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T HAT form of transport which interests readers of The Commercial Motor has, in sober truth, had a "good Press " during the...
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C ONSIDERABLE use has been made throughout the strike of road passenger vehicles, saloon buse , s and motor enriches all being...
How Lancashire is Carrying on Independently of the Railways. T HE STRONG arm of mechanically propelled road transport has...
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Reote.i, Ltd.; .the well-known rnoton, vehicle cnstrioutors and engingers, of 141, New Bond Street, Locidom W.; and Maidstone,...
Before the war the only tractors used in Turkey came from Germany, and were propelled by steam. Since 1918, however, petrol and...
which was appointed to study the influence on fish and other forms of stream life of washings from bituminous .rea.ds. which...
At their annual dinner, held at Cardiff recently, the members of the South Wales and Monmouthshire division of the Motor...
The United States Secretary for War has been recommended to introduse small lorries (weighing not over .900 lb.: and with a...
We have received a copy of the "Motor and Allied Trades Directory," which has been compiled by the Motor Trades Directory, Ltd....
The Royal Automobile Club has issued its list of officially appointed schools for instruction on motoring. The number of these...
St. Paul's Commercial Garage, ILtd., St.'EauPs Lane, Bournemouth, infqriii us that they have just purchased a number of...
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The Potteries Electric Traction Co., Ltd., who ruu extensive services of buses in the Potteries, have 'under construction a...
At a meeting of the Aldershot Town Council the town clerk reported on an interview with a representative of the Southern...
For some time past the West Hartlepool Corporation has been faced with the difficulty of continuing its road service between...
In the interests of those travelling to Scotland by road in order to attend the Scottish Motor Show, which is being held in...
Discussing the development of the company's business at the annual gathering of members of the staff of the Cumberland .Motor...
Proposing the toast, " The Motor Trade," at the annual dinner of the South Wales and Monmouthshire division ,af the Motor...
that the motor lorries that have been imported into the country since the abolition of the tariff duty are not being absorbed....
Ths illustrations reproduced on th'es page show a 3-4-ton Dennis tilt lorry recently supplied to Howard's Dairies, Ltd., of...
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With a view to increasing the efficiency of the Middlesbrough fire-fighting services, and minimizing the danger of large...
At a meeting of the South Shields Watch Comthittee the town clerk re ported concerning a conference with the • Minister' of...
According to 'a report of the Acting British Consul-General at Algiers, which has just been issued - by the Department of...
Oxford Watch Committee reports that it has written to the local bus company pressing for a general reduction in the fares and...
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Rai'leas vehicles to carry 60 passengers in one compartment are said to be proposed in Bradford to take the place of the...
Importations of motor vehicles into France during the first 11 months of 1923 amounted to 7,999 cars and 84 heavy commercial...
During the week ended January 12th, 65,617 passengers were carried on the motorbuses run by the Hull Corporation. These buses...
Algiers has been -encouraged during the past few years by means of subsidies and grants, under which scheme only tractors of...
The Bourne-mouth Licensing Corn• inittce has approved of the licences .held by Messrs. Elliott Bros. for certain Vehicles ....
, Jordon and Sons, Ltd., company registration agents, 116-118, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2, have sent us a cop of their annual...
Chester Watch Committee has decided that all owners of licensed motor hack ney carriages plying for hire within the city be...
Lack of arlequate transport facilities is the great development in Uganda, and there is great need for head...
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We reproduce on this page an Millstration of a gold plaque which has recently been awarded to the Saurer Commercial Vehicle...
Mr. E. Harry Lancaster, director and London manager of the Yellow Cab Manufacturing Co., of England, Ltd., left for the Chicago...
An interesting trailer coupling arrange mant has been patented by Messrs. Laffly, of Paris. (The firm of Laffly is a branch of...
To encourage a more thorough cultivation of the soil, tractors are to be admitted free into Hungary. Their importation,...
value in the north country during the first days of the railway strike. So far as passenger conveyance was concerned, the...
Tiverton Town Council has decided to purchase a motor fire-engine. Calcutta Municipal Council has authorized the purchase of...
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Details of Important British Commercial Vehicle Designed for Economical Transport of Medium Loads I T was announced in The...
S BVERAL of the most, prominent commercial vehicle manufacturers in this country are directly represented in the Colonies and...
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A Brief Description of a Popular Model from the De Dion liVorks. A VERY WIDE range of commercial chassis is now manufactured...
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A DIFFICULTY that has hitherto stiarisen in connection with the efficient working of electric lighting equipment on commercial...
N ORMAN mechanical tyre pumps are now being produced in several models which are suitable for inflating giant. pneumatics as...
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The Advantages of the Grease-gun System. TN THE sphere of the pleasure car, JLgrease-gun systems have been largely adopted for...
T T" , to the end of 1920 the public J transport services of Paris, apart fvoin the underground railways, were run by six...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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An Interesting Exhibition of Power-driven Agricultural Appliances. 463 Exhibitors. Development of the French Industry. T HE...
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Unknown Factors, and Factors which Vary, in Bus Operation and Their Effect Upon the Fare Table. The Importance of Employing New...
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B OTH THE Board of Trade and the Ministry of Transport have been deeply" concerned over the question of the provision of...
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A Prominent Northern Motor Coach Owner's Plans and Intentions for the 1924 Season. "'T H"year, the season through, we intend...
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The Opinion of the Manchester Tramway Manager an the Scope of the Motorbus. • ` 1‘40TOEBUSES are a most useful to the tramway,...
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Quito a useful motor-coach accessory has been designed by Mr. S. C. Burton, of 14, North Street, Bromley, Kent. It is a,...
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Fully Illustrated Description of the Commercial Vehicle Exhibits. Notable Designs in Passenger Bodies and Goods Vehicles....
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 477 —Silencing Noisy Road Wheels by the Use...
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Some Useful Hints from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. " T_TAV1NG occasion," writes a 1AStrood correspondent who omitted to...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. p NETIMATICALLY operated brakes _L are being used in increasing numbers on all types...