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B ELG1AN fiscal policy is killing the oil engine in that country. Because of discriminatory taxation, the compression ignition...
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A S London Transport is a British Transport Commission undertaking there is the possibility that the need for bolstering up...
Films to Encourage Coaching O NE of the useful side lines of Barton Transport, Ltd., the bus concern of Chilwell, Notts, is a...
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Expressions of approval of flashing direction signals. That a particle of micron size is 0.00004-in, in diameter. That...
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L IST No. 3, containing about 700 transport units for disposal, will be published by the British Transport Commission on...
" CIERTAIN interests" have made offers for the purchase of large sections of British Road Services. This was reported to the...
• 99 IN a personal statement to The 1 Commercial Motor on the British Transport Commission's announcement, Mr. Bernard...
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N O agreement on the pay rise for 90,000 busmen employed by private companies was reached by a meeting of the National Council...
A N increase of 2d. an hour has been awarded to craftsmen employed in municipal transport departments by the National Joint...
I T was resolved at the quarterly meet inging of the National Passenger Transport Inspectors' Association at Walsall to seek...
P ROPOSALS for the limitation of road traffic in the Lake District National Park are referred to in the second annual programme...
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T HE provision of two rear lighti on vehicles may be - made compulsory before the proposed date in 1957. The Minister of...
T HE contract under which the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., have operated since the beginning of the war is to end on June...
E ASE of inserting a piston into its cylinder is ensured byl the use of a Lightning taper-lead ring clamp, as produced by...
offered by Salopia Saloon Coaches, Ltd.,'Whitchurch, Shropshire, this year. They are:— Scottish Central Highlands and Royal...
rx A NEW pattern of holiday, in the form of short tours, has developed among the people of West Kent and East Sussex during the...
Simms Motor Units, Ltd., as works manager. He was formerly assistant general manager of the Rochester works of Elliott Bros....
" O UR membership is at a lament ably low figure, considering the small cost," said Mr. T. Cordery, relief secretary of the...
R ESTRICTIONS on the use of butyl synthetic rubber have been eased. Hitherto it has been available for making inner tubes only...
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A LL tenders for 65 transport units involving some 300 vehicles, in the first list for disposal are to be rejected. . Tenders...
T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer has formally acknowledged the receipt of a resolution from the Traders' Road Transport...
A RRANGEMENTS have been made by 'British Oyerseas - Fairs, Ltd., to hold a British Trade Fair in Baghdad, Irak, from October...
Pic Michelin Metallic and X tyres made at the Stoke-on-Trent factory have been reduced by 5 per cent. This concession has been...
T HE . British Transport Commission's statement on the future of British Road Services (page 690) was welcomed by Mr. H. F....
O N Monday, F. J. Evans, Ltd., will open a spring-repair and exchange depot at 13a St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, the premises of...
P RICES at which Volkswagen commercial vehicles will sell in this country are, with purchase tax: 15-cwt. pick-up, £648 Is....
B ECAUSE of unforeseen circumstances, the annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association will be held at...
tors, Bradford' Transport DepartMent had had "to withdrawMany buses at peak periods; Mr: C. - T: liumpidge, general' - manager,...
S OME 58,000 members of the operating and maintenance staff of London Transport's road services benefit from a 7s. a week wage...
" T HERE are great advantages in economy and efficiency to be won from standardization and unification . . . but there are...
gestion could not be cured by the city council, but by the Government, Mr. L. J. Marshall, R.A.C. northwestern manager, told a...
A N expansion programme costing 1357m. was announced on Tuesday by the General Motors Corporation. Its purpose is mainly to...
Motors, Ltd., of 300,000 6 per cent. preference £1 shares and 600,000 ordinary shares of is. each have been closed. They were...
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A SUGGESTION that transport tloperators and trade should get together to examine mutual problems, with particular reference to...
A T the Public Transport Association's conference at Blackpool in May, Mr. S. C. Vince, chief engineer of Birmingham and...
A BULK wine tanker based on a Scammell straight-framed semitrailer chassis was recently supplied. to Vine Products, Ltd.,...
1 - 1, Yorkshire Licensing Authority requiring a Sheffield operator to charge 8s. 3d. more than he proposed for a service to...
A CALL to Welsh local authorities to co-operate "and do' more to improve their roads, also to press the Severn Bridge scheme,...
CREE A licences have been granted I by the Eastern Licensing Authority for 1,726 vehicles and 491 trailers of British Road...
Show, to be held from March 26-April 4, but there will be some commercial vehicles, depending upon the amount of space...
I for 35 consecutive years' accidentfree driving, under the ,rules of the ti on safe-driving competition organized by the Royal...
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B EFORE the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal in London, on Tuesday, Mr. J. Samuel-Gibbon, for T. J. Wahnsley, Ltd., South Blackburn,...
A PUBLIC hearing of an application by Rotherham Corporation for consent to run motorbuses over the Rotherham, Mexborough and...
A N extensive addition has been made to the works of the Commercial Motor Garage and Repair Co., Ltd., Kingston Road, London,...
A PPLICATION is to be made by Sunderland Transport Department for permission to change the Durham Road-Town Centre route from...
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T HEpresent-day effect of an Order made to protect the railways in 1933 was questioned when Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., North...
in Exports T 'THERE was a slight drop in coml. mercial-vehicle exports in November last year, as compared with the previous...
United Dominions Trust, Ltd., have opened a branch at 8 Market Place, Derby. Switzerland now has 432,000 motor vehicles, or...
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" I T is transport that is running us— not we who are running transport," said Mr. C. T. Humpidge, B.Sc., M.lust.T., general...
QINCE the Nash and Sherren hydraus-) lic refuse collector was first introduced, the triple hydraulic pumps have been replaced...
IN anticipation of a £4,000 deficit, J. excluding the recent wage increase, at the end of the current financial year, Preston...
TRAINING for commercial and 1 private drivers is being provided at a new driving school opened by Rootes, Ltd., in Manchester....
T I NE-MAN single-deck buses are to kj be tried as an economy measure by Hull Transport Department. Conversion of the vehicles...
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says F. W. Knight Some of the Transport Tasks for which a Trailer or Semi-trailer is Particularly Suitable J UST as the laws...
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A N improved version of the Swiss Oetiker exhaust brake, suitable for oil-engined vehicles, is to be manufactured in this...
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Investigations by the Road Research Laboratory Reveal a Continua] Worsening of Conditions in Central London: No-parking...
be 'operated by - Tyburn 'Road Tank Services,Ltd., 55 Wycombe End, Beaconsfield, Bucks, advantage has been taken of the 'new...
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How Albion Investigate . Mechanical Failures: Tests Reveal Reasons for • Breakages and Excessive Wear in Certain Components S...
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A Mobile Self:contained Darkroom and Office Designed to Produce First-class Engineering X-ray Work A :MOBILE field engineering...
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tys Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. T HERE are no last-minute surprises at the Brussels Salon, and apart from the introduction...
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B RITISH and Continental tours offered by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., this year, include: BRITAIN: Six days: Blackpool...
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Probing the Pay . - Packet By JANUS W ITHOUT taking one side or the other on the thorny question of wages, one may still...
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Don't Forget B.R.S. Engineers I WAS extremely interested in the leading article "The Unfortunate In-betweens," published in...
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Fluctuations in Fuel Consumption Caused by Variations in Working Conditions Emphasize the Importance of Keeping Accurate...
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THE latest suggestions in respect of I disc brakes for road vehicles are disclosed in patent No. 700,644, by Girling Ltd.,...