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E INDUSTRY will make another I in its favour when the House irts work on it next week. his emerged after a meeting tween...
)ST of the money raised by sale of the National Freight mpany went into the organiion's pension fund and net )ceeds were only...
is considering its long-term dianship with the Society of tor Manufacturers and Tradand is having discussions h the...
A WELSH haulier, Mr R. P. Edmonds of Dyfed, is under threat of physical violence if CM does not stop an investigation into...
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THE QUESTION of what weights the Government will finally authorise for lorries was carefully avoided when Transport Under...
AFTER hearing that the Severn Bridge needs to be strengthened, Transport Secretary David Howell is reviewing the longer term...
THE TRANSPORT and Road search Laboratory is provid assistance to industry for testing and evaluation of signs of front...
THE NATIONAL rail strike earlier this week had a patchy effect. The Post Office told CM on Monday that it hoped to be able to...
THE FIRST phase of the reorganisation of the Road Haulage Association into districts takes place at the end of this month, when...
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ILL EEC road haulage permits should ears, a group of British Conservative rublished earlier this week. The report, Transport...
THE GOVERNMENT should make renewed and urgent efforts to achieve EEC agreement on a European transport infrastructure fund,...
HE GREATER London Council as backed down from a potenial clash with the Department f Transport by dropping its ob)ction to the...
THE FINDINGS of the joint Franco/British Study Group on a fixed Channel link (CM, June 26) were based on errors and...
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Barnet lorry ban in North ondon has gone through nother twist, and is to be helved until the Wood Inquiry as published its...
NTERNATIONAL transport drivTs passing through Belgium would be well advised to take plenty of cash with them as rom next year,...
THE GOVERNMENT was last week asked to discuss with the Greater London Council the question of forbidding very large vehicles...
SCOTTISH road transpon operators were delighted last week by the depth of investigation which the Monopolies and Mergers...
FURTHER results from the CM Lorry Driver of the Year regional finals have reached the office. South Wales. Class A: I. Fox...
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A FORMER director of two insolvent transport companies has been granted a standard international operator's licence for one...
A JOINT company is beii formed by Whitbread Lando and Southern British Road SI vices to handle Whitbrel wholesale distribution...
NORTH WESTERN BRS has strengthened its developing contract hire business with a £0.5m contract to provide Kellogg's with 11...
THE FAILURE to reach a decision on a Dorchester by-pass, first planned 30 years ago, has been condemned as a "pathetic example...
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HE NEED for closer consultation with commercial vehicle perators over methods of collecting Mersey Tunnel tolls was emhasised...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association is to hold a series of major seminars entitled Transport Law — '82 at regional centres from...
NO RIGHTS can be given to strikers without taking away from the rights of others, said Employment Under Secretary David Wadding...
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S&D task force WITH NO fanfares of trumpets, She!yoke and Drewry made its debut as a military vehicle builder at the British...
of our associated journal Motor Trader. Steve joined CM eight years ago with a wide experience of the motor trade and the...
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LAST MINUTE agreements be tween applicants and objector waste time, South Wales Traffi Commissioners' chairmal Ronald Jackson...
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HE QUEST for financial efficiency at National Bus should not overle the need to maintain an adequate local public transport...
Support for Govt LT THERE is widespread support for a separate transport authority for London and for London Transport to be...
tE BEXHILL Bus Company is holding its own and is set to expand, ter two years of teething problems, reports TIM COBB. The...
EAST KENT and Maidstone and District are mounting a campaign against a threat by the Kent County Council to reduce their...
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FORD is now selling its South African built one-tonne payload pick-up in a bid to take on the Japanese importers. Two versions...
A NEW SERVICE to operators and hauliers which will deal with all aspects of the White Paper proposals on lorry weights has been...
IF YOU can write, have technical background, hold class one hgv driving licenc want a change of job, and a prepared to travel,...
ANCHORPAC launched a lc cost, portable waste comp tion unit at last week's lnstitu of Wastes Management exhil tion at...
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yHEN there is industrial action if one sort or another on ondon Transport Underground, Iritish Rail's service to Aoorgate is...
NLIMITED TRAVEL for 15 days n Greyhound Lines' 100,000 mte-miles of coach services in re USA and Canada and two ne-way flights...
ANOTHER eminent lawyer who is unlikely to be remembered for his association with transport is Tom Field-Fisher, QC, who...
THE OBITUARY notices that I have read announcing the recent death of David Karmel, QC, detail a distinguished career at the Bar...
A NATIONAL LOTTERY to pay the overwhelming interest charges on the Dartford tunnel has been suggested by an Essex county...
LORRY DRIVERS once earned the title, Knights of the Road, as much for their readiness to help drivers in distress as by their...
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THE 84th Institute of Wastes Management Conference and Exhibition has just been held in Scarborough. It featured a number of...
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AT FIRST GLANCE, Transport '82, held last week (CM June 26) in Munich was a complex and at first glance rather disappointing...
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JUGGERNAUTS are noisy, break up our roads, overcrowd our streets and damage our cities and villages. Juggernauts are a menace!...
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FOLLOWING hard on the heels of the legislation which made tachographs compulsory in goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross [the...
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WHAT DOES a transport company do when it has a large fleet of tippers relying on an ever-declining building industry that is...
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CM's new technical editor Bill Brock looks in on Wilcox of Peterborough and Seadyke of Wisbech INFLATION and rising costs...
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THE Leyland 851 is a coach body that has been quietly launched on to the market, and at the moment it is unlikely to be...
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NUMBERS of gleaming ERF tractive units with dry-powder tankers are now based where a tidemill mentioned in the Doomsday Book...
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PERKINS ENGINES of Peterborough celebrates its 50th birthday this year. Starting with small, rented premises, no equipment and...
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IT SEEMS a purge is being planned to stamp out a new menace in the Dartford tunnel. Apparently a secret club has been brought...
THOSE political agitators who plan to disrupt the launch of the South African-built Ford Cortina pick-up (CMJune 19) allege...
I AM worried about the Hawk, normally such a paragon of Hawk-like virtues. But in CM June 12, there is a sign of...
ONCE again the travelling public was inconvenienced this week by management and men for women) of British Rail. Thankfully good...