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WILL hauliers be left to pick up the lion's share of the bill when the latest batch of oil price rises are agreed ? This was...
Esso is playing its cards close to the chest because there is no guarantee that its suggested increases will be politically...
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rom our political correspondent 'HE WAY is now open for an any implementation of the MC eight-hour day should tritain fail to...
y CM reporter LULL hauliers have offered to leet the unions' demand for a 7 per cent increase in subistence—against the trend...
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by CM reporter OPEN but empty is the state of the ill-fated Birmingham Containerbase this week. Now losing 0,000 a day, the...
A FIERCE attack on the EEC's second Social Regulation— which among other things would ban bonus payments related to tonnage or...
TRANSPORT manager of British Leyland's Austin-Morris division Mr G. N. Hastie was today presented with a prize from Ailsa...
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BUSMEN are becoming increasingly worried that the cost of implementing •the £6 rise awarded by the municipal bus employers will...
change trailer MAKING its debut at the Scottish Show today is a trailer specially designed for changing height standards on...
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THE " do-it-yourself " village bus service,planned by Eastern Counties was launched this week in Norfolk. Its object is to...
AID for lorry drivers on the long haul to the Middle East is being sought by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) from...
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A WARNING to international hauliers to beware of cheap CMR insurance cover for the Middle East was issued by an insurance...
A FUEL saving of 5.5 per cent has been achieved by the 57vehicle fleet operated by Perkins Engines Ltd. It followed a major...
TIR extension by CM reporter THE EEC COMMISSION is taking a comprehensively hard line of transport policy. Not only is it...
TWO haulage contractors, who admitted failing to return their VAT return forms, were fined the maximum of £100 each, when they...
A THREE-STAGE leasing scheme is being offered by Fodens Ltd for truck operators. First stage is a straightforward finance...
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SEVERAL new traffic signs were introduced on Monday this week. Included in these are new junction signs showing road...
1975 CM Lorry Driver of the Year competition, Colin Burrows, has been making public appearances at Scottish Motor Show...
Built by B. Walker & Son Ltd, Gammons Lane, Watford, these two demountable bodies, part of the company's Interchange range, are...
FOLLOWING a joint inspection of signs banning lorries from certain parts of Highgate with the Freight Transport Association,...
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with parts delivery NATIONAL CARRIERS have entered into an exclusive contract for the movement of Fiat parts to Fiat's network...
THE LAST of the series of bilateral transport agreements with the countries of Western Europe has been concluded with Portugal....
A NEW overland service to Northern Portugal has been announced by MAT Transport Ltd. Groupage services will run weekly from the...
STRICTER rules covering the transport of radioactive substances were announced by the DoE last week. The Radioactive Substances...
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Councils may be free to slash £68m cost CHILDREN who live closer than three miles to their school could in future be entitled...
LAUNCHED this week by Deansgate is the first psv conversion of the Leyland Sherpa Van. This is a 12-seater based on the Sherpa...
STRATHCLYDE regional Council is opposing the Government policy that PTEs should increase fares to match costs. In this it joins...
SCOTTISH coach operator, Rennie's of Dunfermline Ltd, has taken over another operator in nearby Dunblane. The fleet has been...
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ADVICE on all aspects of passenger transport operation will be offered on a worldwide scale by a newly formed company—NBC...
A MOVE into coach operation has been made by West Midland Passenger Transport Executive. Officers of the Executive have been...
AN ELEVENTH-HOUR bid to bring a new Transport Bill before the current session of Parliament ends is being made by Liberal MP Mr...
INSTANT AVAILABILITY is claimed to be the principal advantage of a new protection screen just developed by Northern General....
A CRASH in which the driver of a double-decker bus was killed when a lorry went out of control was caused by a broken front...
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A SPECIAL SYSTEM of load restraints, in the shape of 915mm (3ft) high steel poles, are fitted to the tail-lift platforms of 22...
FEWER commercial vehicles were made in the five weeks up to September 27 than in the corresponding period last year, according...
A CURTAIN-SIDED body — the Floloada — suitable for either a rigid chassis, semitrailer or drawbar unit has been announced by...
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MAKING its debut at the Scottish Motor Show this week is the " Jumbo " 6x4 MAN tractive unit designed for operation at 100 tons...
PLATFORM semi-trailers can now be equipped to allow selfloading of mobile plant and lump loads due to the development of...
AN AGREEMENT to co-ordinate research into sodiumsulphur batteries capable of producing five times the energy of the...
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FRIGOR refrigerated bodies are now being imported in CKD form from Denmark for assembly and marketing in the UK by A. C. Penman...
ONE of the men who helped set up the State-owned parcel carrying company NCL has been appointed vice-chairman of the British...
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by lain Sherriff THIS WEEKEND two Eastern British Road Services drivers driving British Leyland, Marathons fitted with the new...
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See Leyland AUSTIN MORRIS See Leyland cars BEDFORD Stand GB, H2—Mackay & Jardine Ltd. G2, Q2—Queen's Garage (Glasgow) Ltd....
is the biggest on record. With 218 stands it exceeds the 1973 Show by 36. The overflow has been accommodated at No 4 Shed,...
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Yorkhill Quay Andersons Commercials (Newhouse) Ltd Agricar-Forfar Ltd r BERLIET, a relative newcomer to the British market,...
THE following companies have static exhibits in No 4 shed : MAN; Taskers Trailers; Ford ; Northern Vehicle Dis. tributors ;...
Stand M6—Chrysler UK (Commer). Stand M7—UK (Dodge). A WIDE RANGE of weight categories is covered by Chrysler products in...
See Chrysler UK DAF Stand Ql—DAF Trucks (GB) Ltd. THREE vehicle's representing DAF's UK range are on show this year, the DAF...
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See Leyland DODGE See Chrysler ERF Stand 18—James Bowen and Sons Ltd. THREE trucks from the B Series make up the ERF...
Stand 1(1—CMT Transport Services (Scotland) Ltd. FOUR vehicles from Fiat are exhibited. The heavy end is represented by a 619...
Stand M5—Fodens Ltd. TWO tractive units both fitted with the recently announced S83 cab can be seen on the stand of the...
Stand N4—Alexanders of Edinburgh Ltd. A6, N1—Croft Bodybuilding & Engineering Co Ltd. A5, N5—J. A. Laidlaw (Airdrie) Ltd....
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Stand 811, J3—Appleyard (Edinburgh) Ltd. 615, J2—Appleyard (Gibbon) Ltd. F2, J9— Appleyard (Glasgow) Ltd. B5, J10—Carlaw Cars...
Stand M2—AEC M1—Albion M8—Daimler M10—Leyland L10—National M9—Scammell L9—Leyland, Scotland THE TRUCK and Bus division of...
Stand Q4—Magirus (S) MAGIRUS has only one vehicle on the stand, but at least four vehicles including a "Middle East" artic at...
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Yorkhill Quay—MITM Plant and Commercials (Scotland) THE RANGE of MAN trucks available in the UK has been extended considerably...
Stand K4—Callenders Engineering Co Ltd 3—Transport Engineering Services K6—Western Autos THE EXHIBITS from Mercedes Benz range...
Yorkhill Quay—John Stewart (Larbert) Ltd. THE newly introduced (to the UK market) Saviem 36-280 TU makes its Scottish debut...
See Leyland SCANIA Stand K7—Scania (GB) Ltd THE right-hand-drive version of the Soania LB 81 makes its debut at Kelvin Hall....
Stand Li, L2—Seddon Atkinson , Vehicles Ltd. SEVERAL NEW vehicles are being displayed by Seddon Atkinson including the new...
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Stand D39, K2—T. S. Liddell Ltd. A HI-ACE with Perkins Tipmaster body is the only commercial exhibit from Toyota. The 1-tanne,...
WAGEN Stand D19, K4—Callanders Engineering Co Ltd D23, K3—Cameron and Campbell Ltd. THE NEW Volkswagen LT forward-oontrol...
Stand L7—Ailsa Trucks Ltd. Mil—Ailsa Bus Ltd. THE TWO mainstays of the Ailsa Trucks range, the F86 and F88 models are both...
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THE 1975 Scottish Motor Show is the venue for the launching of several brand-new models, and also gives the visitor the chance...
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Subsidy or not, services to the Highlands and Islands are essential to prevent another depopulation of Scotland's North West...
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Saw a neat means of keeping tyres at the right pressure the other day. An artic belonging to D. J. Russell Transport pulled...
I hear that gasps of surprise greeted the Minister for Transport when he addressed a House of Commons select comrd.ttee on...
Fashion is a funny thing, not least when it comes to vehicle names. At present the "in" idea seems to be numbers—almost every...
While many people who sat in the elegant surroundings of Committee Room 5 last week may have wondered what the hearing was all...
British is best, we were always told. Ong of the first positive moves to follow the re-organisation at what used to be the...
Whether or not there is special satisfaction in being able to park safely on a road in the heart of the City of London without...
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By Johnny Johnson INCOMPATIBILITY of loads is a problem which the general haulier faces constantly. Solving the loadability...
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by bin Sherriff photographs by Dick Ross EARLY in 1974 before the full effects of trade recession hit Scotland John McNeil &...
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is fitted with a rear seat 521n long. I consider that only two people can use this seat, which means my minibus can carry seven...
by the DoE was forecast in Commercial Motor. I have not yet seen any of these; are they yet in use? So far as is known, only...
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by lain Sherriff IF you want a job done well then do it yourself. That was the thinking which led the Campbell brothers of...
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THE TWIN IMPACT of North Sea oil and a new roll-on/roll-off ferry service have this year transformed transport operations to...
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By Johnny Johnson IN ORDER to make a reasoned judgment on the financial merit of accepting or rejecting traffic offered, it is...
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and customer: Scottish Motec's basic costing course is designed to develop that potential for profitability planning chart,...
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The Long Haul by Michael Seth-Smith. Published by Hutchinson Benham, 3 Fitzroy Square, London WIP 6JD. Price £5.75 PUBLISHED...
edition of the International Road Transport Union handbook. In its 431 pages are featUred items on the national legislation of...
and Geoffrey Whitehead, BSc (Econ). Published by W. H. Allen. Price 0.50 MOST transport managers pay as much regard to...
and Islands Development Board, Bridge House, 27 Bank Street, Inverness, IVI IQR. Free of charge. PART of a series of four...
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by Martin Hayes CONSIDER the cost of paying • the wages of a bus-load of oil workers who earn well over £100 a week each and...
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Some combustion energy is absorbed in opposing piston inertia which reduces the energy wasted in flexing the engine structure....
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by Johnny Johnson THIS WEEK'S celebration of the Gunpowder Plot has put bonfire night into the future again for yet another...
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THERE are long-term benefits in the use of specialised, purpose-built vehicles to handle the cage pallets which are now...
ONLOOKERS may see most of the game, but they may not always interpret correctly what they see. All the same, it is salutary for...
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Traffic managers should make the latest Ordnance Survey map a must in every cab rather than relying on those famous last words...
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Using a Reliant three-wheeler chassis as a base, Ray Smith Demountables Ltd has produced a small tipper. The container, which...
Barlow Handling has added three models to its Hi-racker range of narrow aisle storage and retrieval equipment. Called Model...
A machine that will fit tubeless tyres to di types of fixed rims —including conventional, single hump, double hump, cast...
The CP-723 air-operated wrench from Consolida'ted Pneumatic Tool has an offset handle and is designed for work in confined...
From Bridon comes a range of Loadfast load or sheet-securing straps. Made from Polyester webbing, the straps are clamed to be...
To avoid pump damage the Euroclean H112 pressure cleaner injects any cleaning chemicals into the water stream as passes from...