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A DARK cloud which hung over the New Year has temporarily lifted. Oxford Corporation have postponed their decision to ban the...
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A LTHOUGH many bus operators have been forced to prune unremunerative working to avoid further applications for increases in...
American. Forecasts Engine Design A RESEARCH engineer of the Ethyl Corp. recently made a prophecy concerning the attributes...
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That the railways are against the coach operator because he gives real value for money. That many travellers prefer sitting in...
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GAINST strong opposition from the Railway Executive and Westcliff-on-Sea Motor Services, Ltd., a State-owned coach operator,...
the Ministry Of Transport for bringing new rear-lighting regulations into force. It is proposed that all new road vehicles...
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QTRENGTHENING of bridges over kJ railways on trunk roads will have high priority in the road programme recently announced by...
A CLAIM that it was unjust for his clients to be " chained " to Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., who were stern competitors for...
Southdown had operated extended tours for years, whereas Frames, who were mainly booking agents, would be new operators in this...
" M AZ ED to read you have I - I made further substantial and ex-Budgetary cuts in purchase tax on luxury goods, including...
O Wednesday it was still uncertain 1, -./ as to whether the Standard exhibit at the Brussels Show would include an example of...
A N application for a substantial increase in pay from the administrative, professional, technical, supervisory and clerical...
W HEN the increase of 4s. a week in the wages of haulage workers comes into effect, removers will be recommended by the...
A FTER having for 12 years been assistant to the transport controller of Marcom, Ltd., the Government sponsored margarine and...
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MR. F. TAYLOR has resigned his position is county transport manager at Lincoln of the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd. MR. W....
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A FURTHER reduction in the number rt of vehicles, more steps to economize, a "greater reluctance" to charge higher fares, and a...
IF, as the Minister of Transport has stated, it was clear that an extended programme of road improvements could not be delayed...
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A ONE-VEHICLE haulier whose IA lorry is deleted from his licence because it has not been used, and thereby loses his whole...
DAYMENTS from the Road Fund in the year ended March 31, 1953, were £1,076,492 less than was provided in the estimates,...
A CALL for a reduction in oil-fuel duty has been ma de by the Engineering Industries Association in their pre-Budget...
of David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., has obtained an order for 1,000 gearboxes for the Seddon 25-cwt. oil-engined...
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Morris-Commercial Affected A NUMBER of changes of appointment have been made within the British Motor Corporation, Ltd. Mr....
T HE British Motor Corporation are to register an Australian subsidiary to control the Austin Motor Co. (Australia), Ltd., and...
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IN the face of opposition by the rail]. ways, five big bus companies and a coach operator, a private-party operator, Mr. G. E....
"WHEN an aggrieved litigant chooses VI' to ignore the front door into the court of appeal, and chooses, rather, the back door...
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INSURANCE rates for vehicles authorized under contract-A licenees have been raised by the Provincial Insurance Co., Ltd.,...
T HE Association of Municipal Corporations have given their views on Worcester City Council's concern over the congestion...
THE charge made by British Road I Services to Lindsey County Council for haulage work done in connection with the flood...
.L - '0LLOWING the token unofficial strike of bus workers employed by Glasgow and Dundee Transport' Departments on Boxing Day...
A LARGE number of vehicles was PA exported by A.C.V. Sales; Ltd., last year. One of the bigger orders was for 50 A.E.C. Regal...
PA. A DEVICE for cleaning windscreens is being manufactured by the Alexander Engineering Co., Ltd., Thame Road, Haddenham. It...
DURCHASE tax and the uncertainty created by denationalization caused the sales of commercial vehicles by Kennings, Ltd., to be...
L OCAL authorities in the area are J—lexpected to oppose a clause in Walsall Corporation's new Parliamentary Bill giving the...
MEGOTIATIONS have been coml. pleted for Car Mart, Ltd., the largest Austin distributors in Britain, to acquire the controlling...
T HIS year's Mechanical Handling Exhibition and Convention at Olympia from June 9-19 will he the largest ever to be held, with...
T ° promote a better understanding in the precise interpretation of engineering drawings, the British Standards Institution,...
Ltd., 1Hanwell, and the commercial division at Chelsea of University Motors, Ltd., have been amalgamated under the 'title of...
F INISHING touches are being applied at Laira Bridge, Plymouth, to a new bus garage of the Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd....
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PICK-UP By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. A LIGHT vehicle designed for work on normal and estate roads could not be expected...
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Asks F. W. Knight T HE great variety of powered load carriers, ranging from fork-lift trucks to the Mighty Antar, suggests...
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By Our Legal Adviser A s The Commercial Motor reported .last week, there came into operation on January 1 the Motor Vehicles...
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WEIGHING 3,600 lb. less than as VV steel counterpart, a 3,400-gallon reinforced plastic tank is being used in America by P.B....
QUILT with a light-alloy underfraine I- 1 and an upper structure of timber and alloy, with alloy panelling, a grocery van...
A MONG the outstanding features of a new hydraulic press introduced by W. H. Marley and Co., Ltd., 105 High Road, London, N.11,...
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By Alan Smith T HOROUGH cost control and workers' incentivebonus schemes underlie the rapid expansion of Blox Services, Ltd.,...
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A GOODS-CARRYING Version of the A.C. 1 -1 .. Petite three-wheeled car has been produced by Buckland Body Works, Ltd., Buckland,...
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E VERYONE recognizes that the most important attraction of transport units lies in the special A licences that accompany them....
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TORQUES up to 10,480 lb.-ft. can be applied to any type of rear axle on a test rig built by Heenan and Fronde, Ltd.,...
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HAVE read with interest various articles which have I appeared in The Commercial Motor concerning the disposal of the units of...
I WOULD like to support your correspondent G. T. A. I Yorke, who stated in his letter which appeared in The Commercial Motor...
i AM a driver of 21 heavy goods vehicle of 22 years' experience and having read frequently. in The Commercial Motor about lorry...
HE use of motorbuses for delivering the Christmas mail has aroused much interest in South Shields and, judging from its...
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W HEN the political parties are at daggers drawn on the subject of transport, and when practically everybody else is anxious...
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How a Prospective Profit Can he Turned into a Loss by Wrongly Assessing the Maximum Weekly Mileage Which Working Hours and...
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In this case there is 110 legal way in which the limit can bejexceeded, as in,the case of 30 M.p.h. vehicles. The maximum...
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P ATENT No. 699,333 comes from N. Hackett, " Westcourt," 154 Glemayr Avenue, Bondi, New South WaleS, and discloses a safety...