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T HERE is likely to be, in the near future, a - test case concerning purchase tax, the result of which will be awaited with...
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T HERE has just been reported from the Court of Appeal of Northern Ireland a case which seems to widen the duties of an...
Bus Employees to Aid 'Flu Research E NTHUSIASM to assist in medical research has 'been shown by over 200 men and women...
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Of traffic-light-strip tease. That a vested interest does not indicate shares in a clothing company. Someone asking if...
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A ' Oswestry haulier was warned by the West Midland Licensing Authority on Monday that, if he were again convicted for unlawful...
A N oil -engined version of the JenTug tractor will be exhibited at the • Commercial Motor Show by Jensen Motors, Ltd., West...
T WO orders, each valued at about £250,000, for oil engines for goods and passenger vehicles have been received from Argentina...
T HE Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. A. B. B. Valentine as a full-time member of the British Transport Commission. Mr....
C ONSUMPTION of motor spirit in Britain for the first six months of this year equalled 2.8m. tons, compared with 2.75m, tons...
F OURTEEN British makes of vehicle will be on show at the Paris Salon de l'Automobile at the Porte de Versailles from October...
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OLLOWING•an appeal, the Minister I of Transport has ordered the West Midland Licensing Authority to remove the suspension of...
6 vehicle of rt 12-ft. 3-in. wheelbase has been developed by Transport Vehicles (Thornycroft), Ltd. In the past, the Nubian has...
S EVERAL Morris-Commercial NN.S. ambulances have been Fitted with the B.M.C. 3.4-litre oil engine and are reported to be giving...
THE first term of office of the South I. Eastern Transport Users' Consultative Committee having expired, the Minister of...
" QATUR . ATION point has been wellnigh reached 7 in London traffic congestion,. according 'JO the 'annual report of the...
N EW appointments have been made . by Brake Linings, Ltd., makers of Duron friction material. Mr. C. B. Baker • has become...
T E 1954-55 prospectus of the City 1 of London College, Moorgate, E.C.2, gives details of the evening classes in transport...
B UILT at a cost of £120,000, the new bus garage of Coventry Transport Department in Sandy Lane was opened on Wednesday. It can...
-pm Minister of Transport has I accepted the recommendation of his inspector, Mr. A. N. C. Shelley, to allow the appeal of Mr....
from British Road -Services has been made by Robsons Border Transport, Ltd., 34 Lowther Street, Carlisle. The latest one...
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R ESTRICTIONS to prohibit commercial vehicles from loading and unloading in Central London were discussed by a deputation from...
publicservice vehicles travelling to Doncaster on dates from September 8-11, during the St. Leger race week, have been...
MR. J. N. UNGOED PITT has been appointed Bristol area manager of Lombard Banking, Ltd. MR. G. E. BEHARRELL, managing director...
no right to Lt have ejected a passenger who boards the vehicle at traffic lights, according to the Marlborough Street, (London)...
A N improved version of the Super Vega coach body has been introduced by Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd.. The Hyde, London, N.W.9....
trucks is to be held from Septembe 14-16 by .1. R. Alexander and Co., Ltd. 240-286 Great Western Road, Glasgow C.4, in...
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WORKERS' fares on Portsmouth VY Corporation's buses will end as soon as the Minister of Transport has sanctioned decisions of...
O RDINARY shareholders of Jowett Cars, Ltd., last week approved the agreement for the sale of the company's factory at Idle to...
WORKMEN'S return fares will be VV abolished by Leeds Corporation if proposals made to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority are...
rHESTER has applied to the North Western Licensing Authority for permission to abolish workmen's returns, and to increase...
W E regret to record the death of COL. HAROLD RANI OCK SANKEY. Col. Sankey, who was 59, was chairman of Joseph Sankey and Sons,...
T HE development of trolleybus services is advocated by Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, general manager of Glasgow Transport...
T HE case against a bus driver who admitted that his vehicle carried 50 passengers instead of the 29 for which it was licensed...
CUTURE meetings of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers include the following:— September 7, north-west centre, film on...
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T HE Commercial Motor Show will mark the introduction of several new heavy-duty batteries of various makes. They will represent...
T HE Minister of Labour has been sent a plea by Bangor Borough Council to the effect that a reduction in the fuel tax was vital...
Society will coincide with the Commercial Motor Show, and it is proposed to arrange a celebration in the form of a small...
H AVING refused a tender of £525 by Wright and Co. (King's Cross), Ltd., London, N.1, for contract-hire unit 2312 in List 5,...
A WARNING that the Bench would have to take more serious notice of cases where drivers were summoned for driving vehicles with...
1 the fleet of Stepps depot of W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., last Friday, caused more than 250 drivers and conductors to strike....
D ° you usually make mass attacks on transport?" This question was put to a Ministry of Transport vehicle examiner, Mr. J. B....
was imposed on R. Whitehead (Chilwell), Ltd., Viaduct Works, Giltbrook, at Derby, last week, for permitting the use of a lorry...
A PPEALS by Leeds Corporation against the Yorkshire Licensing Authority's decisions concerning the corporation's projected bus...
down on October 1. On the same day, the Hylton Road tram sheds will be officialLy opened as a bus depot.
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A NEW vehicle, equipped with what its inventor claims is "the greatest advance in the wheel in a thousand years," is being...
O PERATION on a private-hire basis was not a sufficient ground on which to apply for an • excursion and tour licence. It was...
THE concession for Great . Britain I and certain overseas territories for sales of German-made Bella motor electrical equipment...
D URING June, 13,542 new vehicles were registered. This figure does not include cars and motorcycles. Details in the respective...
T HE chairman and vice-chairman of Billingham Urban District Council have been censured by the council for withdrawing...
A JOINT application by four Yorkshire coach operators for permission to run an express service from Halifax to Torquay and...
A LL the vehicles of British Jeffrey Diamond, Ltd., Wakefield, mining engineers, are to be fitted with two-way radio to enable...
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I NCLUDED in the specification of a new Leyland passenger chassis specifically designed for the export market, are a 150 blip....
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)rive Unit in New Vehicle Oil-engine Maker and a Bodybuilder Engaged in Producing New Chassisless Light Vehicle for 25 cwt. of...
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new Beardmore London taxi cab, the production of which was announced in The Commercial Motor on August 6, will be powered by...
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— and a New Underfloor-engined Passenger Chassis, Both from Dennis: Perkins Engine in Ambulance Chassis T HE new Dennis...
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A N all-metal stretcher weighing only 20 lb. — against the usual 45 lb.—is a feature of an ambulance body built for the St....
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Seania Vabis, Werth.lje, Sweden, and both are reported to be selling in large numbers in Sweden and its export markets. The...
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Design of 7-8-tonner Based on Passenger Vehicle : New Coach Chassis has Meadows Underfloor Oil Engine E ARLY this year The...
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Lear Lighting F INAL decisions were announced by the Ministry of Transport last week regarding the provision of rear lamps and...
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DY using an oil-engined 7-tonner 1 -; weighing under 3 tons unladen, United Canners, Ltd., have been able to deliver...
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Z.-WORKING Interesting Joint Services Operated in ction with Other Corporations and Cornare a Feature at Bolton : Worthwhile...
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L IGHTWEIGHT double-deck buses with large engines are reducing Edinburgh Transport Department's fuel costs, are permitting a...
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Flying Dutchman By JANUS W OUNDING remarks have been made about the recent national traffic census. The Ministry of...
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A DAPTED in the undertaking's own workshops, a Bedford 10-12-cwt. vehicle with Martin Walter Utilecon body is being used for...
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Six-wheeled Goliath in New - Guy Range of Heavies Puts Up an Impressive Performance on a 100-mile Route Chosen for its...
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"The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Deals With an Inquiry Relating to the Use of a 6-ton and a 10-ton Vehicle on Hauling...
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A 1VIONG the Thornycroft exhibits to he displayed at the British Trade Fair, Baghdad, from October 25November 8, will be a...
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Afraid of Competition? IF the letter-box of S.T.R..; referred to in his article . 1 ' published. on August 6: be accepted as a...
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Important Development of the Austrian Beier Friction-type Multi-speed Gearbox A. FULLY automatic version of the Beier gearbox,...
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A LTHOUGH disc brakes are more effective than those of the drum type, their higher cost has reacted against their more general...