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PLANS by the Greater London Council - to introduce a permit scheme for heavy goods vehicles demand very close examination. Its...
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IAULIERS are being hit hard y welchers and slow payers. Bad debt burdens have lready forced some operators ut of business, and...
A BITING attack on EEC legislation designed to hit the haulier and reduce the rail deficit has come from United Road Transport...
STAND-BY grants of up to £50 million will be made available to the National Freight Corporation under a Bill introduced in the...
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A GREATER London Council plan to introduce a system of permits for bringing heavy lorries into central London has been...
for B15 buses and the transport committ of the GLC recommends if the cash be made available purchase 450 deckers for (It very...
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ider contract with Leyland, lowing London Transport's vn overhaul facilities to confitrate on double-deckers. Double-deckers...
r WAS wrong for the Naional Health Service to bear he heavy cost of accidents, aid Mr David Ennals, the ocial Services...
WEST Germany is waiting to be called before the European Court in Luxembourg after suspending the 450km limit for road...
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came into effect when le west side of the Square /as closed to through traffic. The GLC aim to make the quare a focal point...
Intertruck Limited, Dartford, Kent, is now in the process of setting up an outlet in Zambia. The management of Intertruck has...
HAULIERS' costs are going up with "every turn of a lorry wheel," according to Road Haulage Association vice-chairman John...
SCOTTISH hauliers have reached agreement with the Transport and General Workers Union over pay and subsistence for the next 12...
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accidents than light goods vehicles, cars and taxis during each of the last five years — but a higher rate of involvement in...
introduced — just two months after the company announced extra weekend crossings to meet increased autumn and winter demand....
A 35,000 square feet packaging factory, just opened in Feltham, Middlesex, by the Giltspur group, will serve exporters and...
IT IS normal practice in the Northern Traffic Area for the hgN licences of drivers convicted and disqualified before...
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TRAINING manager for the oad Transport Industry raining Board told an indusial tribunal that he had been tcked because a letter...
DOCKERS at Portsmouth were following a fortnight of picketing which disrupted the port's ro-ro s A cooling off period has been...
kMERICA'S Fruehauf Corpo. ation intends to carry on with ts attempt to acquire the 3ritish Crane Fruehauf corn)any. It already...
Heavy test THE TEST for heavy goods vehicle drivers in this country is considerably more extended than that required of...
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restructure the management of the company. It is hoped that they will help communications between the company and customers....
FIFE Regional Council is carrying out a major survey commercial traffic to help it plan its future lorry routes. TI survey will...
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, ad maintenance — were flowed two psv licences for 2 months only at a hearing in drmingham last week. But sorting out the...
4ANY coach operators are eing put to trouble and .xpense by the refusal of the 'ransport Department to end a vehicle examiner...
THE WHOLE pattern of bus operation in London hinges on the results of a forthcoming experiment in Havering. Prepaid tickets to...
CHANGES at the top in the National Bus Company will take place in the New Year. On January 1 the western region director, Mr...
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commercial vehicles has been started by Inrad — a consortium of independent radiator makers and repairers. The scheme will...
or tors by Bill Brock THE RELIANT Kitten van, officially launched this week, represents a completely new departure for the...
A LEYBANK scheme for the supply of bodies for municipal vehicles is being set up by British Leyland and the service will be...
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probable site licensing conditions and confirm plated axle and gross weight limitations has been designed by Saunders...
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Government on the role of the major nationalised industries has already resulted in some caustic criticisms of the National...
The proviso is that management must be assured that it will be able to apply agreed strategies without being subject to...
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(ret) signed on as a bus driver with the East Kent Road Car Company two years ago. Newspaper stories and magazine articles...
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I GET annoyed, very annoyed, with two types. of individuals and I've been meeting too many lately — they're the knockers and...
THE Eastern National Preservation Group — that's a group of bus enthusiasts — has found a couple of bus shells in sunny Clacton...
JUST IN case the calendar on your watch has stopped, let me remind you it's only four CM days to Christmas. This is the time...
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home on inter-city routes than on a tough bus schedule — that's the verdict on the AiIse double-deck bus just tested by CM....
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tour he doesn't expect to see it again for six months. What's more when he next hears of it, it may be carrying a full load of...
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...don't let it die "WOULD passengers for Brussels, Cologne, Frankfurt, .Munich, Maribor, Belgrade, Skopje, Thessalonika and...
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but Stephen Gray learns that second thoughts pay off before buying second-hand MORE PROBLEMS exist for the coach operator when...
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IEDUCED bus services at tigher cost, and with more laff, would be the least that vould result from introducng EEC Regulation...
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VEVER has there been any kind of gap between statements, 3t national or at local level, on increases in road haulage costs....
by Les Oldridge, T. Eng (CE I), MIMI, AM I RTE THE MOTOR Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1973 is probably the most...
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and it is possible that the loads will completely fill the rear compartment. Could you advise me about rear view mirrors in...
Is it possible to carry two loads of this nature on one vehicle? A Regulation 20 (P) of the Motor Vehicles (Authorisation of...
which will be racing shells. I propose to use a 3-ton rigid vehicle for this work, but I do not know if the boats will be too...
ALTHOUGH any vehicle maintained to meet the DoE requirements should be safe, the test does not cover al eventualities. And, in...