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M UCH has been said and written concerning the influence of adequate and well-designed roads on the safety of the traffic...
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L ATE last year a coach was hired to convey members of a Services club to a football ground. The party was joined by two...
Britain Sets the Pace TT is flattering to find a British professional examina tion accepted as a basis for the award of an...
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That overtaking may be overstepping. That big loads demand big roads and these must A be denied them. That "near enough" is a...
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A CTION by employees Of the State-owned United Automobile. 1-1 . Services, Ltd.; Darlington, has prevented the company from...
B ECAUSE of the growing popularity of the oil engine, Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd., were faced with the problem of finding...
which, /Y.I. as reported last week, are to be , sent to Korea for rehabilitation work, are to be fitted with steel bodies and...
and Son, Southend, have been taken over . by National Parcels and Goods Services, Ltd. The combined business will be known as...
E XPLORATORY talks have begur over a projected merger of the municipal bus undertakings of Clee. thorpes and Grimsby. Reports...
zations of • the North Britist Rubber Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, and tht Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., London have been consolidated to...
alert for the possible imposition a traffic restrictions affecting the loadinn and unloading of their vehicles, Thi: point was...
now being claimed . by more thai 68,000 employees of London Transport This follows the wage claims submittet recently on behalf...
T HE controlling interest in a Braziliai brake-facing company, Industri. National de Lonas Para Freio, S.A has been acquired by...
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1T is possible that at the next Commercial Motor Show, many buses l and coaches exhibited will be equipped with alternators in...
A N inquiry is to be made into the administration and structure of Nottingham's transport undertaking. At March 31 last, the...
A VEHICLE examiner who claimed that there - had been 2-in, play on the front wheels of a lorry had " made a wild guess" and...
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T FIE Executives of the British .Tran port Commission, except Lando Transport, are to be disbanded afts September 30. Lord...
THE Minister of Transport has over' ruled Mr. J. M. Glen, an inspector of the Ministry, and has dismissed an appeal by G. H....
S UMMONED at Stratford on Avon, last week, for failing to carry a suitable receptacle containing first-aid dressings and...
A POST is available as assistant to tl sales engineer of a leading cot mercial vehicle maker. Apprenticesh or the equivalent...
A N assurance that the necessary /Abuses will soon be available has enabled the Montreal Transportation Commission to proceed...
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VE have laid down plans this year VV for new construction and major provements, which will cost f22m., be begun next year or as...
T HE anomalous position regarding the taxation of tower wagons is to be examined during the next few months. The taxation of...
R EGULAR Saturday visits to sports matches were not " special occasions." This ruling was given by Sheriff A. M. Prain in Perth...
‘...• There Were Four," made for the associates in America of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., as a contribution to sa,fety on the...
IT is reported that three Austrian corn. 1 1. panics have made overtures with a view to setting up a large factory in Izmir,...
V expected to be gained by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., who are to export oilengined tractors to the value of $3m. to the United...
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T " question of whether the Ulster Transport Tribunal have the power to fix maximum charges higher than the chargeable rates,...
Plymouth by the National•Benzole Co., Ltd., to serve an area bounded by Dartmouth... Rude. Wadcbridge and Fowey Six tanks...
engin( and therefore liable for a lower rate c tax. This was the effect of a decisio of the Queen's Bench Divisional Cour which...
completed the rebuilding and O organization of their factory Radford, Coventry, which was severe] bombed during the war. There...
E XPERIMENTS have been conducte 1 ---1 for some time by the Departmer of Scientific and Industrial Rescarc into the...
ordinary shah of Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., hi been made by the British Motor Co poration. A value of £3.5m is put upo the stock...
don propose that instead of huyir 10 new buses in the next financial yea six old vehicles should be reconditionei making it...
T WO traffic officers who boarded a coach hired for a private party were referred to as " snoopers " by the Lord Chief Justice...
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)ASSENGERS on Leicester City Council's buses will benefit by an .timated £18,000 a year if the East lidland Licensing Authority...
P IONEER builders and users of lightweight oil-erigined vans, St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association have now constructed a...
R EFUSING an application by Messrs. Frank Galloway and Sons, Shotts, to run an express service between Shafts and Glasgow, the...
Transport Department, believes that the undertaking's revenue has reached its peak and that any further increase in fares would...
A NEW type of plastic petrol piping has been produced by Creators, Ltd., New Haw, Weybridge, Surrey, for attachment to a number...
The new Dunlop factory in Brazil, now iearing completion, is scheduled to begin iroduction this year. The Minister of...
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Leyland Six-wheeler Tested Over Hilly Route where Gradients were Climbed with Zest but Without Undue Toll of Fuel: Acceleration...
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A MULTI-PURPOSE trailer, incur ti a number of ingenious features, has been evolved by Mr. W. T. Townend, 6 Queen Anne's Gate,...
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An attachment in the form of a Ion range boom for use with this jack crat enables an engine to be removed fro a chassis and...
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J NE of the most costly single items in the upkeep of a commercial vehicle is that of the res. A 10,00-20 12-ply cover, for...
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1r Andrew Seacombe .ce,ss with which E. Higgs and Co. Vewspaper Road-air Freight Service m as Carefully Planned as that of the...
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Killing the Goose 4 0RE and more desperate become the efforts to break .down the financial barrier that prevents any...
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Hantees Quality Thorough Maintenance of Delivery Vans Ensures that Meat-products Manufacturers' Fleet can Operate at Peak...
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Doi the bulk haulage of whisky in 1-1 2,000-gallon tankers in place of rail transport, W. and A. Gilbey, Ltd., have reduced the...
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An Illegal Honest Living V HY do applications for A licences so rarely succeed? I can obtain loads for regular runs between...
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Arising, The Ton-mile, Depreciation, Tyre Costs and the Return-load Bogey are Dealt with in this Article, a Response to...
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P No. 693,275 (H. Van Doorne, Deurne, Netherlands), deals with a torsion-rod suspension system intended particularly for...