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rrilHE principle-0r 'shall we say' lack of principle of going slow" as a kind of alternative to 'a full time strike, is a...
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F DR those whose mothers came from Ireland there Was always joy in returning thither, even before the present era, when the...
as well as the Glasses driving of vehicles, -require continuous or interrupted use of eye protection from glare A recently...
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New A.E.C. Bus with Underfloor Engine INITIAL details have now been released by the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd.,...
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A S a. to the Road Haulage Executive's gazetteer of state-controlled haulage undertakings, the Road Haulage Association's...
I T is understood that the Road Haul age Executive is now employing stocktakers, ostensibly to assist hauliers in the...
N INEIEEN nations have signed a new , international road traffic convention in Geneva. Thus ended the world road transport...
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-u0WEVER one may attempt to disguise it, the tremendous increase in the number of C-licence vehicles is mainly due to the fear...
1 4R. W. McCREADY, managing IVL director of McCready Bros., Ltd., Liverpool, whose haulage business was acquired by British...
L-ROM observations made during a recent visit to Canada, the certifying officer of the West Midland Area, Mr. F. H. Paul, is...
WE regret to record the death of MR. W A. R. SADLER, director of Pirelli, Ltd. A founder member of the Tyre Manufacturers...
MR. C. G. St ANTON has beet' appointed sales manager of C. M. Boak and Co., Ltd., tyre factor, of Nottingham and Derby. ' MR....
pilferage of goods in store and transit is given in an attractively produced booklet entitled "Pilferage," published by the...
T HE road tests carried out by our associated journal, " The Motor," are widely accepted as being the most authoritative guide...
AR. McGIRR, Premier of New IV] South Wales, revealed recently that a loss of £A377,000 on the operation of the buses and trams...
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NfiEMBERS of the long-distance cenIntral panel of the Road Haulage Association, at a meeting on September 22, were advised by...
rINE of the main qualities of a sales manager should be ability to plan ahead, and a good general manager should leave him a...
A CCORoING to a statement issued to trade associations and other bodies by the Dollar Exports Board, Britain must now earn by...
A LTHOUGH members have been ('host through nationalization, the Road Haulage Association had, at July 31 this year, slightly...
The offices of the Professional Engineers Appointments Bureau have been moved to 9, Victoria Street, Westtrinster, London,...
A NEW bumper bar designed for use I — I on coaches has been produced by Weathershields, Ltd., 48, Moor Street, Birmingham. •...
A N attempt was made this week by 450 railway road transport workers in Eire to extend a strike, in which they have been taking...
at a time when the -whole economic structure - of the British Empire is at the cross-roads," said Lord Nuffield, in a statement...
IT is not necessary to have springs on 1 a trailer designed for and used in operations over rough roads. This point of law was...
K NOWN as the Autoscope, a new device to indicate when depression of the accelerator exceeds engine requirements has been...
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A DISPUTE between Llandudno ri Urban District Council and_Crosville Motor Services, Ltd, (owned by the British Transport...
NAIDDLESBROUGH'S 360 municipal iv.' busmen, who refused to work on Saturday 'afternoons because the transport committee would...
A BOLITION of Leeds Corporation's "closed-shop" rule, enforcing trade-union membership on industrial employees of the...
of many orders from overseas had been prevented because of exchange difficulties was stated by Mr. James Wild, chairman of...
B RIDGWATER magistrates last week decided that when a container was fixed to a vehicle by eight bolts it was part of "the...
T HAT an area road passenger transport board in the West Midlands could not be justified except as a political manoeuvre was an...
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B RITISH companies seeking to expand their export trade must send, overseas, men who can stand up to technical examination, and...
vehicles held by the Measham Motor Sales Organization at Measham, Mr. E. 0. Griffiths, West Bromwich, was awarded first prize...
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Our Third Article Refers to Inter-Executive Co-ordination, Wages and Conditions, Formation of Transport Nuclei and the Northern...
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A REMARKABLE demonstration in rapid loading and unloading of a 101-ton indivisible load by a driver and mate with no other...
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East of Manchester By C. S. DUNBAR, Minst.T. T O the east of Manchester is a group of municipal operators which, for many...
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DRK HORSE Powered by the Albion Four-cylindered Oil Engine, the Clydesdale Tractor Operates With Smoothness and Efficiency....
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Visitors from 14 Countries Came to Essex Recently To See the Latest Mechanical Aids to Farming D URING the first six months of...
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TO-DAY one often hears of jobs being arranged to I give the minimum of fatigue, as apart from that caused by the actual work...
to comment on your leader of September 2, and the letter from Mr. C. T. Humpidge, published by you on September 16, both headed...
Taylor, A.I.R.T.E., in "The Commercial Motor" dated September 9 and entitled "The Obstacle Race Between Work and Home,"...
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Now that the A Contract Licence is Almost a Thing of the Past, Operators Are Exploring Other Avenues to Keep in the Road...
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The First Annual Report, the Charing Cross Exhibition and the New House Organ for Employees are Propaganda Works of Consummate...
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IN a new design of body built by 1 Holmes (Preston), Ltd., Preston, Lanes, the object has been to reduce the number of...
P RODUCED by Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Staffa Road, London. E.I0, the Staffs' 4-in, tube bender, originally a motorized...
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A COMBUSTION system for oil i — tengines-forms the subject of patent No. 625,946, from H. Ricardo and G. Holt, Bridge Works,...