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VERY year the receipts of taxation of motor vehicles and their fuel increase, and it is estimated that this year they will be...
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Oil Savings for Europe THE petroleum chief of the American Mutual Security Agency, Cornelius J. Dwyer, recently completed a...
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That there is only one boss—the buyer. That Shell have given the lead in dealing with lead. That there is no 'rudeness now in...
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A LICENSING AUTHORITY is ti understood to have indicated in general terms the circumstances in which he would allow the base of...
B ELIEF that the unions will press for LP the recent 4s, pay award to municipal bus workers to be brought into line with the...
A BOUT 6,800 workers in London Transport's bus workshops will benefit from an agreement reached between the Executive and the...
T HE Forestry Conunission have been told that unless free transport is provided to move it to mills in the south of Scotland,...
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A T Salisbury, last Friday, Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, made it clear that he intended .to deal with...
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reasons resigned his presidency of the Mansion House Association on Transport. MR. M. F. BARNARD has been nominated as...
T HE Minister of Labour has decided to appoint a court of 'inquiry into the pay dispute between the bus companies and some...
Nottingham Transport Committee not to hire out off-service buses is to be discussed by the city council.
W HEN he suspended the C licences of two Aberdeen operators, last week, for frequent breaches of the conditions, the Scottish...
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A SPECIAL sitting to hear the case for allowing half-fares to 15-yearold children put by nearly 20 local authorities in...
" A N increase in freight charges at this stage, while providing no real solution to the problem, could in fact prejudice the...
T HE blood-transfusion service of Sheffield Regional Hospital Board has been newly equipped with a doubledeck mobile unit, now...
CAT1SFACTORY parking facilities s.-.) for coaches carrying Scottish visitors into the town are being sought by Whitley Bay...
14AULIERS should not assume that there would be "cheap bargains at the end of the day" in the closing stages of the sale of...
A FLEET of 30 new Leyland buses is shortly to go into service in Copenhagen. The vehicles are Royal Tigers with pneumo-cyclic...
A SPARE-WHEEL carrier of the PA winch type has been introduced in standard Leyland Tiger Cub models. It is mounted in front of...
A WARNING that applicants must give their legal representatives time to prepare a case was given by the Scottish Licensing...
V ARIOUS civic, transport and industrial interests agreed at a conference at Greenock last week to support the efforts of...
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CPECIAL " reject' lists of transport L.) units for which no satisfactory offers were received in the first two lists, are to be...
MEWCASTLE UPON TYNE'S traffic problems will be discussed by a special committee formed of corporation representatives and local...
WERE Robert Dickson, Jun., Ltd., VV Dundee, attempting to take over a non-existent business? This question was argued before...
HORT mid-week tours are becoming increasingly popular. Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., are among the operators catering for...
fares is being considered by Nottingham Transport Committee, the vice-chairman, Mr. W. G. Dyer, stated on Monday. A proposal...
QPEAKING at the annual luncheon kJ of the Central London Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. C. W, H, Sparrow, a...
T HE offer of Id. an hour increase in pay for maintenance and repair workers of British Road Services has been referred to the...
rates ti of purchase tax has been recommended to the Chancellor of the Exchequer by the Federation of British Industries, who...
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A HIGH COURT decision requiring 1-1 a contract-carriage operator to produce evidence that an occasion was " special" and the...
of Commons, PA last week, when he would introduce legislation to improve road safety, the Minister of Transport, Mr. A. T....
"IN your own interests the operation of these services should cease immediately," the East Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. A....
A NET profit of £12.056 is expected to be shown by Sunderland•Trabsport Department at the end of the current financial year on...
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A DVANTAGES of delivering new cars from the works on a special transporter, compared with direct driver-delivery under trade...
of Lords last week on the 30 m.p.h. speed limit in built-up areas, Lord Lucas raised the matter of road congestion caused by...
has been opened by the British Road Federation. The first step is the wide circulation of a new booklet ,entitled "Cross That...
It/TATTERS arising out of the 1V 1 denationalization of road haulage were discussed by Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of...
met in London last week to discuss the resumption of work on the Dartford-Purfleet tunnel. Lord Sandhurst, chairman of the...
I N the past three years British Road Services have spent £.15,1m, on modern vehicles incorporating many devices likely to...
A SURPLUS of several hundred pounds" is expected by West Hartlepool Transport Department at the end of the current financial...
1 - 1 A NEW aid to maintenance is pro vided by a cap lamp introduced by Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton. Manchester. It is a...
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THE use of ordinary vans for the 1 transport of meat was most unsatisfactory, and it was hoped that licensing considerations...
T HE rapid increase of membership of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers amply demonstrated the need for the...
A NUMBER of petrol-engined 25seaters run by Bour-emouth Transport Department is being replaced by six Leyland Royal Tiger...
MIGHT express coach services were 1 becoming increasingly popular because they saved the cost of a night's accommodation and...
S UPPORTING an application for a "working men's" tour of the Continent before the Scottish Licensing Authority, last week, an...
S.M.T.. Co., Ltd., with a covered area of 53,130 sq. ft., was opened at Curnnock, Ayrshire, last Friday, by Mr. W. P. Quin,...
MORK will begin in March on a W new central bus depot at Lady burn. Greenock, for the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd. The estimated...
T HEneed for better transport facilities in Cumberland to meet the requirements of industry, was emphasized by Lord Adams at...
for any proposed traffic regulations in their locality, Mr. R. E. G Brown, secretary of the -London and Home Counties Division...
S PEAKING at a dinner of the Worshipful Company of Carmen last week, Lord Hurcomb, former chairman of the British Transport...
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asks Ralph Cropper M.Sc. (Econ.), B.A., A.M.Inst.T. Present System of Disposal Encourages Low Tenders : Auction Would Raise...
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G LASGOW operators believe that the prices paid for poor vehicles in List No. I have been ridiculously high. They say also...
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Independent and Expert Assessments of Drivers' Capabilities by the B.S.M. Help Transport Managers in Selecting Employees and...
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T HE most recent addition to the ran g e of cuttin g machines produced by the British Oxy g en Co., Ltd., Brid g ewater House,...
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IT is understood that a new double.I. deck bus, having independent suspension at both front and rear, is being developed by...
at its lower end, one limb being pivoted to rod 7 and the other to the track rod (8). The track rod is linked to a mock drop...
pOINTED references are again made in the report of the Ulster Transport Authority for the year ended September 30, 1953, to...
N OVEMBER witnessed a seasonal drop in the registration of new vehicles. The figure fell from 13,781 for October to 11.470. The...
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Road Transport Makes Possible the Daily Concentration and Dispersal of Skilled Workers from Over a Wide Area to the...
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A IvIONG the chief advantages of aluminium bodywork for commercial vehicles are greater earning capacity consequent on a bigger...
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NT1L recently, any survey of the road haulage industry could make a convenient division betwe..n British Road services...
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T HE first Austin taxi to be fitted with a German Borgward oil engine was recently put into service )), the Hackney Transport...
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VUE have noticed in our newspaper Natal Mercury that certain bankers of Britain are complaining bitterly of, and warning...
A CCORDING to the official Estimates of Expenditure, the £50m. which was "to be approved" for road improvements during next...
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S ERIOUS anxiety is felt by the Public Transport Association and the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association over the...
A DECISION of the Western Deputy 1 - 1. Licensing Authority to add a vehicle to the A licence of Messrs. A. H. Gore, Clutton,...
The last of Belfast's trams will soon he withdrawn from service. They arc now operated on only one route. Forty - four Swedish...
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Charges Scheduled Too High Encourage Cutting by Operators Whose Overheads are Modest, Particularly Owner-drivers, Whilst, if...
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T HE large capacity of modern tanker vehicles renders some form of discharge pumping almost a necessity. Improvements in such...