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T seems reasonable to assume that the unexpected publication I on Wednesday (see page 9) of the Hall report on Britain's...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT DEPRESENTATIVES of hauliers and C-licensees have. I understand, made up their minds about the...
"ROM the evidence so far available it • does not seem that the change of eadership of the Labour party is going o be to the...
N O new recommendations on road haulage rates will now be made until after the Budget on April 3. It had been thought that a...
Security Committee of the Road Haulage Association, was called out on 341 occasions between July, 1962, and February, 1963....
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R OAD hauliers appeared to be seeking some sort of subsidy at the expense of other road users of the DartfordPurfleet tunnel,...
FROM OUR POI HICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE long-awaited results of the official Anglo-French study of a new crossChannel link will,...
Ni order to obtain the full safety benefit of three spur roads leading into Slough from the new Motorway, M4, which is to be...
THE heavy haulage and machinery carriers' group of the Road Haulage Association has appointed Mr. E. W. Voller, of Cattermoles...
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IT is understood that a broad basis has been reached between the Road Haulage Association and British Railways upon which...
Road Haulage Association •to launch its "Turn That Lorry Round" campaign a little over a year ago was that the Birmingham...
and Sons Ltd. has entered into a joint venture with the Dutch haulage company, Jonker's Expeditiebedrijven N.V., to form a new...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT M R. MARPLES presented the nation with some very important predictions about the future of...
nR. BEECHINGS long-awaited plan to revolutionize Britain's railways has now been completed and was handed over to the Minister...
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A NATIONAL Ports Council is to be set up to work out and put into operation an overall plan for the .conntry's docks....
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE State railways and canals have entered the battle for Britain's first trunk pipeline,...
Ministry of Transport were commented on by a committee of M.P.s examining the total of £175 m. of Government supplementary...
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I N 1961-62 total expenditure, by central and local g overnment, on roads in Great Britain was L222.9 million, reported...
kAR. C. R. HODGSON, East Midland VI Licensin g Authority, at Nottin g ham, lecided not to revoke the licence of 4r. G. H....
which will allow local authorities to g ive free travel or reduced fares on public service vehicles. Second Readin g is plann...
vehicle Tests M R. JOHN HAY, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, had spoken in "rather complacent terms"...
I – I A HAULIER. who had been allowed to substitute a vehicle on condition that the replacement was of not more than 1.100 Cu....
situation in this country is farcical, said Mr. M. H. Jackson-Lipkin, the well-known transport lawyer, when he spoke as g uest...
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A A W1SBECH haulier who had applied to the Eastern Licensing Authority for a new five-vehicle A licence to replace three...
B ITTER exchanges on the ethics of travel brochure publicity matter marked the closing stages of the hearing of the Yorkshire...
IN a written decision, the Minister of Transport has rescinded the decision of the Western Traffic Commissioners in granting...
THE North Western deputy Licensing Authority, MT. A. H. Jolliffe, reserved his decision on an application by Leinster Ferry...
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T " T is in the public interest that there should be an efficient, reliable and adequate transport system offering its...
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L ARGEST numerically of the applications notified this week is a bid by M.E.M.A. (Distribution) Ltd., of Wokingham in. the...
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A CRITICAL look at the development of London's new towns from a busman's point of view was taken by Mr. George Dickins, traffic...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THE T.G.W.U. general secretary, Mr. Frank Cousins, is leading a new attempt to reach a...
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A REFRIGERATION system suitable for use in frozen-food delivery bodies and which makes use of liquid nitrogen has been...
TW 0 new vans based on Austin and Morris FG K30 (1.5-ton) and FG IC40 (2-ton) chassis, and having easyaccess features have been...
DRMSH commercial vehicle produc tion and exports in January this year were considerably lower than in January, 1962, a month...
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rt A NEW type of oil seal, called the Unitized seal, is now being manufactured and marketed by U.S. Industries Inc. Engineering...
T HE Wasp steering-column lock is now offered as an optional extra on E.R.F. vehicles. If demand is sufficiently great it is...
rt A BOOKLET now available from The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., Wolverhampton deals with commercial...
A POCKET - SIZE load and inflation I -1 chart covering the full range of India Giant Tyres has been issued by India Tyres...
A SPECIAL plastics foam head for use with all polishing and vitrifying machines is available from Marron Machines Ltd., 2...
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MOW available in the United Kingdom I 11 is a new range of Cordia bench and pedestal mounted workshop grinding machines. These...
A TORSION bar to aid the closin g of PA heavy taildoors by one man is now offered as an optional extra on Edbro hydraulic...
S ELF LEVELLING suspensions 1--) employing hydraulic pumps are liable to sink when the engine is not running and to limit this...
DATENT No. 909,622 discloses details of an all-hydraulic transmission sysem. (The Austin Motor Co. Ltd., 1.ongbridge,...
O NE of the uses for flexible shutterin g described in patent No. 905,937 is for closing the rear of a van. It consists of...
P ATENT No. 908,258 discloses details of a combustion head intended particularly for petrol en g ines havin g large dia meter...
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W HEN working on aircraft jet engines some eight years ago, Mr. K. W. Eaton, now fleet engineer of Guymers (Transport) Ltd.,...
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T HE Common Market came to London on Monday and Tuesday when experts gathered at the Law Society to give papers at a conference...
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IN last week's report on the growth of the U.K. economy I to 1966, the National Economic Development Council quoted as one of...
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I N September the share values of Dimplex Ltd., heating and appliance manufacturers of Mil!brook, Southampton, hit the...
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I NTENDED for the carriage of workers and their equipment, or for camping holidays, the new Deansgate personnel vehicle is...
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BY HUGH G. JARMAN 7HEN Norman Transport Ltd., of V Montreal, was awarded an exclusive 1g-term contract to haul rayon for...
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'THE first of 24 Austin FGK60 3-ton I. chassis with special bodies has recently been built for the Main Drainage Service of the...
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b ITTLE that was not already known or guessed has emerged from the first published results of the survey of road goods...
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Twin-steer P.S.V.s WAS very interested in John Moon's article on road testing the Bedford VAL coach, and 1 remember. somebody...
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3 ECAUSE both private cars and commercial vehicles come within the common description of motor vehicles, misconceptions can...