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UARANTEES, whether trade or political, • domestic or international, are usually capable of more than one interpretation and are...
IN defending the British Transport Commission's ;11. proposal to increase railway freight, canal and dock charges, the Minister...
WHEN the Chancellor of vv the Exchequer announced the devaluation of the pound he seemed quite confident that there would be...
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That New Zealand has shown the way. That the election was largety . faught on the policy of free enterprise versus State...
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A N important concession has been offered to hauliers who appear to be ineligible for an original permit. because of a change...
B RITISH manufacturers will make a notable contribution to next year's Brussels Show, to be held from January 14-25. Eleven of...
Rates Policy to be Defined This Month : Minister Opposes Railway Subsidy T HE British Transport Commission hopes by Christmas...
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a new front.' wheel-drive light van, a development of an existing car chassis, will be announced early in 1950. It is to be...
W E are informed by the organizer, Mr. J. Pattison, 68, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, that the Public Works and Municipal...
A MEETING of the Eastern sub-area 11 of the Road Haulage Association, which will take place on December 15 at the Red House,...
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Ma. G. Wimmorr has been made a director of Charles G. S. Buist, Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. LORD ELTON and MAJOR GEORGE Cotra -...
T HE case of W. H. Smith, of Bunting(ord, which concerns, the right of the London Transport Executive to introduce a new...
R EFERENCE to the " niggardly way" in which Greenock Motor Services, Ltd., had been treated in its efforts to establish a . bus...
rtIFFICULTIES. frustrations and • Ldr obstructions" which were said to have faced a firm who tried to obtain a Contract A...
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schemes for road passenger transport';.the National Union of Ratepayers' Associations has sent a letter to Mr. Attlee, urging...
T HE Commer 7-tonner with I3-ft. 6-in, wheelbase, which was introduced at the Scottish Show, extends the range of types...
rest of the country would be an assurance of permanent prosperity for South Wales, of incalculable value to the" rest of the...
T HE fi fth Henry Spurrier lecture to the Institute of Transport, " The Commercial Vehicle Tyre and its Contribution to Road...
IT/HEN 'asked by Sir VVavell Wake' ri f field 'Why "expenditure on road imProvemehts had decreased, although the total amount...
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A special sale of passen g er vehicles and delivery vans will take place at Measham. near Burton-on-Trent, on December 13. The...
es and R.H.E. B EFORE the end of the year, the National Conference of Road Trans, port Clearing Houses hopes to meet the Road...
" N O industry can build a healthy and increasin g export trade on a crumblin g domestic market, which is, and must be, the...
A SINGLE-DECK 40-seater bus 1"-i* is bein g tested by Edinbur g h Transport Department. It is an M.C.W. chassisless model...
T HE number of vehicles re g istered for operation under C licences durin g October, 1949, was 7,948. Of this total, the number...
H EAVY vehicles operatin g between 'Glas g ow and Aberdeen are losing the equivalent of a day's work a week because of the 20...
B US companies runnin g services into Glas g ow are co-operatin g in a census to ascertain the point of ori g in of travellers,...
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INSISTENCE by the Cement Market' ing Co., Ltd., that anti-nationalization posters should be displayed on vehicles carrying...
Town Council will include a stipulation that contractors shall give local hauliers the opportunity of tendering for work. Where...
T INCOLN sub-section of the InstittlL, lion of Production Engineers recently paid a visit to the works of the Clayton Dewandr.e...
B PGUN in the first half of 1948, and not expected to come "on stream" until January, 1950, at the earliest, the new Shell...
T WO appeals against deeiSions of the Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority are due for hearing before the Appeal Tribunal on...
S UBJECT to road services licences and other necessary permission beinq obtained, the Gateshead and District Tramways Co.,...
D ENYING an allegation in a London newspaper that the Road Haulage Executive had " seized " the personal mail of private owners...
A SUPPLEMENT to the" Transport Act, 1947, as it Affects Road Transport," by 0. W. Quick Smith, LL.B., has been published by the...
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There are now 2,500 More Municipally Operated Buses in Britain than in 1948. "The Commercial Motor" Analysis Reveals the...
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He Say . p HILOSOPHERS and sages have often made a habit of condensing their wisdom into a series of short aphorisms which...
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secs., whereas with the auxiliary-low ratio, the time factor was reduced to 36.75 secs. These results are the average of runs...
A LTHOUGH the Bonderizing pro cess is widely used in the United States, only in this country has bulk delivery by road of...
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W HEN in the middle 1870s a syndicate in London initiated the Hull Street Tramways Co. and set out to make the city conscious...
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Use of the Tractor TWO new loading devices for fitting to tractors have been introduced. One is the Foreloda, made by the...
T HE difficulty facing the compiler of a dictionary of motor engineering lies in making accurate translations of terms used in...
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Light and Strong, the W,M.I. All-metal Body for Export is Also Extremely Adaptable F , 4 XTENS1BLE, collapsible, adaptable,...
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I N a 30-ton 12-wheeled trailer recently completed by the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Warwick, for the transport of valuable...
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F ROM time to time 1 have read with interest articles aad letters concerning the speed limit as it affects heavy goods...
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T HE body of a new Leyland Tiger coach, which has just been placed in service by Luxury Landlines, Ltd., on the 428-mile route...
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A System Evolved for the Benefit of Agricultural Hauliers and Designed to Cut Vehicle Standing Time on Overhauls and Obviate...
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P ATENT No. 628,499 comes from Hobbs Transmission, Ltd., 78, Russell Terrace, Leamington Spa, and deals with a clutch worked by...