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I MUCH is said and written these days about road transport as an industry that it is practically imible not to fall into the...
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HE 36-vehicle fleet of Geoffrey Reyner Ltd. will start working from Royal Mill, ,rton Street (off Moorside Street), .ylsden, at...
T HE whole of the share capital of J. H. Sparshatt and Sons (Southampton) Ltd., Leyland/Albion and Scammell distributors, has...
C HERTSEY will be the meeting place of many hundreds of military representatives of overseas governments on September 29....
THE Inland Transport Committee of the ECE is establishing a special working party to study the international transport by road...
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TNVESTIGATIONS by Fiat, of Italy, into the possibility of entering the British heavy commercial vehicle market have been going...
THREE new berths, developed jointly by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board and the Blue Funnel Line for the export trade to the...
T HERE is a senior vacancy on the technical staff of COMMERCIAL MOTOR. The man who gets this job should be aged between 25 and...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT I N a written answer to a question raised by Mr. Ian Lloyd, MP, on July 12, the Financial...
T HE packing division of Morton's (Coventry) Ltd., which was recently re-equipped to handle up to 800 tons a week, has now...
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slOTHER company has started to build semi-trailers for general haulage pur:s. It is HWP Engineering Co. Ltd., of !caster, an...
'HERE were no hi-jacks on HELPequipped vehicles in the first quarter of scheme's operation (April 1 to June 30), n though many...
M OBILE pay offices, banks and bullion vans that resist attack by sub-machine-gun fire, hand weapons and tools, even under...
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NEW company under the title of ABMAC Deliveries Ltd. is to be set up by Associated Biscuit Manufacturers Ltd. and John...
T HE leaders of 600 drivers at the Birmingham depots of British Road Services are calling for an official strike, a union...
From a special correspondent T HE Spanish authorities have indicated to the RHA certain reasons for the difficulties which...
A . FORTNIGHT after being fined £200 at Alford (Lines) Magistrates' Court on charges relating to the use of unlicensed...
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LAIM on behalf of BRS supervisory taff for a reduction in weekly working from 40 to 38 has been agreed by the ; and will take...
idends would be expected to be held down ! 12-month period. 'Rally, the Government called for a 12standstill on prices of all...
From Our Political Correspondent ALL the fuel companies in Britain, except Total Oil Products, have agreed to relax their hold...
rONSERVATIVES and Liberals tried, without success, last week to ensure that bus companies would continue to receive financial...
T iE new estimated cost of the channel tunnel is about £155--£170 m.—without capital charges. The revised estimate was given...
T HE Minister of Transport has approved proposals by the Railways Board for container services between Harwich (Parkeston...
IN REVIEWING the experimental 70 m.p.h. speed limit in conjunction with the road Research Laboratory, the Ministry of...
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D ELAY in the hearing of bus companies' fares applications by Traffic Commissioners was criticized this week by Mr. A. F. R....
A FTER more than 40 years of trading, Reall Coachbuilders Ltd. are to cease production on July 30 because of economic...
—companies want productivity By John Darker, ANI1BM A DELEGATE conference of busmen re presenting 77,000 employees in...
W ALLASEY CORPORATION passenger transport committee, which suffered a passenger loss of 10.15 per cent in 1965-6, is...
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ight nationalization out: bus industry must be relieved of fuel tax: too much itional operation c Moses talks to the new PVOA...
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-1— .1 XPERIMENTS with one-man single deck buses are to be made by Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation Transport. Two buses are on...
T H E transport committee at Reading has recommended the discontinuance of trolleybuses in the town; the recommendation will...
T HE tender of Leyland Motors Ltd. has been accepted by Birkenhead Corporation transport committee for the supply of 13...
D. R. Vernon has been appointed general manager of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport Co. Ltd., as from October 1, in...
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application by Croft Haulage Co. Ltd., of Warrington, Lanes, to add 4f-ton tippers to an A licence was Led last week by the...
H AVING satisfied the main objectors to their application for five excursion licences, Autotours Ltd., London, were left with...
A SUNDERLAND manufacturing firm was warned on Monday that any further offence relating to the number of hours worked by drivers...
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'THE Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Wednesday upheld an appeal by John W. Alexander, Ryefield Avenue, Coatbridge, against a...
M EMBERS of the Road Haulage Association will shortly be given the basis of a complete vehicle maintenance scheme, comprising a...
A DECISION was reserved at the end of a full day's hearing before the East Midland Licensing Authority at Lincoln on Wednesday...
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the Tay road bridge opening next 1th, a large number of applications to the bridge in circular tours has been vith the Scottish...
LS by East Midland Motor Services . against the refusal of the East Midland Commissioners to grant a variation of rvices...
ipplication by Charles Eden Ltd., of Torcester, for five B licences was adI at Worcester on Wednesday until eptember. Eden,...
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A T appeal by the County Borough of Gateshead against a grant by the Northern Traffic Commissioners to the Gateshead and...
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I. P. WILDING NechE, M1RTE Cf is the current position regarding iversion kits for brake systems? ehicles will need...
T HE Dutch company which imports and assembles Japanese Hino commercial vehicles is to exhibit at the Commercial Motor Show in...
p ROFESSOR COLIN BUCHANAN is one of the original eight members of a new company just registered as a limited liability company...
'THE General Post Office has recently placed an order with the Rootes Group commercial vehicle division for 600 Commer Series...
I N the road test report of the Atkinson six wheeler published in COMMERCIAL MOTOR of July 8. it was stated that the brake...
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A N ex-garage proprietor who was previously a vehicle inspector for many years with one of the largest bulk liquid haulage...
and Parkes Ltd., the Manchester manufacturers of Don and Capasco brake and clutch linings. The warehouse, part of a new...
depot of Wilmot Breeden Ltd., of Birmingham, has been moved to 32 Hawbank Road, College Milton Industrial Estate, East...
Part 18—Air-pressure/Hydraulic Reaction Valve W HERE a tractor unit is equipped with hydraulic brakes unboosted by air, yet...
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.ED to the range of low-pressure blowers manufactured y Wellworthy Ltd. is a new unit designed for high-pressure atic discharge...
A NNOUNCING the introduction of a much modified Mark Ii version of its TCT caravan transporter, Tollbridge Trailers claim that...
D ESCRIPTIONS of hydraulic and centrifugal braking systems, feed-on devices, end stops and special Glidewheels are included in...
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BY THE HAWK Hocus Pocus? T HE monolithic solidarity of the TGWU is, I suspect, a myth carefully cultivated by Frank Cousins...
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Artie is a Brute . C. HARRISON, of York Trailers, got rather hot under liar in your columns recently. I wonder why? He...
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BY JOHN DICKSON SIMPSON M ANY people on the operating side of the commercial vehicle industry are concerned at the path...
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SAYS A. J. P. WILDING, AMIMechE,MIRTE N O one can argue with the results of experimental work that has shown a need for greater...
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TT is always difficult for a new man to step into the experienced shoes of such a veteran as Sgt. B. L. Hale, but Sgt. A. E....
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arry about spares and service facilities By A. J. P. Wilding, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.R.T.E. a conversation I had last week about...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THE British Embassy in Paris is beginning to get increasingly concerned about the frequency with...
were confident expectations in the market that the results of ERF for the year ended March 31 last would make pleasant reading....
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j1-11TE Papers are seldom produced without some anguish V of mind on the part of the authors. Generally 'king they succeed in...
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O NE of the more important introductions at the 1964 Commercial Motor Show was the Guy Big J, a completely new design which had...
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In view of the Government's Transport White Paper, fresh topicality is given to the opinions of Sir Reginald Wilson on true...
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By George Wilmot M Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London TRANSPORT ECONOMICS DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW TN earlier...