry is now available for vehicle...

Better tester

Brake testers made by Kismet are now being made with an automatic stop facility and a hand-held remote control. In the KBT...

Projection bolts

A range of mild steel projection weld bolts has been introduced by Tucker Fasteners. The range supplements the company's...

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HGV licence medicals

the publication dated August , 1975, page 31, "Questions ad Answers" you State in the nail paragraph of the last uesltion and...

London coach parking

Your article on the parlous state of coach parking in London (CM August 8) was most timely. It is a matter of regret that we...

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Bus ops in Wales

The recent report (CM August 8) produced for the Welsh Council suggests a massive increase in the subsidy to bus operators over...

H. R. LANGRISHE, T. Eng.(CEI) AMIMI, Taf Valley Sales Ltd, Whit land, Dyfed.

the body-building industry witc was among those contacted for information for this feature. fit informed us in writing that "a...

Light van floors

bodywork for which we are well known and which we promote extensively because of its highly desirable qualities—it is rot,...